Going back to the BAROMETRIC PRESSURE topic..
In the fall of last year I started noting some weather correlation with High/Low T days.
It was never really consistent though. I then added a barometric pressure app to my phone and referred to it daily to see if any trends in pressure matched trends in T.
At first it almost looked like there was a pattern - bad T on low BP days, lesser T on high BP days. Then there some days that it didn't match up.
I was also experiencing extreme T on certain days in my left ear on certain days. After a couple of weeks I was able to pin this occurrence exclusively to days that BP took a serious nosedive. If the BP stayed consistently low for a while, it would level out a bit.
With that in mind I started looking for a patterns of spikes in BP and viola, that was the key common denominator.
On the first day of a suddenly high BP, T would be bad. If it stayed consistently high for a while it would match the best, low T days. Days that BP stays consistently low are not a good as consistently high BP days but never as bad as spikey (high to low to high etc) BP days.
I established this in December and it has been dead on accurate for me since then (now late April).
Furthermore, my "funky vertigo" days are also dead-on accurately predictable with fast spikes in BP. I've only had two headaches in this period but both matched the same "spike associated" predictability.
I'm not sure what any of this means but I figured I would share...
The 1020.00 mark is pretty much home base for good T days (so long as it stays in range for a half day or so.
Graphic shows 30 days. All periods shown above 1020.00 were very good days. The last week has not been great..