@I who love music
Is your tinnitus actually gone, or you just don't notice it throughout the day?
I've got tinnitus. I've got it bad. Those little inner ear hair cell things were blown apart decades ago. They ain't coming back.
BUT, it was my lucky day when I discovered this site!! After I read about this, it sounded like I could make it work. I used to work with a psychologist who said I was a shoulder shrugger, hence, headaches. She said that every time I walk through a doorway I should drop my shoulders and in a couple weeks I was doing it without thinking about it. So when I read about this 'method' for tinnitus, it sounded something like her headache cure. Something clicked and I understood that it's no good to sit and wait and wish for headaches, or tinnitus, to get better. I figured some action would be required. You can tell I like talking about this. I'm free of tinnitus!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, to answer your question... I have tinnitus. But I don't hear it. If I listen "TO" it now, I hear it. But otherwise it's gone. I mean G O N E.
Yesterday I think I responded to my tinnitus 2 or 3 times. Today, none.
Some people would say that I'm wrong, and I have tinnitus.
Yes I do have tinnitus but I don't hear it. Well I did hear it 3 times yesterday not for more than a minute though. So to me, that means "gone." Because before I started doing the method I was in rough shape. Insomnia, worrying, fearful, panicky, all those bad feelings.
Another thing that helped me succeed with the method was once I read about it, I understood it's not tinnitus that bugged me. Tinnitus didn't limit my hearing, or my physical abilities, or anything. It gave me these bad FEELINGS. The feelings bugged me. I completely understood that the feelings must be addressed, not the tinnitus. Because my tinnitus is hopeless.
But let me tell you, I expected a little relief but not this TOTAL relief. And it's still getting better.
Many people find this hard to understand. Even my wife, the other day said she didn't "get it."
When we start to "link up" the feeling we have when we find tinnitus intrusive, something starts to happen.
That's all I can say, I don't know exactly how it works. And it wasn't easy at first because I still wanted to tell myself things like, "oh man, it's loud, or I hate this stuff, or will this ever get better, or It's worse than yesterday."
But I stuck with it. Every single time, still today, when I have to address my thoughts about tinnitus, I address my feeling instead. It's like trying not to look at the sun when somebody says, I bet you can't look at the sun. It ain't easy ... at first.
After a couple weeks of doing it, one day in the middle of the day I realized I hadn't done the method yet. I did NOT check to listen to or measure my tinnitus. Instead, I smiled a big smile and said, This is going to work.
Every single time I respond to a tinnitus feeling instead of a tinnitus sound, it does something in my brain apparently.
Read the posts here and count how many different ways people describe their tinnitus. They'll say, "High pitched, low pitched, hissing, screaming, constant, left, right, humming, buzzing, electric sound, thumping sound.... the adjectives are endless. I'll feel bad because maybe they haven't read about this method and I know the more you think like that, the worse it's going to get.
People have even said, Yours must not be as loud as mine, or, You've had it for decades so you're used to it. Someone said, your tinnitus isn't gone, you just got used to it. OK, whatever they want to say. I don't hear it.
Here's another way of looking at it, the tinnitus volume and the tinnitus feelings go hand in hand, right? The louder and more intrusive the tinnitus, the worse the feelings get. So it makes sense that to conquer this, you have to address the feelings.
Some people misunderstand the method. They think it's self positive talk. Nope. If you feel crappy or nervous, you say, "I hear it, I feel crappy." It's ok to sound negative because it's the truth. It's that easy. I did it over and over and it clicked.
I remember my responses yesterday. They were, "I hear it, I'm driving having fun," and "I hear it and I'm busy and happy."
Sure different from a year ago.
Anyway, I play music again without fear. I've sat in many quiet doctor offices in the last year and never "heard" my tinnitus. I go to bed and get up and don't hear it.... etc. It's great.
Even in the beginning when I averaged 40 responses a day, it only took a total of maybe 2 minutes a day.
But you have to stick with it.
I guess you have to (not) hear it to believe it.