Its been a while since I have posted on here and thought it was time I posted my story.
29th May 2016, a date I will never forget. I was exposed to a powerful external alarm sound for maybe 10 minutes at close range 125 dB.
At the time I had no idea just what damage exposure to loud noise could do. I knew loud noise could damage hearing but I didn't know anything about decibels or how loud was too loud or how long
one could be exposed to noise before it becomes dangerous.
The next day morning I had a loud squealing, beeping, pinging noise mostly in the left ear. I assumed this would go away over time. Tried not to worry about it. One week later it was still there, 2 weeks later it was still there. One month, two months - Still there.
I went on holiday with my family mid July 2016. The plane seemed very loud. Uncomfortably loud to me yet no one else seemed bothered by the noise. (I now know this to be hyperacusis) 2 weeks on holiday I could still hear the ringing, pinging noise in my ears but still I tried to ignore it and thought it will go away, just takes time.
When I got home from holiday I started to panic. This wasn't going away. I noticed music didn't sound the same, everything sounded like it was coming from a broken speaker. I also noticed my balance had been affected, Depression set in and by November (6 months in) I was in a very dark place.
In decided to go for a hearing test at a local hearing aid centre and was told I had damaged my hearing in the 4K threshold and this was causing the tinnitus. The loss was very mild at -5db but obviously enough to cause tinnitus. I was told that after 6 months the tinnitus would be permanent and I will get used to it! (Easier said than done)
My depression was getting worse and I went to see my doctor who prescribed antidepressants which I wasn't interested in. This in my mind was physical damage and not something antidepressants were going to fix. I had never taken antidepressants anyway so I using alcohol to help take the edge off. The doctor setup an appointment with the NHS ENT which to this day has never been provided despite the doctor saying I would be an express case due to my mental state at the time.
Fast forward one year. Tinnitus still there but it was reduced. Hyperacusis had gone Music sounded better but the problems still existed. Overall I was feeling better and I had now learnt a lot about tinnitus, hyperacusis, decibels and most importantly - Hearing protection.
My favourite Band Guns n Roses were playing at Slane Castle, Ireland on the 27th May 2017, This was an outdoor concert, I now had custom musicians hearing protection and attended the concert. It was an amazing show and actually wasn't that loud as was an outside concert. I did regret attending the concert the next day as tinnitus seemed to be much louder but I also had a terrible hangover from drinking too much Brandy and Guinness at the concert.
A few days later things returned to what I now called normal. I was feeling much better and getting on with my life. Tinnitus was still there but it was much more manageable and things started to sound normal. I had accepted that this will be with me for life and as annoying as it is. Things could be worst. Much worse.
Summer 2017 - Holiday time again. I purchased Bose QC35 headphones. These have amazing noise cancelling features and I had no issues flying with these. They take the jet noise and turn it off. Awesome
November 2017 - 18 months later.
I noticed my hearing seemed to be much better. I had periods were I couldn't hear the tinnitus even if I was looking for it sometimes for days, then all of a sudden it would be back. Music sounded great again and I was in a much better place
Mentally. Obviously avoiding loud noise but if I wanted to go to see a show with
My family I would go and use my ear plugs.
It was February 2018 this year I had another hearing test - Normal.
No -5 dip at 4K, Tinnitus was gone, when I say gone I mean gone, no ringing, no pinging, no hissing. Gone.
As I write this message now, In bed. All I can hear is the rain on the window and the Mrs Snoring lol
So it is possible so noise induced (acoustic shock) to go away. I'm sure the damage is still there but in some way the inner ear can and does heal but takes a long time, Obviously I will always be careful around loud noise. It's something that will be with me forever now.
It takes time, it was a good 2 years before I could honestly say it was gone for me. Despite being told it would never go away, learn to live with it etc etc don't give up hope and if it doesn't go away you can get used to it. It's not easy and it's hard for other people to understand how bad it is if they have never experienced it.
This past weekend I was due to attend a show with my family. (Shrek the musical) I forgot my earplugs and made the decision to skip the show. Just not worth it for me.
If anyone needs a chat or some advice if I can help in any way just send a message
The help I received from the members on this forum was of great help to me when I was in a very dark place and I thank you all.
I still check in from time to time. Hearing awareness is something that needs to be improved. People just don't understand what loud noise is and how damaging it can be.
I hope this helps some people suffering. It does get better. It just takes time and lots of it.
Stay strong
29th May 2016, a date I will never forget. I was exposed to a powerful external alarm sound for maybe 10 minutes at close range 125 dB.
At the time I had no idea just what damage exposure to loud noise could do. I knew loud noise could damage hearing but I didn't know anything about decibels or how loud was too loud or how long
one could be exposed to noise before it becomes dangerous.
The next day morning I had a loud squealing, beeping, pinging noise mostly in the left ear. I assumed this would go away over time. Tried not to worry about it. One week later it was still there, 2 weeks later it was still there. One month, two months - Still there.
I went on holiday with my family mid July 2016. The plane seemed very loud. Uncomfortably loud to me yet no one else seemed bothered by the noise. (I now know this to be hyperacusis) 2 weeks on holiday I could still hear the ringing, pinging noise in my ears but still I tried to ignore it and thought it will go away, just takes time.
When I got home from holiday I started to panic. This wasn't going away. I noticed music didn't sound the same, everything sounded like it was coming from a broken speaker. I also noticed my balance had been affected, Depression set in and by November (6 months in) I was in a very dark place.
In decided to go for a hearing test at a local hearing aid centre and was told I had damaged my hearing in the 4K threshold and this was causing the tinnitus. The loss was very mild at -5db but obviously enough to cause tinnitus. I was told that after 6 months the tinnitus would be permanent and I will get used to it! (Easier said than done)
My depression was getting worse and I went to see my doctor who prescribed antidepressants which I wasn't interested in. This in my mind was physical damage and not something antidepressants were going to fix. I had never taken antidepressants anyway so I using alcohol to help take the edge off. The doctor setup an appointment with the NHS ENT which to this day has never been provided despite the doctor saying I would be an express case due to my mental state at the time.
Fast forward one year. Tinnitus still there but it was reduced. Hyperacusis had gone Music sounded better but the problems still existed. Overall I was feeling better and I had now learnt a lot about tinnitus, hyperacusis, decibels and most importantly - Hearing protection.
My favourite Band Guns n Roses were playing at Slane Castle, Ireland on the 27th May 2017, This was an outdoor concert, I now had custom musicians hearing protection and attended the concert. It was an amazing show and actually wasn't that loud as was an outside concert. I did regret attending the concert the next day as tinnitus seemed to be much louder but I also had a terrible hangover from drinking too much Brandy and Guinness at the concert.
A few days later things returned to what I now called normal. I was feeling much better and getting on with my life. Tinnitus was still there but it was much more manageable and things started to sound normal. I had accepted that this will be with me for life and as annoying as it is. Things could be worst. Much worse.
Summer 2017 - Holiday time again. I purchased Bose QC35 headphones. These have amazing noise cancelling features and I had no issues flying with these. They take the jet noise and turn it off. Awesome

November 2017 - 18 months later.
I noticed my hearing seemed to be much better. I had periods were I couldn't hear the tinnitus even if I was looking for it sometimes for days, then all of a sudden it would be back. Music sounded great again and I was in a much better place
Mentally. Obviously avoiding loud noise but if I wanted to go to see a show with
My family I would go and use my ear plugs.
It was February 2018 this year I had another hearing test - Normal.
No -5 dip at 4K, Tinnitus was gone, when I say gone I mean gone, no ringing, no pinging, no hissing. Gone.
As I write this message now, In bed. All I can hear is the rain on the window and the Mrs Snoring lol
So it is possible so noise induced (acoustic shock) to go away. I'm sure the damage is still there but in some way the inner ear can and does heal but takes a long time, Obviously I will always be careful around loud noise. It's something that will be with me forever now.
It takes time, it was a good 2 years before I could honestly say it was gone for me. Despite being told it would never go away, learn to live with it etc etc don't give up hope and if it doesn't go away you can get used to it. It's not easy and it's hard for other people to understand how bad it is if they have never experienced it.
This past weekend I was due to attend a show with my family. (Shrek the musical) I forgot my earplugs and made the decision to skip the show. Just not worth it for me.
If anyone needs a chat or some advice if I can help in any way just send a message

The help I received from the members on this forum was of great help to me when I was in a very dark place and I thank you all.
I still check in from time to time. Hearing awareness is something that needs to be improved. People just don't understand what loud noise is and how damaging it can be.
I hope this helps some people suffering. It does get better. It just takes time and lots of it.
Stay strong