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Beating Temporary Tinnitus


Jun 2, 2018
Tinnitus Since
May 18, 2018
Cause of Tinnitus
Middle Ear Infection
I wanted to write this in success stories because you have to see the mini-success stories as well!

Here is where I am at, after succumbing to after contracting a virus from my youngest boy, which then filled my sinus/ear passages with fluid, leaving me with a left middle ear infection, causing TT going now at 2 weeks. I will not call it T, because I do not believe it to be permanent in most cases after all the stories I've read and all the research done in the last two weeks. You're thoughts and attitude on TT matter. If you call it T, you have taken one small step to possibly considering it permanent. I will not go there with you in my case, and with many other cases. For those who have T, I can now empathize and understand how someone may gradually get T or even start out with T, and if that ever happens, I have read what you've done, and would follow your surviving foot steps. But I don't have T. I have TT. Beating TT, like with most injuries, is a mental game that you will win.

1ST: AWARENESS. Great job, you know what is going on. You're here. Mini-Success. Check.

If you've reached this first stage you have looked at an image of the ear probably for your first time and understand now how the ear works. You now appreciate the ear more than ever before. You can now empathize with others if you come across them in the future. After recovering, you will take care of ears and appreciate them more, along with the rest of your body. You are now aware that 1 in 5 people get TT. Thats a lot of people. It is a common injury usually stemming from some random infection that you may have even had before with no problem, or a loud noise-induced situation which may have been a one time or on-going deal that you were not aware of. In either case, don't sit and dwell on what happened. You didn't have the knowledge then. Beating yourself for not knowing something is actually hurting you're ability to heal. You need all the positive energy you can muster. You have the knowledge now. And if you are a repeat TT, you're kicking yourself again, but still optimistic that it went away the first time, and will do the same again. If you've made it here, you may already be on anxiety medication to cope or have literally broke down crying wondering wtf is going on. If so, this may have been your first anxiety-related injury. Congratulations on being human capable of injury and even death. If you are breaking down now, call your primary doctor or ENT immidiatley, to atleast get anxiety-related prescription to help sleep. I am on clonozopram. This is something I took when I had tension head-aches years ago,so my doctor okayed it. It works for me and I don't get addicted to it. It's only 0.5 mg and I only take it before bed to help the stress and anxiety while I wait for the ear to mend itself. You're doctor may prescribe you something else, and if it worsens your situation, you need to go back and get on something that will actually help. You need to cope first so you can help yourself. Some of us worry more than others, so you may not need the medication to cope with the anxiety, not to say those that do are weaker somehow. Be smart, not brave. Now call a friend or family member who will help you make this call you don't want to make. More on the TT success...

2nd: ACTION. What have you done? What will you do next? (Both noise and infection induced)

I met a primary physician and told him I'm pretty sure this cold has given me an ear infection. He said, yes, the left ear looks red. This was about 3 days into the cold/virus. I don't mess around at 36 now with 3 boys. I get straight to it. I knew this ear infection was different from the start however. I've had outer ear infections, and this was likely my first middle ear infection. This time, my head had never felt so full, my ear was ringing EVEN BEFORE I was given amoxicillin, for those upset that it may have been their anti-biotics giving them TT. I'm very in tune with my body, and the ringing was pissing me off more than the sickness. My boys get me sick more than I have liked. My hearing felt muffled, I could'nt blow my nose well. Now, the doctor told me that the amoxicillin may not do anything because it may be a virus and not bacteria related. He was right. He said, if its a virus, it needs to work its way out and it did. He also prescribed me 800mg of IB profein tablets to reduce inflammation, of which everyone should know, is a major root cause to being and staying ill. I think this helped me heal, along with hot showers, and the netty pot (look it up). This is the best sinus cleansing utensil out there. It took about a week for the virus to run its course, leaving me with just the ringing. So I went through all the antibiotics. No change. Still ringing, but just in the left ear now. It seemed like both at the start. So, I went back in to the physician quickly and asked what else could be done. He said my ear still seemed a little red and gave me prednisone. This was a 5 day taken oral steroid to help reduce inflammation further. It worked about two days in. No more inflammation, infection seemed gone, could blow air through my ear and nose passages, but still ringing in left ear. I was like, wtf. I'm all healed, why is my ear still ringing? This is when I hopped on-line and read about T and TT, about a week and a half into this ordeal.

I quickly set an appointment with an ENT (Ear, nose, throat doctor). These guys had already worked successful sinus surgery on me about a year ago to clear out my nasal passage better. It was a common surgery to help stop sinus infections. Now, they first scheduled me two weeks out, but I called back the next day to see about any cancellations, and sure enough, there was one. You have to want to heal! The first thing they did was give me a hearing/auditory test. This is what you need to do, if you have not had one yet. It will determine whether or not the damage done to your ear has created or is temporarily creating hearing loss. OR, maybe you had hearing loss all this time and didn't know it. See, if its hearing loss, that is something that can create long term T. But if you're hearing was 100% or close to, like mine, then you know it didn't damage your hearing. SUCCESS! Hearing not damaged! So my anxiety dropped a little bit, knowing that my ear drums were still working well, but something else took a hit within the ear, that was probably still healing. People talk about the brain and wiring, but my ENT said the ear is still healing somehow, so I'm going with that. Now, if my hearing chart was not great, I would have made a further appointment to re-check that in case my drums or canals were still on the mend. Be persistent in your healing. Remember, with an infection, you're middle ear and all the hearing components were flooded. Think of a basement getting flooded. Its a mess once the water recedes. It takes you, or a catastrophe crew, to rectify the situation. Our ears are no different, expect they are self-sufficient in cleaning up. But, we can expedite the healing, more to follow. For noise-induced TT folks, a tornado struck the house and it needs time to re-build. I think whether your noise-induced or had an infection, we are on the same boat here.

The doctor went over my chart, and TT. He said that sees one to two people a week for TT. He called it temporary tinnitus, although he mention all the fun facts; One, the healing process is shorter or longer for everyone. Two, they don't know what actually causes it. He told me that I was likely correct, in that, the infection had hurt the inner ear and it was still healing AND that ears take a while to heal. What doesn't though?? He said, its ONLY BEEN THREE WEEKS, come back in another three weeks if its still ringing and we will do an MRI just to make sure its not something else. I reminded him that it has only been two weeks and he said, great job getting here so fast. So don't feel bad, if it took you two to four weeks finally see an ENT. That seems like the norm. So, this doctor, with all his experience, assumed ATLEAST 6 weeks for it to heal or for the TT to stop. ATLEAST 6 weeks. So if you've healed in 6 weeks or less, congratulations on being a freaky heal or having had less damage done. I asked him if people come back with success stories. He said all the time. They come back to tell him the ringing has stopped, but are paranoid and want another check up. OR, they don't come back, assuming it worked itself out. He said, look, it's said to be about a 90% chance of it healing given time, and TT pretty much heals on its own. He mentioned ways to ignore the sound which I will get to. He even said, "you're going to be okay." I thought, you shouldn't say that, BUT I was happy he did. How does positive re-enforcement hurt? Even if it doesn't heal, the doctor sent me some positive energy that I was desperate for. Doctors, take note. I did ask more questions, like draining tubes and taking Aspirin. He said stay away from blood thinners as you need the blood to go to the area of healing. He said, draining tubes can do more damage, and they have to actually slit the ear drum for this. Plus, I had no fluid in my ear. How did he know this? He did some kind of a blow test on both of my ears. He also had a deeper probing ear tool. This was all after the hearing test, the same day.

SO SUCCESS! Hearing is good, and I now have a time-line! Why do success stories have to be about what happens in the end! I have two success stories so far! One, I'm aware of what is going on. Two, I have a potential time-line for my next course of action. You need to go get your mini-success stories which will add up to total success!


I now prepare to weather the wait. I don't know how long it will be, but here is what else I have done to help me through this annoying and almost debilitating state at times.

1. FANS. I have white noise in my bedroom and in the house. Find noises in each room to buffer the TT. Get a set of ear plugs in case you are placed in a loud environment. I have a pair in my pocket each day now. What pisses me off, is when I have my window down to hear the air, and someone revs their engine loud. So be careful, and be ready to take your hand to cover your ear. The ears are healing and sensitive right now.

2. STAY BUSY. Get outside and hear the birds as you do yardwork, neighbors, dogs, drivers going bay overtaking the TT. Take drives and role the window down a little or keep the air blasting in the car. Find projects to do, like writing a really long positive success message on TT. Tell everyone your mini-successes! , even if its been 16 months. What has helped you survive and weather the storm or even beat the storm. Technology is amazing today, even though we are not God smart enough to figure TT or T. There are many things that can help reduce and fix. Get on-line! Do you want to still heal!

3. OVER THE COUNTER. I take Flavonoid plus as of three days ago. It may be crap, but its a vitamin and mineral supplement that naturally helps blood flow to the healing area, or the ear. It contains Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Niacin, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin B-12, Pantothenic acid, Calcium, Lemon Bioflavnoid complex (who knows). Look it up on-line or go to your nearest Wal-greens, as it is over the counter. I don't know that this is actually helping me heal, but I also take a daily multi-vitamin. Whatever can expedite the healing or potentially give my body what it may be lacking. In my opinion, do not take the Flavonoid night-time. It contains only the extra additive of 5mg of Melotonin to assist in sleep. I added 5mg of Melotonin from the vitamin isle to my sleep and it didn't really change much. In fact, it made me feel more tired depressed. I read on this, and the side effects are just that. I also read that doctors do not recommend additional Melotonin.

I'll likely be picking up some Ginkgo Biloba today, after doing a little more research.

I may also pick up L. Plantarum which is an anti-inflamation pro-biotic. I sometimes take IB Profein at night 200 mg. This is sometimes due to tension headaches from the day, but you don't want to pound IB profein.

I've read that added Zinc 20-30 mg's helps some people with long-term T, but since mine was caused by one-time episode, I'm staying away from that right now. Zinc also happens to be in my multi-vitamin 15mg.

I'm really open to more suggestions here, for those who have researched or experimented, whether it be prescribed or over-the-counter. I'll also be visiting the treatment link I saw on tinnitus talk, here.

SO MORE SUCCESS! I am expediting my healing.


A. A woman goes on a vacation for the first time in a long time. She gets her leg ripped off by a shark. Life changes. She learned to deal not just with the psychical injury, but with the mental anguish of the odds of this happening, sort of like how we feel with TT, BUT on a much larger scale I feel. There is hope for our healing. Her leg will not re-grow, but she did find a damn good prosthetic and is living life fully.

B. A man, whom I know personally, is involved in a military helicopter crash because a $25 part of the helicopter failed. He is now paralyzed from the waist down, but not only does he deal with it daily, he has been an inspiration to me and those around him. He has an anniversary of the crash to embrace and accept. He owns it, and not to take away from his daily output of pushing through.

C. Another person I knew, a maintenance man, decides to rides his motorcycle crazy on the highway. He had plans for schooling. Smart guy actually. Paralyzed from the neck down. I never heard what became of him.

D. A person is born without the ability to hear or see or smell. Or without limbs. Or with cancer. Or has contracted cancer, which is life-threating. All these people would trade you for your TT.

Need I go on? Be grateful, and continue your search to heal. Remember what people are capable of. Beat it in this life, and the next life may have much more fruit to offer. Who knows these things.

*6 years of age. Mom ripped from me at a young age. She lives in another continent. My Dad in the U.S. Long story, but I had to come to the slow realization that my birth mother would not be in my life on a continual basis. But, we still talk to this day and have a good relationship! We visit each other soon, like we've always done. Every-time I see her is a blessing, because some kids don't even have birth parents. They are orphans or have been fostered. How do you perceive things?

*3rd Grade: Broken arm. Cast for 6 weeks. Once cut off, my arm looked half the size of my right. It healed. I have two great arms. I actually loved the attention I got from this. All my class signed my cast.

*4th&5th Grade: Multiple ear infections. All healed. I may have even had ringing, but I was a kid. We don't care about these 'minor things' as long as we can get outside and play.

*Highschool Senior: Stress fracture in my lower lumber due to additional weights plus active soccer. I played the entire varsity soccer with a stress fracture not telling anyone, finally telling my step-mom after the season. She brought me to the doctor right away. I was put in a back brace for a year, which I had to wear all the time expect for when showering. I was 18. Too young to be in a back brace. I was medically disqualified from the Army Reserve and lost my soccer scholarship opportunities. The doctor said I may not be able to do much the rest of my life. I had to stay close to home and because of my back could only work at the top of a slide at 18 years of age. A year later, my back got stronger, I built up my back swimming and proved myself as a Lifeguard. I then became Head-Lifeguard. I then became the Aquatic Supervisor for the City. I then became a Pool Inspector for the County. I then became a GM for a private pool service company. I was fired in 2008, and then built my own pool service company from scratch with a good strong back. I sold my business. I built another business and sold that, with a strong mind and a strong back. I also played recreational soccer on the side. Screw that doctor, although I thank him for finding my fracture.

*2015: Cross-fit injury. No more cross-fit for me thanks. Took a year and half to heal. Also the back, but muscular this time. Hip flexor. Started Yoga. Love Yoga. Kicking ass at Yoga. Body is healing physical therapy and much faster. When I do Hot Yoga in class, I do not hear my TT, because I am focused on keeping up with the class. I'm feeling better and losing more weight doing yoga, then when I did cross-fit.

*In my twenties I had severe back acne. Wouldn't take my shirt off at a pool for a couple years. Took two years to fix and some rough medication. Back all clear.

*Before I got married, I broke down completely, fear of commitment. Ended up in the hospital at 120 lbs. Was saved by steroids, and finally made a decision to marry. Both my parents married and divorced twice with all kinds of half and step sibling situations going on. I had baggage here, but broke those bonds with a a final decision to commit. I'm still married for 13 years. Went through counseling, anger management, and my 3 boys love their life because of my decision to beat the odds.

*After my second son and during the build of my first business I gained 50 lbs. and started developing really bad headaches. I went through two weeks of non-stop headache and wondered if I'd ever be the same or if I had a tumor or something. I finally found a doctor who prescribed my anti-anxiety medication, which allowed the "tension headaches" to go away. Tension headaches, I couldn't believe it. I started working out and lost those 50lbs. This was before I got into cross-fit. I simply ran and went to the gym but I made my motivation at 32 years of age to attend the Men's Open Tryout for Sporting KC soccer team. I lost the 30 lbs. and made the tryouts. I was the oldest there and played viciously against the younger men. My headaches, non-existent. Company off the ground. Didn't need the medication anymore, but was so grateful for it. I made a decision to GET BETTER and beat my ailment.

Those are just some highlights and I do not compare to many more people in this world who would have my life as a dream. I finished college while married, have three healthy boys, two new puppies, and a new home to move into. After the second sale of my business I'm training to become a Business Broker. My wife is also initiating a clothing line, of which she has my full support.

On the other end of the paradox are kids and parents that are running from people with guns bombs in other countries. Kids and women have been kidnapped and traded as sex objects. They want to die right now. This list goes on and on...where is God? None of know why we are or what this is all about. None of us. I believe in having been helped. By who, I don't know. By what, I don't know. But the people in front of us are very real and they do help us either through and by their own means or by inspiration they received from something or somewhere else.

Thank you Tinnitus talk, for allowing this platform to help us learn and relieve TT and T. I will post back here in four weeks time to let people know where I'm at. I hope you will also share your mini-successes with TT and T and update us on your time-line of HEALING.

Be Grateful. Stay Busy. Help other people and help will find you.

This is an amazing post. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it in its entirety. Thank-you for sharing your story with all of us here at TT.:huganimation:

I look forward to your update.

I have decided not to continue to take Melotonin, even in lower dose. Clonozepam is where Im at to help sleep 0.5-1.0 mg. Im also not going to take Betaserc (Betahisthine), or additional Zinc. These seem to be treatment of meiners disease, cerebral and/or vertigo issues Im not having. Zinc seems to assist those with low zinc also something I don't have, plus my morning multi has 15mg anyhow.
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@Adzy Great post. Im new and feeling panic and depression. I read every word and appreciate what you are saying. I have overcome a lot in my life but this T has me down. Way down and scared. I will dig deeper and try to focus on my good fortune. My kids, roof over my head... and try to have some hope. Its either temporary or not but i will try to be more optimistic. T or TT is really freaking me out. So thanks for the "coach talk" and for taking the time to write it. Dont forget to keep us posted, no matter your outcome!
@Julryan. Absolutley. It's another life changing trial and depressing. Its not the TT. Its the 'when will it be gone'. Let it go, accept, and it will also go.

I weed-eated and mowed today with ear plugs in. Kids had a water baloon fight. Soccer pass with my little one. Good talks with people. I can hear it now as I write to you, and it bothers the hell out of me, but it's okay! All things come to pass. Go to the treatment forums here and the success forums as well. Take notes and research if you havnt done it in a while. I replied to this post with some decisions of what not to take, so check that also.

Right now I'm taking a regular multi-vitamin, Flavonoid Plus (non-nighttime), clonazepam 0.5 (prescribed) at night to help sleep with the fan on. Im going to start drinking apple cider vinegar tomorrow (with mother in it). Ill take an ib profein once a day 200 mg. Also, an allergy pill (zertec or loratidine) can help if you wake up early and dont want to wake up. Allergy pills put me right back to sleep soemtimes.

Sleep is harder I know, finding just the right position. The pillow echoes the damn noise. Turn the fan on louder or get a louder white noise. Think about stuff you have to get done tomorrow and you'll fall asleep. Pray and talk out loud the healing that's happening. That we are actually able to heal. Say, 'thank you' and stay open to inspiration as to what comes your way either by people or by time.

Talk to your kids and whoever about your condition that is healing. Do not allow yourself to be alone in it. Make it a team effort. I had to remind my wife to not start the Shop vac with out my earplugs in as she blew up the water pool. I had to remind my kids not to yell around me cause of my sensitive ears RIGHT NOW.

Tonight, get absorbed in a movie or book. Start a routine each day that helps you not focus on the nuisance. I started yoga in the evenings. They as me about my TT. I tell them its still healing. I also talk about their life. I go to the YMCA steam room and hot tub area to talk to people. I take more hot showers as they relax me and all i hear is water. I dry and clean my ears that are mending. Mornings I read a grateful message from my phone notepad. Has always worked for me. It's so easy to think about what is wrong and what we don't have, losing sight of all we do have.

I know exactly how you feel though, because others have had it for so long, maybe you've had it longer than me. But do not despair. Keep trying to fix, mend and declare. Its the hope and thought of it being gone that keeps us going. Think about what youll say on the success story board when its your turn. I read one guy had it for 16 months. That seems like a long time, but imagine being in a prison cell for that long? Which one has it worse?

Also, get the mentos chewing gum for your car, whitening ofcourse :D. I chomp on that to keep my chaw slightly busy, while having the air blast and windows slightly done. It is great that we can still hear. It's all going to be okay! You are not alone. 1 in 5. Arnt we so lucky!! I guess it has to happen to each of us at some point. Might as well get it out the way.
@Adzy Yes, yes, and yes. Thank you! Im only 2 weeks in, so really new. Yes, prison would be waaay worse! Many people in the world are suffering, way way worse. Great perspective! Thank you! Much appreciated.

This is a short video of an ENT speaking about Tinnitus as temporary and Tinnitus as permanent. He clearly explains that if someone has hearing loss, they may be in a more permanent state of tinnitus. So how important is it to get a hearing test? Very. If your hearing test is good, then it is highly likely that your case is NOT permanent, but temporary. You're sudden exposure to loud noise or infection causing you're tinnitus could have damaged your hearing temporarily as well, however. So if you have a test that's not so good, after sudden on-set of Tinnitus, make sure to take another test in a few weeks or so to confirm that you actually had some hearing loss. And then another test a few months after and so on. If not hearing loss, chances are much greater for recovery in that your hearing isn't actually damaged. Something, maybe Eustachian tubes, or within the middle ear is healing or re-growing. I'm still learning here, but I think the hearing test is crucial so that you can find relief that your tinnitus is likely temporary. I know I've experienced tinnitus before, after a loud bang or pop, but it was only for a few hours or so. I'm 2 weeks in, which to me, says that the infection was more intense, and more time to heal or re-grow or adjust is required. However, my hearing is solid so I'm really optimistic. I'm looking into Eustachian tubes more so now. I just did a proper nasal saline cleaning of the Eustachian tubes and I swear my ringing has lowered 50%. Even though I can blow air through them by plugging my nose, they may still be irritated and air unbalanced. It could be something else entirely within the ear/sound connection that exists. I'll try find the link that shows how to properly do this. You're supposed to tilt your head so your face faces the floor and then spray at an angle and so forth. But it seemed to have worked a little bit for real! Low ring and not high pitch ring. I also took some apple cider vinegar, flavonoid plus, and 200 mg of ib profein. Just want to stay honest here. But Progress!

Eustachian tubes can be our tinnitus issue. This is a good video on how to nasal spray those. I plan to do this atleast once a day. I also plan to keep hitting the steam room once a week, hot showers, yoga. Keep things flowing and moving. The doctors can't reach this area, so its about loosening things up to unclog or cease inflammation or remaining fluid, however possible. Again, I'm on 2 weeks with 100% hearing test, so still very optimistic.
I love your attitude towards TT. And i think you are absolutely right, I do believe that the way we handle things mentally is a very important factor to healing.
The ear, like other parts of our body, takes time to heal and healing time varies from person to person.
I really hope you make it through this and thank you so much for being so positive and giving many of us newfound hope :)
@Farah and other beginners just weeks in, stay positive and find the hopeful. There are others on here with different cases and may be a bit more glum. AND I DON'T BLAME THEM, but atleast they are still helping, caring, and continuing the effort. I commend them highly. As for us beginners with Temporary Tinnitus on TT, we have massive hope right out of the gate. Positivity, laughing, finding expediting solutions creates a faster healing. I didn't think I would be able to take a hearing test with an ENT with the ringing in my left ear. But I did and I passed. My hearing is good, so I'm not having hearing loss! I highly recommend you get a hearing test done asap to see if you hearing is well. Let us know any results and also keep us posted. We're here with ya. It sucks. Be grateful and stay busy. I will post anything new here that I think I've found to be helpful. Whether fluid/infection induced or noise induced, the inner ear areas is mending.
Not to be pessimistic here but I can assure you that mindset has absolutely zero to do with Tinnitus staying or going.

As to the audiogram, my hearing checked out perfectly fine as well but yet 9 months later I still have Tinnitus.

I get that you guys just got Tinnitus and that it is a very scary thought to consider it might be here to stay but eventually if it won't leave you will habituate and will be able to live a mostly normal life.

Of course I am still keeping out hope mine will go as well or that there will be a cure but realistically chances are very slim.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with trying every available supplement or method to try and diminish the Tinnitus but also do realize you havent even had Tinnitus for 3 months. Things will improve either way.
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@Chris Holland
Hey Chris,

So I read your comment here and I read your intro from 9 months ago. Stress huh. I had extreme stress in 2010 and developed chronic headaches for a solid two weeks to a month. Round the clock. I would take temporary tinnitus anyday. I finally got on clonozepam to function, then got back into working out and the headaches went away shortly after. I know Tinnitus is a different symptom but was curious, what, if any stress medication you've been on? If so, have any reduced your symptom at all? Also, you mentioned your mother having tinnitis. Have you done any research on it being genetic? Any other family members? What else have you done? I'm sincerely curious if and when you have time. If not, I get it. My empathies either way brother.
So I read your comment here and I read your intro from 9 months ago. Stress huh. I had extreme stress in 2010 and developed chronic headaches for a solid two weeks to a month. Round the clock. I would take temporary tinnitus anyday. I finally got on clonozepam to function, then got back into working out and the headaches went away shortly after. I know Tinnitus is a different symptom but was curious, what, if any stress medication you've been on? If so, have any reduced your symptom at all? Also, you mentioned your mother having tinnitis. Have you done any research on it being genetic? Any other family members? What else have you done? I'm sincerely curious if and when you have time. If not, I get it. My empathies either way brother.

I thought it was stress but to be honest I'm not so sure anymore. I was on some similar meds as Clonozepam but quit using any meds altogether. You keep saying ''Temporary Tinnitus'' like this is a thing but it is not, some Tinnitus goes, some stays, there is no telling however if it is temporary or permanent other than it staying or leaving on it's own accord. Tinnitus is not genetic (for as to the current medical understanding), more than likely Tinnitus has to do with some disturbance in the hearing apparatus, this can also be hidden hearing loss aka not visible on standard hearing tests (which date from the 70's). I worked with a headset in most of my sales jobs and have occasionally gone to clubs, I smoked and I drank and I had plenty of stress. I believe all these factors combined have been the culprit together with an inner ear infection about a year and a half ago. My Tinnitus is mild - moderate in volume and I am starting to scratch the surface of habituation by now. If I can give you one advice, try to wean off the meds when you get to the point you'd feel comfortable in doing so. Also for sleep Melatonin is a good natural substitute. Feel free to ask me anything you like, we're all here to support each other!

All I'm saying is temporary or not temporary, you'll be allright!
I thought it was stress but to be honest I'm not so sure anymore. I was on some similar meds as Clonozepam but quit using any meds altogether. You keep saying ''Temporary Tinnitus'' like this is a thing but it is not, some Tinnitus goes, some stays, there is no telling however if it is temporary or permanent other than it staying or leaving on it's own accord. Tinnitus is not genetic (for as to the current medical understanding), more than likely Tinnitus has to do with some disturbance in the hearing apparatus, this can also be hidden hearing loss aka not visible on standard hearing tests (which date from the 70's). I worked with a headset in most of my sales jobs and have occasionally gone to clubs, I smoked and I drank and I had plenty of stress. I believe all these factors combined have been the culprit together with an inner ear infection about a year and a half ago. My Tinnitus is mild - moderate in volume and I am starting to scratch the surface of habituation by now. If I can give you one advice, try to wean off the meds when you get to the point you'd feel comfortable in doing so. Also for sleep Melatonin is a good natural substitute. Feel free to ask me anything you like, we're all here to support each other!

All I'm saying is temporary or not temporary, you'll be allright!
@Chris Holland has the volume of your actual tinnitus gone down since onset? I'm 9 months in too.
@Chris Holland
You either did not read my very first post or skipped it. If you had read it you'd know I'm not even close to worried and that I would be able to live with it the rest of my life. And btw, I had a breakthrough last night. I'll be posting something positive about that later this week. Just want to make sure its actually gone and list out what I did.

Second, mindset is bid deal. How do you think you're managing to get through it? Mindset is what allows us to keep looking and have hope.

I absolutely can and will call it TEMPORARY TINNITUS, because in the majority of acute cases it goes away. Its simply a timeline. So in the case of someone having an infection or coming across a concert it is likely theirs will go away. And I don't say this because I'm scared Chris. I say this as a confirmation to myself, that their is a 90% chance, in my situation and a lot of other peoples situations, it is going away. Chris, I've built two companies from scratch and have sold them both. I have three boys and a 13 year marriage on-going. Much more to add to this list. Do you think this had anything to with what I told myself would happen? Absolutely, because my ACTIONS followed my beliefs. Please try read to the end where I elaborate on this further showing that I am also a realist.

But first, lets examine your comments as you loved examining mine, but mine MAY ACTUALLY HELP YOU.

1. CHRIS: "Not to be pessimistic here but I can assure you that mindset has absolutely zero to do with Tinnitus staying or going."

* Really!? You obviously havn't listened to any successful people talk. Or hear about how people should be dead and are not. My brother in law has had two brain tumors. He has fully recovered after a decade and says to me, "I just knew I would be okay". MINDSET to me, is the START. Yours was weak to start in your intro and it is weak now. You may want to adjust your mindset and attitude before you adjust anything else, because the only thing that has depressed me is your posts. Your posts depress me more than my temporary tinnitus. Again, read my very first post if you have time and can put your ego aside. We all have one. Lets not forget the woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer, and then laughed with her husband for the next 6 months, only to come back with it gone! She said, "I just said it was gone and all I wanted to do was laugh, because it made me feel good" Google her and many others.
2. CHRIS: "As to the audiogram, my hearing checked out perfectly fine as well but yet 9 months later I still have Tinnitus."

*You just told someone how unimportant not getting a hearing test is. Why did you get one Chris? The FIRST thing ENT's do is tell you to get a test. For me, the knowledge that my infection didn't actually damage my hearing was huge, so then it allowed me to move onto whatever else.

3. CHRIS: "I get that you guys just got Tinnitus and that it is a very scary thought to consider it might be here to stay but eventually if it won't leave you will habituate and will be able to live a mostly normal life."

*Again, you didn't read my first post at all. How awesome of you to come in and judge without having even read the post. And in your first two to three weeks how did you feel Chris? Read this comment again, and tell me what it does for anybody besides yourself? Your comment helps you Chris, not others. You do not get to declare for others that they need to prepare for habituating to something that just happened to them. Your next comment is a gem.

4. CHRIS: "Of course I am still keeping out hope mine will go as well or that there will be a cure but realistically chances are very slim"


5. CHRIS: "There is absolutely nothing wrong with trying every available supplement or method to try and diminish the Tinnitus but also do realize you havent even had Tinnitus for 3 months. Things will improve either way."

*Chris, do you realize how messed up this comment is to a person who just realized what tinnitus is. Sorry, temporary tinnitus, for most of us who havn't had a long ongoing situation happening to the ear. You literally tell someone, WAIT UNTIL YOU HAVE HAD TINNITUS FOR 3 MONTHS before you start taking things to beat it. If I had listened to this advice, I would have used my netti pot last night reducing my temporary tinnitus to 50%. I think I may have a Eustachian tube block, LIKE MANY OTHERS, that I've read about. I didn't want to wait 3 months. Sorry man. And then you add, things will improve either way. NO, WRONG. MY SITUATION improved because of something I did. YOUR SITUATION is different. Again Chris, this was about you.

What you say matters. What you believe matters. What you do matters. It all matters. I can't sit by and let you showcase your comments as if somehow they are wise. I have now spent time beating your attitude v.s. spending time further beating temporary tinnitus. And for those that may have been diagnosed with long terms situation due to actually hearing loss, etc, I can't speak for. I don't have all the details and I don't know what they've been through to get there I would be up to analyzing their situation myself because all different kinds of people have something to offer. MY ENT did not even bother telling me about the netti pot or sinus spray. I even asked him about the Eustachian tube. I was thorough. I had fluid up to my eyebrows, and now the fluid was gone. You would think that he would mention that even though the infection is gone, even though my hearing is good, even though I have no inflammation, and EVEN though he did some kind of air test, that their may be a block when things come back together inside. I will be continuing the netti pot and steam room action for sure. Last night, I had silence for about 10 seconds. THOSE ARE FURTHER ACTIONS I WILL TAKE BASED ON MY MINDSET CHRIS.


1. CHRIS: "Tinnitus is not genetic (for as to the current medical understanding), more than likely Tinnitus has to do with some disturbance in the hearing apparatus, this can also be hidden hearing loss aka not visible on standard hearing tests (which date from the 70's)."

*So if a person is born with tinnitus, as they can be, and her kids have the same ear canal and everything which cause them to also have tinnitus, is this not genetic? Does this one case not exist anywhere? I imagine it might. And they grow up thinking that the small ringtone is the sound of silence. The question I would have for your mom though is, "when did you start hearing the tinnitus". If it occurred around the same timeline as you that may not be a coincidence. That said, as a male, you stopped growing at about 21 and didn't get T until 28, so I doubt this has anything to do with your mom or genetics, in my opinion. Unless, there is some other ailment with your mother that of which can cause T, that you may or may not have. That's up to you to look further into if you feel the need.

2. CHRIS: "I worked with a headset in most of my sales jobs and have occasionally gone to clubs, I smoked and I drank and I had plenty of stress. I believe all these factors combined have been the culprit together with an inner ear infection about a year and a half ago.

*I have smoked and drank my fair share. I have had lots of stress in my life, probably like most people. Who doesn't. And your ear ringing would likely have started during or right after your ear infection like most cases I've read. You said you've had temporary tinnitus or tinnitus for 9 months. (I'll let you chose how you word that in the future. That's not for me to decide.) So if your ear infection was a year before your 0n-set, I doubt that was the issue. From what I've read, alcohol may not cause tinnitus but be an issue in expediting its mending. Smoking? Do you blow the smoke out of your nose or mouth? Do you still smoke? The headphones and clubs are definitely a red flag especially if you did it more than moderate or if you listened loudly. Looking at this small bit of information and from the short amount of reading I've done (one weeks worth), it could have been the smoking (doubtful on this), or the headphones and clubbing (sound-induced). CAN YOU REMEMBER THE DAY OR WEEK BEFORE WHAT YOU DID BEFORE YOU ON-SET? Please share if you know. You may be too mad at me calling you out, but if you recall, you decided to start dissecting and judging my verbiage and attitude without hesitation first. You didn't know who you were talking to, and that's not your fault.

CHRIS: My Tinnitus is mild - moderate in volume and I am starting to scratch the surface of habituation by now. If I can give you one advice, try to wean off the meds when you get to the point you'd feel comfortable in doing so. Also for sleep Melatonin is a good natural substitute. Feel free to ask me anything you like, we're all here to support each other!"

*Wow. Did you want us to give up with you here and now Chris? I actually did try melatonin and it made things worse for me, but it was a higher amount. I won't try a smaller dose because doctors actually advice against increasing your melatonin (especially long term). They also advice against Gingko Biloba and Zinc actually helping anyone with acute on-set of TT. BTW, my ENT called it temporary tinnitus, based on my situation. He said not to come back in atleast 4 more weeks. Was he wrong for saying that? He is a doctor, after all.

Look, I just read a story about a guy, after 16 months, no longer has tinnitus, BUT still temporary Chris. In fact, if we were to debate on this, how many people do you know have T their entire life? And if its not their entire life, using life as the spectrum, is it not then TEMPORARY in definition? So who's wrong Chris? Me or the masses? I get what your saying, don't get me wrong. I understand we don't know. So if we don't know, why not chose and think about the better outcome in our mind? Does that hurt us? Success stories and miracles tell us otherwise. I'm already habituating Chris!!!!! I got my white noise. Got my meds and vitamins. Got my chewing gum. I've accepted my life as it is right now. AS FOR THE FUTURE...you can either imagine the day you write your success story or you can a imagine yourself telling other people to simply accept their T. This is where you and I differ. I hope you chance your perspective.

Don't ever try to lecture someone on having a positive attitude towards an ailment or anything else! Are you insane? I'll give you some space here, because you have a sound in your ear which can drive anyone mad. I know first hand.

These were your last words:

CHRIS: "All I'm saying is temporary or not temporary, you'll be allright!"

*This, I will accept. Thank you!

That said, I believe your case to still be temporary! Keep searching, hunting and trying which I'm sure you are. I am a real friend to you here, despite what you may think. I just spent an hour on you brother. A solid hour for some stranger I shouldn't probably care about. But I do. I feel your pain on this. It sucks. Its an annoying suck.
And I'm a realist too, but not a glum realist. My "realism" extends beyond what we can actually see and do logically or physically. I can't explain why positive energy, positive thought, and gratefulness helps themself and other people, but its seems to do just that. And I don't have to worship a God to have these things. They are already there. I'm not saying you havn't had that, but your comments, atleast here, have said otherwise. And I'm not saying people are dumb for saying that the have T and not TT. I won't even argue this, but I won't have people telling me that I'm wrong to think this way. Please let me know what happened the weeks/or days before you on-set nine months ago. I haven't analyzed sound-induced T very much at all cause that wasn't may case, but if you think that was your case I'd be glad to help in your search.

All the best brother. Truly.
Yours was weak to start in your intro and it is weak now.

Quite an offensive thing to say and a bit of guesswork, you have no real clue to my mindset nor do you know me or any of my previous accomplishments nor does it matter in this particular case.

Why did you get one Chris?

Referring to the audiogram, to exclude all possible causes and I definitely encourage anyone to do so, nowhere did I write advising people not to.

And your ear ringing would likely have started during or right after your ear infection like most cases I've read.

That would have been likely indeed but it was not at all the case for me, it was almost 8 months later.

And in your first two to three weeks how did you feel Chris?

Scared, that's I why I say I understand how ''you guys'' feel as in plural as in not specifically directed to you.

CAN YOU REMEMBER THE DAY OR WEEK BEFORE WHAT YOU DID BEFORE YOU ON-SET? Please share if you know. You may be too mad at me calling you out, but if you recall, you decided to start dissecting and judging my verbiage and attitude without hesitation first. You didn't know who you were talking to, and that's not your fault.

I'm certainly not mad, as to what I did before onset, nothing out of the ordinary, I worked, took care of my son, went to bars with friends on the weekends and I worked out for 5 days a week. I ate healthy and I felt fine. Only thing that I did not do was sleep enough, I had too much stress and I occasionally smoked but all and all nothing out of the ordinary. It really seemed quite random, that's why I believe it was a accumulation of circumstances.

As to your attitude I don't judge you at all, I think it's great you're tackling this with positivity, all I said was that mindset has no direct influence on tinnitus nor does the term ''temporary tinnitus'' change that. It is what it is, anecdotal stories of people recovering from terminal cancer by thinking happy thoughts is not a counter to this.

The last bit strikes me as a bit off ''You didn't know who you were talking to, and that's not your fault''. For someone asking to leave ego out the door this seems to be quite contradictory to your own advise. You are a human being with a very human condition called tinnitus, that's all that is relevant in this conversation.

I could give you my professional resume but I really don't see the added value here.

Wow. Did you want us to give up with you here and now Chris? I actually did try melatonin and it made things worse for me, but it was a higher amount. I won't try a smaller dose because doctors actually advice against increasing your melatonin (especially long term). They also advice against Gingko Biloba and Zinc actually helping anyone with acute on-set of TT. BTW, my ENT called it temporary tinnitus, based on my situation. He said not to come back in atleast 4 more weeks. Was he wrong for saying that? He is a doctor, after all.

I merely shared some advise on the discontinuation of a severely addictive benzodiazepine because in the long run it will have a negative impact. Melatonin is harmless for all intents and purposes, it just helps with falling asleep faster, it has no psychoactive component neither, doctors advice against Melatonin because the hypothesis is that it will stop your body from producing melatonin, then again doctors tell you to freely pop some Xanax or take aspirin every day the latter of which has tinnitus as a listed side effect. As far as your ENT goes he can't do anything when it comes to Tinnitus, not a single ENT on the planet can because there is no treatment. That being said I truly hope and wish for yours to go (and this goes for everyone else on this site as well). As to the Gingko Biloba, that is proven to be a sham, the Zinc could have some beneficial effects but the studies on this could be influenced by placebo.

In fact, if we were to debate on this, how many people do you know have T their entire life?

That is hard to say because their life has not run it's course yet but I know plenty of people who've had it for years already. I also have heard of people having it for ''short'' periods of time i.e. several weeks up till 10 months and it went away on it's own. It really is a flip of the coin in most cases.

you can either imagine the day you write your success story or you can a imagine yourself telling other people to simply accept their T. This is where you and I differ.

I'm not telling anyone to ''simply'' accept their tinnitus I'm just saying people will be fine either way. Just like I am going to write my succes story either with tinnitus or without it because my life will not be defined by this.

That is the only real choice one has, not only for tinnitus but for any adversity one can face which you have no real control over.

Don't ever try to lecture someone on having a positive attitude towards an ailment or anything else! Are you insane? I'll give you some space here, because you have a sound in your ear which can drive anyone mad. I know first hand.

Again I never said you shouldn't have a positive attitude I only said that whether you are positive or negative this has absolutely zero influence on whether your tinnitus will stay or go. That being said life is much better lived positive than negative so I would certainly implore anyone to have a positive mindset for their own wellbeing.

That said, I believe your case to still be temporary!

I appreciate that, I certainly wish the same for you.

I can't explain why positive energy, positive thought, and gratefulness helps themself and other people, but its seems to do just that

This is very true as well, I'm not debating this at all, then again sometimes we do need to accept what we can't change however difficult or unfair it may seem.

They are already there. I'm not saying you havn't had that, but your comments, atleast here, have said otherwise.

I'm not sure if you are referring to my previous comments on other threads but as a disclaimer I do have to say I was in a completely different state at the time as I was still very much in panic mode about my tinnitus.

I won't even argue this, but I won't have people telling me that I'm wrong to think this way. Please let me know what happened the weeks/or days before you on-set nine months ago. I haven't analyzed sound-induced T very much at all cause that wasn't may case, but if you think that was your case I'd be glad to help in your search.

It was not my intention to say you are wrong to think this way, I only found the term ''temporary tinnitus'' a little bit misguided, in my opinion it's just tinnitus which sometimes is temporary and sometimes isn't.

As to my tinnitus I have no clue if it's noise induces, virus induces, stress induced or whatever. It really doesn't matter either way because there is nothing you can do other than to live a positive and productive life.

I appreciate you offering to help me in my search and I mean it when I say I would be more than happy to help you any way I can as well. Feel free to contact me any time and this goes to anyone reading this!

All the best brother. Truly.

All the best to you to brother, we will beat this thing either way.
This is from @engineerLA. I don't think he's active on here anymore. Just wanted to post it here for anyone who has not already tried this, especially if they had a middle ear infection induced situation like mine. I started doing some of these before coming across this post, like the neti pot. But I carefully blew my Eustachian tubes as he suggests in #6 or #7 and it worked. My ringing has reduced about 80%. I have had periods of silence as well. I plan to do ALL that this guy has said below, and already 3 or 4 ahead of him, but he's saving me probably month or two more of work. Truly grateful. That said, whether your situation was noise induced, other, or un-sure you might try some of these to further rule out blockage or INFLAMMATION especially. I think this engineer spells it out pretty good. Another success mark. A big one. I will post back in a week or so to confirm its reduced further or gone. To hear silence for the first time in a little over two weeks was pure bliss. I pray everyone finds their solution in the near future, even if its just to reduce.

Hi everyone,

I have figured out some treatment protocols that really help with at least some forms of tinnitus.

I think that many people have tinnitus that is actually caused by eustachian tube inflammation. Not all tinnitus comes from this problem -- some tinnitus is due to actual injury to the eardrum or hearing loss or other neurological causes -- but my hypothesis is that a lot more tinnitus cases are due to inflammation than anyone realizes. Even ENTs don't realize this in many cases (many of them are really surgeons who take a mechanical view of the ear and don't really pay that much attention to inflammation, unless it is very acute and obvious).

Simply put: When the eustachian tube becomes chronically inflamed it can lead to negative pressure in the middle ear and this results in tinnitus. The inflammation causes the tube to swell and stick shut, preventing normal ventilation, and this forms a sort of vacuum that pulls on the eardrum causing irritation that results in tinnitus. Inflammation can also lead to chronic low-grade infections in the middle ear that in turn results in negative pressure and irritation of the eardrum in the same way.

I have struggled with this problem for many months and have found several solutions that really make a difference. And the good news is that they are easy.

First of all, you really need to get serious about reducing inflammation in your entire body, and also your ears. Try the following:

1. Eliminate common allergens from your diet as much as you can. Especially dairy.

2. Take nasal steroids every day. A really good newer one is Dymista: http://www.dymista.com/

NOTE -- There is a proper way to take nasal steroids in order to direct them at the opening of your eustachian tubes -- You can learn about this technique here: http://www.fauquierent.net/etd2.htm

3. Use a device like the ear popper to help clear your eustachian tubes -- it really helps! Use it many times a day, and over time it will help to reduce negative pressure and re-open your eustachian tube. It's not that cheap, but worth it! http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00449CW36/

4. Take high quality, super strong turmeric liquid. It's also not cheap but worth it and has a great effect on inflammation and has helped my tinnitus. There are many places to buy it -- here is one:

5. Reduce systemic infections to further reduce inflammation; one supplement that really helps your immune system fight infections over time is Monolaurin (also called Lauricydin). Here is where I get it: https://www.amazon.com/Lauricidin®-Original-Monolaurin-Supplement-227gram/dp/B004I8SMOQ/

6. Irrigate your sinuses with a Sinus Pulse machine. It's a neti pot on steriods basically.

Here is a source for the best one: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001CWT4JI/

And another one: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005UO6NRA/

7. If you have a neti pot or a sinus irrigator (see point 6), you can also try this more advanced technique:

Angle your head so that the warm salt water comes out your mouth (this way it is going in your nostril, and out your mouth, passing right over the opening of the eustachian tube).

Immediately after the water starts to comes out your mouth, while the opening to your eustachian tube is still soaked with water, "pop" your ear by holding your nose and blowing.

When done right you will hear a squeak sound as some of the water goes into your eustachian tube when you pop your ear.

Repeat this a few times and more water will go in. Then let it drain out. You can move your head around, touch your toes a few times, to help the drainage.

This will help to clean out your eustachian tube. It has an immediate effect on tinnitus that is caused by eustachian tube issues.

Note that if you get water in there, it may temporarily cause a sensation of ear fullness and reduced hearing, but it will drain out and you will notice improvement over several days.

Also don't overdo this - too much water in there could cause an ear infection. Start slow and don't try to pop your ears too hard or force too much water in there -- you could damage your eardrum. This is an advanced technique and should only be done if you are also doing all of the other steps to reduce inflammation.

8. You can use a similar technique to point (7) to "milk" nasal steroids into your eustachian tube. Simply pop your ear after the you properly use the nasal steroid (see point 2) and this will milk the steroid into your eustachian tube where it can help to reduce inflammation.

9. Also try this tinnitus supplement which, if taken regularly, really helps reduce inflammation as well: https://www.amazon.com/Clear-Tinnitus-Products-60-Caps/dp/B0014AX72I/

10. Also take allergy medication every day (at night ideally) such as Allegra. This will also reduce sinus and eustachian inflammation.

11. In severe cases of tinnitus caused by negative pressure, if none of the above relieves it, your ENT can actually do a very simple surgical procedure to make a tiny hole in your eardrum, with or without a temporary tube inserted. This can allow air to flow in from the outside and relieve the vacuum, allowing the eustachian tube to open again. The eardrum heals on its own in a few weeks and there is minimal (temporary) hearing loss. This is not often suggested by ENT's but they can easily do it, and if none of the above work, you might want to bring it up with your doctor. It has helped some people immediately.

Also note, some things that I have tested that definitely don't help and/or can even make tinnitus worse:

1. Caffeine makes tinnitus worse in many cases, especially pulsatile tinnitus.
2. Cannabis has no effect on tinnitus or may even make it temporarily more annoying.
3. Rife machines do not have any effect on tinnitus. Don't waste your time. I've tested them.
4. Colloidal silver has no effect on tinnitus (and please don't put it your eyes as some people suggested in a forum thread here, unless you want the whites of your eyes to turn grey permanently!).
My tinnitus is now gone. So about 6 weeks since onset from middle ear infection.

I did EVERYTHING @engineerLA, above, said to do. The netti pot followed by my hot yoga class seemed to be the most affective in hearing nothing afterward. This was about week 5. The clonazepam .05 was perfect to help me sleep at night from the onset. Anti-anxiety combined with a white noise maker. I like the ocean waves the best.

I honestly don't know if I had ETD. After the fourth week I habituated more, and my brain or my focus completely drifted from it. I listened to white noise on the regular and as I stayed busy, it just seemed to fall into the background.

I will say that the ringing was loud at first, seeming to move from one ear to the other, although it always came back strong in left ear. Then I felt as though my right ear lost it first. I had spikes from time to time, even towards the end, usually under stress, but the volume gradually got lower, fading. Only when I tried to listen for it did it appear, which is why I don't rule out the brains involvment. It could have been a combo of all these things. I also popped my ears a lot, not just the blowing, but actually grabbing my ear and adjusting it. You can actually adjust your ear. I found it relieving anyway.

For people that actually have hearing loss, illness, or neurological stuff going on I can't speak much to you. I don't know enough, but my positive energy goes to you for whatever it takes to keep you going, rectify, or somehow find a liveable means.

People got mad at me for my over-positivity and calling my T, "temporary T". Yes, I understand we don't know if it's permanent or not until we know, but don't let other people bring down your energy down further when trying to rectify your own situation. You can call me lucky, or you could call me very eager to beat it. Both would be right. I do not apologize for the way I think and the way I over come my obstacles. You come at me with comments like, "I don't mean to be pessimistic but"...you can just stop right there for me. Either be apart of a solution like @engineerLA or get out of the way for people, especially people new to this. @glynis was my go to for support. She gave me hope from the very start among some others. Thank you!!!

P.s. I stopped wearing an ear plug after two weeks when things didn't seem to sensitive. I also felt like the product "clear tinnitus" @engineerLA mentioned workes for me, filling the ring. I might even get one more bottle. I don't think I'm fully healed yet. Some noises still seems sensitive although the ringing jas pretty much gone, so I plan to be carefil.

I'll stay active here for about another week and then log off. I definitely will have more empathy and ability to help if anyone in my life tells me about their T. Life is interesting. We never know what obstacles lay ahead, but with other people's help we can overcome a lot. I'm grateful for this forum. Thank you!
My tinnitus is now gone. So about 6 weeks since onset from middle ear infection.

I did EVERYTHING @engineerLA, above, said to do. The netti pot followed by my hot yoga class seemed to be the most affective in hearing nothing afterward. This was about week 5. The clonazepam .05 was perfect to help me sleep at night from the onset. Anti-anxiety combined with a white noise maker. I like the ocean waves the best.

It's wonderful that you "beat T" as you say (I'm truly happy for you), but it is statistically quite likely that the recipe had very little influence on the outcome: it is extremely common for T to disappear on its own after a middle-ear infection. It happened to my wife not so long ago, and she didn't do any netti pot, yoga, or benzo... the simple passing of time is usually all that's needed for the T to disappear after an otitis media clears.

Enjoy T-free life!
@GregCA Thank you sir. I agree with what you said on 'healing time'. The stuff I did actually made an immediate difference though. During and after hot yoga I didnt hear anything.

BUT, it may have been that I didn't notice it because I was so focused. Drive home after it just didnt seem to be there but I wasnt listening for it either. I did the netti pot before hand usually, carefully blowing the saline into my eustachion tubes.

I may not have even had ETD causing or related to the MEI. All this simply may have lowered my anxiety "possibly" allowing for expdited healing or temporary forgetting of the ring.

But I agree with you more so, it seems like it heals on its own. I read this in many other testiminies. One day, they wake up and people realize the noise is decreasing or gone. To rule out ETD, was my goal in even starting all that. My left eustachion did seem more clogged or slightly harder to push air and that was my struggling ear. I actually started hot yoga months before my onset, not to heal my ears. Overall, the yoga has been a physical healer for me on my hip flexor, blood flow, diet, etc. I can't prove it helped the T case, but it did help me "personally" I think.

Atleast your wife knows what your dealing with and I hope your case is hopeful? My wife has never had it and she thought I was mad. I had her research it with me to gain some sympathy on the matter. I have never been so irritable to say the least.

My 4th week, I think I habituated enough to ready the distance if needed. The sun rises the next day, and with three kids and responsibility you don't have much choice.

I remember you from one of my questions a while back though. Thank you. Every bit of info helped me understand and/or rule out things.

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