Back to Intrusive Tinnitus After a Long Reprieve with Habituation


Dec 11, 2013
Geelong, Victoria
Tinnitus Since
Back to intrusive tinnitus after a long reprieve with habituation.

Looking for support.

Worried I'll not rehabituate again...

Lots of accumulation of stress:
  • Diagnosed with Lyme disease that has targeted my heart, lungs, and joints 3 years ago
  • Cardiac surgeon has recently suggested I need open heart surgery
  • Financial duress from not being able to work again
  • Intrusive head noise causing increased anxiety and mental exhaustion
  • Limited support at home
  • Significant anxiety and OCD
  • Caring responsibilities for my elderly aunt and associated financial concerns
  • Renovating 2 homes ready for rental to alleviate financial stress

Meltdowns the last fortnight over perceived increase.

Revisited audiologist. No further hearing loss. Perceived tinnitus lower than at the previous visit.
Feels it's stress that has dialed up my perception and worry regarding tinnitus.

Taken time off work for over a week. Tried a few times to attend, but also noticing increased sound sensitivity. Told by audiologist this is anxiety related.

So frustrated because 3 weeks ago, I would have told you that I don't hear my tinnitus very often, and when I did, it didn't bother me.

Tooth issues (broken tooth and fillings redone), increased anxiety, and wham! Increased tinnitus perception.

Just found out today my Ferritin is very low: 7 which explains the exhaustion. I'll bump up supplements. Anyone have any improvements with iron and tinnitus?

Feels like I'm back to the start.
I feel you.

I got Tinnitus 6 years ago. The first few weeks (maybe months) were a living hell. I couldn't sleep, I cried over it, I got depressed and I got several suicidal thoughts. Having Tinnitus had always been one of my greatest fears.

When I visited a doctor he told me there wasn't a cure. My hearing was excellent and rest of tests came out normal. I was devastated.

Eventually, I got used to it. I read a success story called "back to silence" and the trick that user explained really helped me.

Weeks or months could go by and I had literally forgotten about Tinnitus.

A few weeks ago, right after my last dentist appointment I had a Tinnitus spike (Weird, never happened before after a dentist appointment).

Turns out I have Tinnitus in both ears now, when previously I just had it on my left ear. I've cried again, I'm kinda depressed again and I've had suicidal thoughts again.

I just moved in with my partner, I got an excellent job offer and things are going well. I'm just very sad because I feel I cannot enjoy these things 100% because of the T.

I'm also feeling like I'm back to the beginning.

Visiting a doctor on Tuesday, again...


I know, been there - can't even what has happened over the last 9 months. For me no stress contributing.

You beaker is very full. Once your houses are done you'll have less in your mind and feel more financially stable. You have lots in your plate - do you have a partner or family other than the aunt you're supporting?

I know, been there - can't even what has happened over the last 9 months. For me no stress contributing.

You beaker is very full. Once your houses are done you'll have less in your mind and feel more financially stable. You have lots in your plate - do you have a partner or family other than the aunt you're supporting?
Thank you.

I managed to work today. Was nervous but coped. I'm forced to work even when ill because I'm not eligible for any governmental financial assistance whilst living with a high income earner (who does not support me).

I can't move forward with the houses unless I manage to function at work.

I have a partner who has no understanding of the concept empathy.

I'm very close to my cousin, who understands because she has suffered sudden hearing loss following a viral infection 10 years ago, but doesn't seem to get worked up about the loss and tinnitus like I do.

I have some good friends with tinnitus who get it. I'm thankful for them.

In many ways I am blessed.

Right now, I feel fearful.

Oh darling it's an awful roller coaster. If you can continue to work it will be beneficial as it will distract you from a multitude of problems.

All you need to do is think about today, plan what you're wearing tomorrow and get to work until you can finish your houses.

My issue with work is that I struggle to concentrate when the sound is piercing... will still look for ways though as I have dependents and disability is barely no money.
If there was no noise to cause this spike I assume it is based on stress. I would assume when your stress reduces it will also go back to normal.

Have you talked to your doctor about anti-anxiety medications? Have you tried CBT?
Not really. I've thought before that some of my Tinnitus could be cause by jaw issues since I've had a few problems with it.

I'll talk to my new dentist about it...


Even if they're not the cause, having tense muscles can reinforce the sounds. My neck muscles were quite sore and have been treated for a few months, which eliminated a bunch of sounds and brought others down from 9/10 to 2/10 in volume.

Still looking for the direct sources of my remaining sounds, but this muscle treatment did reduce my T from severe to well manageable.
Back to intrusive tinnitus after a long reprieve with habituation.

Looking for support.

Worried I'll not rehabituate again...

Lots of accumulation of stress:
  • Diagnosed with Lyme disease that has targeted my heart, lungs, and joints 3 years ago
  • Cardiac surgeon has recently suggested I need open heart surgery
  • Financial duress from not being able to work again
  • Intrusive head noise causing increased anxiety and mental exhaustion
  • Limited support at home
  • Significant anxiety and OCD
  • Caring responsibilities for my elderly aunt and associated financial concerns
  • Renovating 2 homes ready for rental to alleviate financial stress

Meltdowns the last fortnight over perceived increase.

Revisited audiologist. No further hearing loss. Perceived tinnitus lower than at the previous visit.
Feels it's stress that has dialed up my perception and worry regarding tinnitus.

Taken time off work for over a week. Tried a few times to attend, but also noticing increased sound sensitivity. Told by audiologist this is anxiety related.

So frustrated because 3 weeks ago, I would have told you that I don't hear my tinnitus very often, and when I did, it didn't bother me.

Tooth issues (broken tooth and fillings redone), increased anxiety, and wham! Increased tinnitus perception.

Just found out today my Ferritin is very low: 7 which explains the exhaustion. I'll bump up supplements. Anyone have any improvements with iron and tinnitus?

Feels like I'm back to the start.
You have got a lot going on at the moment and stress and anxiety will ramp up your tinnitus for sure.

I also believe your low iron count can be contributing to your increase in tinnitus, I have had this happen many times over the years, I usually would feel more tired, anxious, and my tinnitus would increase and sure enough my iron levels had plummeted.

My hormone levels as I got older also impacted my tinnitus. A friend of mine who has never experienced tinnitus only started getting it when her iron levels dropped because of peri menopause.

Hopefully once your iron levels come back up you start to feel better. I am sorry to hear you may need cardiac surgery other health problems can impact on our tinnitus that's a given. Good luck with it all :huganimation:
Even if they're not the cause, having tense muscles can reinforce the sounds. My neck muscles were quite sore and have been treated for a few months, which eliminated a bunch of sounds and brought others down from 9/10 to 2/10 in volume.

Still looking for the direct sources of my remaining sounds, but this muscle treatment did reduce my T from severe to well manageable.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, one thousand times thank you!

I visited the ENT and told him about my sudden tinnitus on the right ear. He checked my cheek muscles and turned out I have massive swelling and tension because of my braces treatment (I've had braces for over 4 years and it never hurted so bad as my last appointment). He gave me some medication and my right-ear tinnitus is going away slowly (My left-ear tinnitus appeared because acoustic trauma, I've accepted that a long time ago). I was also prescribed to massage my face a lot.

If it wasn't for your comment I wouldn't have tracked that.

I feel you.

I got Tinnitus 6 years ago. The first few weeks (maybe months) were a living hell. I couldn't sleep, I cried over it, I got depressed and I got several suicidal thoughts. Having Tinnitus had always been one of my greatest fears.

When I visited a doctor he told me there wasn't a cure. My hearing was excellent and rest of tests came out normal. I was devastated.

Eventually, I got used to it. I read a success story called "back to silence" and the trick that user explained really helped me.

Weeks or months could go by and I had literally forgotten about Tinnitus.

A few weeks ago, right after my last dentist appointment I had a Tinnitus spike (Weird, never happened before after a dentist appointment).

Turns out I have Tinnitus in both ears now, when previously I just had it on my left ear. I've cried again, I'm kinda depressed again and I've had suicidal thoughts again.

I just moved in with my partner, I got an excellent job offer and things are going well. I'm just very sad because I feel I cannot enjoy these things 100% because of the T.

I'm also feeling like I'm back to the beginning.

Visiting a doctor on Tuesday, again...

Sorry for the delay.

I'm back to semi caring about the noise...

Working on sleep... anxiety management... and reducing stress where I can.

Anyone (doctors) who tries to convince me that dental work can't affect tinnitus is wrong.

The moment my gum inflammation settled, my tinnitus backed off considerably (except for a few moments in a day).

How's your spike? Has it settled down?

I understand the depression. I also know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel (if I look hard enough).

I had a consult with a tinnitus mentor yesterday. He suggests listening to meditative type files so that over time, the brain starts to associate the noise with something pleasant.

I've also started doing CBT mindfulness again.

I hope you're ok.

I know, been there - can't even what has happened over the last 9 months. For me no stress contributing.

You beaker is very full. Once your houses are done you'll have less in your mind and feel more financially stable. You have lots in your plate - do you have a partner or family other than the aunt you're supporting?
Thank you Candy.

I'm slow at getting back to you, but I did read your response. It gave me some comfort.

I have a partner who isn't familiar with empathy.

I'm blessed to have a cousin though who gets it because she has experienced sensorineural hearing loss 10 years ago, and has tinnitus.

Things have improved.

Managing to work again, back to focusing on my job, even though I can hear *it*, I'm not feeling as perturbed by it.

Hopefully, that's a good sign that there's been a shift in my responses and perception (yet again).

How are you getting on?
@DebInAustralia yes, it will slowly get back to where you were.

Mine is now in a new phase after 3 years of the same tinnitus and not reacting to the sound and not noticing it for part of the day... it's now become erratic and does strange things... long story.
Oh darling it's an awful roller coaster. If you can continue to work it will be beneficial as it will distract you from a multitude of problems.

All you need to do is think about today, plan what you're wearing tomorrow and get to work until you can finish your houses.

My issue with work is that I struggle to concentrate when the sound is piercing... will still look for ways though as I have dependents and disability is barely no money.
Thank you.

You do need to just focus on one day at a time... sometimes hard to, but will try.

Yes, when my tinnitus seemed more intrusive, I had a LOT of trouble concentrating too.

The sound sensitivity seemed to worsen a fortnight ago, but has backed off a bit again. Audio seemed to pin it on *anxiety*. I'm not convinced, but who knows!

What sort of work do you do Candy?

I'm a midwife...
If there was no noise to cause this spike I assume it is based on stress. I would assume when your stress reduces it will also go back to normal.

Have you talked to your doctor about anti-anxiety medications? Have you tried CBT?

Thanks for your response

I think it was gum inflammation plus anxiety***

I'm not open to mainstream meds...

But have bumped up Magnesium and other supplements known to assist with stress.

Sleep helps... and distraction... as does mindfulness and meditation...

I'm very interested in CBT... read quite a lot about it in my 7 year journey with tinnitus and hyperacusis.

Thank you again for your help.

Appreciated xxx
Tooth issues (broken tooth and fillings redone),
This is literally how mine started.
I wish I could say it would just disappear... but you've been here before and you know how difficult it can be.
On the positive side my has lessened a bit and is less frequent, but it's still there a few days a week as a high pitched hiss.
I'm sorry to read this has happened to you and I hope you find some calm soon x @DebInAustralia
Back to intrusive tinnitus after a long reprieve with habituation.

Looking for support.

Worried I'll not rehabituate again...

Lots of accumulation of stress:
  • Diagnosed with Lyme disease that has targeted my heart, lungs, and joints 3 years ago
  • Cardiac surgeon has recently suggested I need open heart surgery
  • Financial duress from not being able to work again
  • Intrusive head noise causing increased anxiety and mental exhaustion
  • Limited support at home
  • Significant anxiety and OCD
  • Caring responsibilities for my elderly aunt and associated financial concerns
  • Renovating 2 homes ready for rental to alleviate financial stress

Meltdowns the last fortnight over perceived increase.

Revisited audiologist. No further hearing loss. Perceived tinnitus lower than at the previous visit.
Feels it's stress that has dialed up my perception and worry regarding tinnitus.

Taken time off work for over a week. Tried a few times to attend, but also noticing increased sound sensitivity. Told by audiologist this is anxiety related.

So frustrated because 3 weeks ago, I would have told you that I don't hear my tinnitus very often, and when I did, it didn't bother me.

Tooth issues (broken tooth and fillings redone), increased anxiety, and wham! Increased tinnitus perception.

Just found out today my Ferritin is very low: 7 which explains the exhaustion. I'll bump up supplements. Anyone have any improvements with iron and tinnitus?

Feels like I'm back to the start.

I'm so sorry this is all happening to you, Deb. You have far too much to deal with and need more real life support, and I think that goes without saying. I have long admired your posts and you as a person so it's really upsetting to see you under so much strain. Try not to worry about what will happen down the road and for now just focus on each day as they come, one at a time.

I think it's likely you'll habituate again but you need to take care of your other problems first. I'm not surprised at all that you are struggling with your tinnitus again with the amount of pressure you're under. That's a lot of stress to deal with.

Just know that this community is here for you 24/7 and we will always have your back. I understand how you must be feeling and your emotions are likely to be all over the place in the coming weeks, but you'll find you have a strength that you never knew existed. You're a fighter, Deb.

I sincerely wish we could do more to help other than offer words :huganimation:
Sorry for the delay.

I'm back to semi caring about the noise...

Working on sleep... anxiety management... and reducing stress where I can.

Anyone (doctors) who tries to convince me that dental work can't affect tinnitus is wrong.

The moment my gum inflammation settled, my tinnitus backed off considerably (except for a few moments in a day).

How's your spike? Has it settled down?

I understand the depression. I also know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel (if I look hard enough).

I had a consult with a tinnitus mentor yesterday. He suggests listening to meditative type files so that over time, the brain starts to associate the noise with something pleasant.

I've also started doing CBT mindfulness again.

I hope you're ok.


No worries. Thanks for your reply!

I'm also back to semi-caring about the noise.

I visited my ENT and he checked my jaw muscles, turned out they were super swollen from dental work!

I agree with you, any doctor who claims dental work doesn't affect Tinnitus, is lying.

My new doctor was great! He took his time to explain things through and check me carefully to make sure he was prescribing the correct medicine.

The pills he gave me have worked great on the swelling and my Tinnitus is slowly going away.

He was very forward by telling me it might just reduce its volume but not go away completely and I'm okay with that.

I hope things get better for all of us.



No worries. Thanks for your reply!

I'm also back to semi-caring about the noise.

I visited my ENT and he checked my jaw muscles, turned out they were super swollen from dental work!

I agree with you, any doctor who claims dental work doesn't affect Tinnitus, is lying.

My new doctor was great! He took his time to explain things through and check me carefully to make sure he was prescribing the correct medicine.

The pills he gave me have worked great on the swelling and my Tinnitus is slowly going away.

He was very forward by telling me it might just reduce its volume but not go away completely and I'm okay with that.

I hope things get better for all of us.
I still care about the noise.. again !!

What pills?
I'm so sorry this is all happening to you, Deb. You have far too much to deal with and need more real life support, and I think that goes without saying. I have long admired your posts and you as a person so it's really upsetting to see you under so much strain. Try not to worry about what will happen down the road and for now just focus on each day as they come, one at a time.

I think it's likely you'll habituate again but you need to take care of your other problems first. I'm not surprised at all that you are struggling with your tinnitus again with the amount of pressure you're under. That's a lot of stress to deal with.

Just know that this community is here for you 24/7 and we will always have your back. I understand how you must be feeling and your emotions are likely to be all over the place in the coming weeks, but you'll find you have a strength that you never knew existed. You're a fighter, Deb.

I sincerely wish we could do more to help other than offer words :huganimation:
Thanks Ed.

Apparently, hearing loss is associated with dementia. Maybe I'll habituate when I go completely bonkers.
I'm still very bothered by intrusive tinnitus, and a little despairing.

Sound sensitivity seems a lot worse. Finding myself avoiding noise. Hard when having to work with mothers with newborns.

Back bottom molar that had root canal work is still sore after a filling repair few weeks ago, and TMJ on that side (where majority of my tinnitus is) is sore.

I can't see how I'm going to learn not to care about this noise and now, pain. I've always suffered with some sensitivity, but was manageable.

A bird just chirped near me, and the sound suddenly seems piercingly loud.

If I haven't caused any further auditory damage, then why is this happening?

All the mindfulness courses I have looked into are very expensive.

I can't imagine living life like this.
I'm still very bothered by intrusive tinnitus, and a little despairing.

Sound sensitivity seems a lot worse. Finding myself avoiding noise. Hard when having to work with mothers with newborns.

Back bottom molar that had root canal work is still sore after a filling repair few weeks ago, and TMJ on that side (where majority of my tinnitus is) is sore.

I can't see how I'm going to learn not to care about this noise and now, pain. I've always suffered with some sensitivity, but was manageable.

A bird just chirped near me, and the sound suddenly seems piercingly loud.

If I haven't caused any further auditory damage, then why is this happening?

All the mindfulness courses I have looked into are very expensive.

I can't imagine living life like this.
So sorry you are suffering... lord I wish I could help you.
Your job sounds really tough... can you take some time off? I can't teach in schools anymore but can tutor in private and on line.

Sounds like hyperacusis if the bird sounds are piercing. Do forks and normal stuff around the house cause pain or seem abnormally loud?

You have got big reserves of strength... just be careful not to keep pushing like I did.
The hyperacusis can and often does go with time and noise and stress avoidance...
I just wanted to give you a shout and send you support.
Slow down if you can... and if I win the lottery big, you are on my list...
I feel your pain and pray it lessens.

Sincerely, Daniel
I'm so sorry this is all happening to you, Deb. You have far too much to deal with and need more real life support, and I think that goes without saying. I have long admired your posts and you as a person so it's really upsetting to see you under so much strain. Try not to worry about what will happen down the road and for now just focus on each day as they come, one at a time.

I think it's likely you'll habituate again but you need to take care of your other problems first. I'm not surprised at all that you are struggling with your tinnitus again with the amount of pressure you're under. That's a lot of stress to deal with.

Just know that this community is here for you 24/7 and we will always have your back. I understand how you must be feeling and your emotions are likely to be all over the place in the coming weeks, but you'll find you have a strength that you never knew existed. You're a fighter, Deb.

I sincerely wish we could do more to help other than offer words :huganimation:
I'm quite scared Ed.
I'm quite scared Ed.

Give it a lot of time, Deb. I remember when the MRI I had put me back to square one and I was all over the place. It's a dark place that we go to and it is indeed very scary, but don't focus on how you feel today or tomorrow, just keep taking small baby steps forward.

Everybody is here for you.

No worries. Thanks for your reply!

I'm also back to semi-caring about the noise.

I visited my ENT and he checked my jaw muscles, turned out they were super swollen from dental work!

I agree with you, any doctor who claims dental work doesn't affect Tinnitus, is lying.

My new doctor was great! He took his time to explain things through and check me carefully to make sure he was prescribing the correct medicine.

The pills he gave me have worked great on the swelling and my Tinnitus is slowly going away.

He was very forward by telling me it might just reduce its volume but not go away completely and I'm okay with that.

I hope things get better for all of us.


What pills did your dentist give you?

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