It is interesting @I who love music - at 18 months my tinnitus faded with this technique and other techniques to calm and cleanse the central nervous system such as intermittent fasting to detox the gut connection with the brain, relaxation/breath etc.
For me, with this particular technique, I was sick of hearing it. So in my sentences, I didn't even refer to it, or say the "I hear tinnitus or it" bit.
When t bothered me, I just said, "I am far too busy for this ***", "I have more important things to do", "I am so done and bored, movin' on now to other stuff.", "There are far more interesting things to listen to". Of course, at the beginning, I didn't believe it, and faked it til I made it, even if I wasn't busy or had more important things to do. Just kept repeating stuff like this, without actually referring to the tinnitus itself. Seems this eventually trained my brain to get bored too of hanging onto it. Now I go long phases of time without hearing it. And even times when I try to, and it is not there.
And I am a highly anxious musician - meticulously measuring and playing with sound is what I do. At the beginning, I didn't think it was possible for someone like me to do this technique. But through faking it and repetition, it has somehow worked. I am now fully creating and working with music again.
Faking indifference, then indifference itself, was key for me.
Sometimes I imagine what the results would have been if I started this technique even earlier. But doesn't matter. Whether acute or chronic, this technique has shown that it really can work.
For me, with this particular technique, I was sick of hearing it. So in my sentences, I didn't even refer to it, or say the "I hear tinnitus or it" bit.
When t bothered me, I just said, "I am far too busy for this ***", "I have more important things to do", "I am so done and bored, movin' on now to other stuff.", "There are far more interesting things to listen to". Of course, at the beginning, I didn't believe it, and faked it til I made it, even if I wasn't busy or had more important things to do. Just kept repeating stuff like this, without actually referring to the tinnitus itself. Seems this eventually trained my brain to get bored too of hanging onto it. Now I go long phases of time without hearing it. And even times when I try to, and it is not there.
And I am a highly anxious musician - meticulously measuring and playing with sound is what I do. At the beginning, I didn't think it was possible for someone like me to do this technique. But through faking it and repetition, it has somehow worked. I am now fully creating and working with music again.
Faking indifference, then indifference itself, was key for me.
Sometimes I imagine what the results would have been if I started this technique even earlier. But doesn't matter. Whether acute or chronic, this technique has shown that it really can work.