Bad Weekend of Tinnitus — Threatening Suicide


Jul 30, 2012
Tinnitus Since
had the "worst" weekend of my life since I got this stupid Tinnitus (T). I did write in the intro about my condition as well as writing about worse things that we could have so we need to stay positive. Well, I couldn't convince myself of that, it was so bad, I was crying uncontrollably and telling my husband that I want to commit suicide or slit my wrists, that's how bad it was this weekend. Of course, my husband said "I don't care what the costs are, go to whatever doctor that will help you". I've been to a cardiologist, neurologist, ENT, Chiropractor, pain mgmt dr. (injections in neck). Well, this weekend the T spiked to a very HIGH loud pitch and my left ear is also vibrating, almost feeling like when your nerves are bad you shake really bad, but felt like in my ear.

Morning and Nighttime are my absolute worst because of the quietness. I think to myself, will I have to pop in earbuds for the rest of my life just to tune out this unfortunate symptom I developed 4 months ago. I 100% believe it's from my neck. In my intro I explained what happened. Short form of it. I fell asleep with my chin bent down to my chest and not sure for how long. When I woke up, my ears all of a sudden felt deafening/muffled feeling. Then the next night the "T" started. I know it's in my neck because when I turn my head to the left and right, it alters the sounds I hear. I am going tomorrow to a Chiropractor that isn't a "typical chiropractor" but he's a specialized on that is called "Upper Cervical" specialty. I have posted below, for those that are looking for "anyone" that might be able to help. There are only a few doctors that are trained in this. I am in Houston, TX and he's the only one that is trained in this and people drive miles to go see him. Below is what it focuses on: It's proven that "T" affects nerves, and brain communication. I hope this helps someone. It would be nice to have someone to "instant chat" with when I am in the suicidal thought going through my head. No one in my inner circle understands even though they try and say they understand. Point blank, you won't understand UNLESS YOU HAVE IT!!!
Our Houston Chiropractic Office Uses Bio Cranial to Support the NUCCA Procedure.

The Bio Cranial System addresses a primary level of dysfunction that can affect structure, biochemistry and emotional balance, by correcting distortions in the covering around the brain, spinal cord and nerves. If 80% of our nervous system resides inside the skull, any imbalances in that structure will adversely affect the function of the nervous system in either its ability for the brain to communicate with the rest of the body (think organ function, muscle strength or tissue repair) or for the brain to receive input from the rest of the body (think sensation, balance and general muscle tone).
Surrounding the brain, spinal cord and every nerve in your body is a tough protective layer of connective tissue called the Dura Mater. Inside the skull the Dura Mater is refered to as The Falx Cerebri and The tentorium Cerebelli. This Dura Mater covers the brain, attaches to the inner surface of the skull, surrounds the spinal cord, attaches to the first two to three cervical vertebrae, is loosely attached to the vertebrae by ligaments throughout the rest of the spine, attaching firmly again at the level of the sacrum. Because the tissue covering every nerve in your body is continuous with and made of the same substance as the dura, any distortion in the dura at the level of the cranium may have an impact anywhere in the body. People with cranial-level distortions may be experiencing organ or hormonal imbalances, pain, fatigue, depression, lack of coordination and many other symptoms of nervous system dysfunction.
Tension on the dura is caused by uncorrected trauma to or distortion of the cranial bones, which occurred either during the birth process (whether natural or Caesarian), trauma to the head, or during periods of excessive stress.
The Bio Cranial System releases the tension on the dura by bringing the cranial bones into optimal expansion and motion. When the dura is free of distortion, the nervous system can restore its optimal two-way communication function and your body can once again heal itself.
Let us know what happens - really hope it works for you!

Mine is screaming today - has been for 3 days now and it's a constant tone whilst before it was always changing. Drives me crazy.
How about a neck/shoulder massage? The clicky thing you describe makes me think of the protective muscle we have that "shuts" down the ear when we hear a loud noise. When we're stressed it can behave a little like a twitchy eyelid (ever had that?), but the sensation is a lot more distressing. I wonder if a little physical relief via massage might relax you a little (and I know it's next to impossible to relax). Hang in there, that weekend is done with and in the past.
Hello there. It's easier said than done, but avoid being so emotional towards your T. I realized recently it's not the noise itself that is crippling me, but my overly emotional and negative reaction to it. Take a look at my message I wrote a week ago on this website:

I have a mild type of upper spine deformity (neck part) obstructing the bloodflow that is most likely a cause of my T and joint numbness. I am not symptom-free (not yet, hopefully) but a combination of various treatments has literally saved my life.

If you do have Skype and would like to have a call, let me know. I am from Poland, but time zones shouldn't be too much of a problem. Or just send me a message here on tinnitus talk whenever you feel like it! I will reply to you for sure.

You are not alone, remember! And do not give up hope, there is a lot of research going on with this condition. We all will be fine and tinnitus free again one day!
Hi guys, I wanted to thank you all for the "positive" feedback from each and every one of you guys. That's why I joined this site, because I am already such a nervous, high anxiety person, that thinks negatively only when it pertains to myself, but yet for everyone else, I am always thinking positive. I am going to that specialty chiro. today at 3:15, I will keep you ALL posted in case in works.

I think a big part of my stress is the fact that I sold my house last week and my husband and I didn't have many people helping us and during this process I had injections in my neck (joint and occipital nerve region) so I wasn't able to lift much but I did anyway. It was a move from HELL with the buyers and their agent. I am thankful it's over with. But meantime, we moved in temporarily with my mother-in-law. So you can probably see why I have severe built up anxiety. My "T" started back in June and I went thru a bad time and started to finally come to terms with it, but when I moved into my mother-in-law's house and her alarm went off, that's when the T spike to the point that this past suicidal weekend I had, I was having feelings I've never had before. Besides the ears having a ring, when it reached it's peaked in loudness, for some reason my some automatically got nauseous and the side of the ear that was high pitched, I can literally feel my ears and the side of the face vibrate. I've never felt that before.

I forgot my Skype address because I haven't used it since I finished grad school, but I will post it here because it would be nice to have someone that relates to me, to be able to talk to me and calm me down. I don't know if I can go another weekend like I had. I was out of my Xanax and I just got it filled yesterday. All I can say is that XANAX IS MY LIFELINE AND LIFESAVER.

I will try to remember to post my Skype address. Please say a prayer and keep your fingers crossed for me today. My appt. with the Upper Cervical Specialty Chiro. is at 3:15 Houston, TX time.

Thanks everyone for your tremendous support, I truly appreciate it.:)

I came home from work around Feb 14 2012. Sat down and went to sleep with my chin resting on the right side of my chest. Woke up just a little bit later and the loudest hissing sound and sounds like alarms going off. Thought it was my blood pressure and went on to bed and woke up it was all gone. About a week later I done the exact same thing and all the noise came back. It has never gone away. Been to ENT, got hearing aids, pills everything I could do to stop this terrible noise. I really thought that my life was over. I wanted to end it all and get it over with. Thought about it every day. I did not accepted this and never would.

What happen to me after about 5 months, I started doing things I used to do and started feeling better about myself. I am far from saying it does not bother me. But just a little bit of edge came off and I started felling like myself somewhat. I was just so close to saying I am done its all over with.

But I did not. This forum has been a big help. Jim helped me through a lot the first couple of months.

I am better today because I am dealing with it. Everybody says hang in there and it will get better and I thought that everyone was just saying that and it would never get better. Well negative me was wrong. I think stress and diet play a big part in Tinnitus.

I have gotten better. I still have my bad days and my good days. It will get better just like everybody said it would. I don't know how I hung in there but I did. You do the same and it will get better.

Wow... I feel so bad for you.

Can you get some anti-anxiety medication to help you temporarily? Ativan works for me! ;) I only take it for very high stress times though.
Hey guys, I wanted to let you all know how my appt went with that specialty chiropractor. He was amazing. His name is Dr. Jason Minogue and he is basically only 1 chiro. that is certified in NCUU (Upper Cervical Corrective Health Care). When I first walked into his office, he brought me into this room and went over the paperwork I had to fill out ahead of time. This paperwork was intense as it asked every question about my health. He asked about my anxiety, how long I had it, what are triggers, etc. I almost felt as though I was in a Psychiatric therapy session. He was really thorough with his questions.

Next he brought me into this other room which was obviously a room he does his X-rays and other things. I first layed on this table and he saw that my left leg was longer than the right. Then I stood on this scale that measured the left side and the right side of the body. I had to stand straight and he had this ruler type thing that went on your hips. When I looked down, my left side of my body is carrying 20 lbs more weight than my right side. When I stepped off and looked at the ruler measurements, my right hip is turned backwards. His numbered ruler goes to 6 and I was at a 4. I was stunned. I asked him how come I don't notice that my body is sort of contorted when I walk. He said people don't usually notice these types of things.

Then he did multiple X-rays of my head/neck area. He had me close my eyes and turn my head to the left, to the right and then he guided my head to sort of turn in (like I was bringing my chin towards myself (if that makes sense), then he took multiple x-rays. I had to do several different x-rays where I had to position my head differently.

Then he brought me into another room where I had to put my left had on this pad that measured electrical waves for about 5 minutes. After that was done, I had to get into a hospital gown and sit in this chair. He had this thingy (can't describe what it was) but he touches the spine from right under the base of the skull all the way down to the spine near your rear end. He said it measures electrical stimulation.

I was so distraught and crying telling them about my suicidal contemplation weekend that his assistant/nurse actually started to cry. She said everything will be alright. Dr. Minogue explained to me that the upper spine goes up further than what we can see at the base of the skull. It actually goes inside the skull near the brain stem. If it's off a fraction of an inch, haywire can happen. Misalignment interference at the top of the neck can disrupt or distort the normal flow of brain health and healing messages to the body, which can lead to acute and chronic health problems.

Guys, you have to go to his site, it's Houston Spinal Care, PC, There are only a handful of chiropractors that are trained in this type of chiropractics.

I have to go back on Tuesday, October 30 and he will have my workup complete and ready to start treatment. People in my Houston area travel FAR from all around to go see him. Maybe there is someone trained in the areas of people that read my story.

I know this is very long to read, but it might be something that none of you might have heard of and can help. He said there are nerves that run along the ears that can and will cause Tinnitus. I know for a fact my T is because of a neck issue. Never had this in my life until I fell asleep with my chin to my chest. From that day forward, I had this miserable T.

I will keep an ongoing story to hopefully have something good to relay to all of you guys.


In case anyone needs to talk, like I needed someone last weekend. It was the worst of my life. I was actually contemplating suicide, I couldn't take anymore. My husband helped me tremendously, but he still doesn't understand what I am going thru. My Skype address is jujustigler. If someone ever needs to talk, just post here.

When you look on Dr. Minogue's site, it state that the nervous system controls everything. Tinnitus has everything to do with nerves and brain communication.
I wanted to upload the brochure Dr. Minogue gave me before I left his office yesterday. Sorry it doesn't appear as clear as the original one I have, but you can at least read it.


  • NCUU Chiropractic.pdf
    357.9 KB · Views: 99
Great to hear you found a good chiropractor. Your t definitely sounds mechanical, if that's the right term, rather than occurring from loud noise or hearing loss. I don't like the s word but I was there too and you WILL make it through this! Remember this, in the age we live in, knowledge doubles every few years. I think we are on the cusp of solving the puzzles of the brain. Functional MRI and brain mapping will pinpoint the source of tinnitus for all of us and quiet it down at the very least so we can all live without. If you don't believe me find TRI tinnitus research institute and listen to the great minds that are dedicated to licking this thing. American tinnitus association website will also make a believer of you. Help is on the way girlfriend!
Thank you Don, by the way, my hubby's name is Don. After going through a few treatments with this new Chiro., I started to get Migraines and I am not one to get headaches or migraines at that. He said it's like a waterhose, when you unkink it, water flows freely through it. When you unpinch a nerve that has been pinched for many years, then you will have pain receptors flowing through like never before. It's a sign that your body is starting to heal itself. My last appt. I went to was Tues. Nov. 6 and I am glad to say that as I am typing this, I am not having headaches. I am putting everything into this guy/Dr.

If you have T, you want to rule out everything and boy I did that. I went to every dr. under the sun and landed at Dr. Minogue's office. My T right now is the lowest it's been since I got this crap in June of this year (2012). I do notice that when I am very tired and stress it appears really loud.

I don't know if any of you have this, but Dr. Minogue's treatment is (I mentioned it in the post above), but I got my results back from the test where he runs this thing that detects nerve/muscle spasms one you spine from right under your skull down to the last part of your spine. The results were amazing and confirmed what I've been complaining of. My left neck and lower right back where the sciatica is, those areas were black, which means off the charts in pain. the other parts of my back were in the colors red, which is the next back thing. Now I feel like I am not going crazy and my pain in real and there.

I will log in and try to post my therapy so that someone else can look for a specialist like him for treatment. This was bascially the last Dr. I've been to for this stupid tinnitus.
I realized I went off topic on the paragraph that starts with "I don't know if an of you have this..... what I wanted to say is that sometimes when my T is really loud, it actually feels like my ear is VIBRATING. I figured that since he said my left side is in severe spasms, then the area that passes right behind my ear must be picking up those vibrations from the spasms and causing the brain to communicate that which makes me hear and feel the vibrations. Sorry for going off topic.

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