Becoming Pregnant with Tinnitus

I belong to a parents forum. Every single day someone reaches out or posts their frustrations because they are suicidal. I have read some truly devastating posts.

God it's so sad that there's so many people suffering to such an extent. I never had any real idea of this hopeless world before T hit me. Now I really get it.
I have noticed you have a habit of frequently pointing out threads where someone references suicide or often speculating that someone has committed suicide. It's an interesting habit on a support forum.

Some members are fixated with suicide, unfortunately. I've lost count how many times I've seen people say RIP when someone stops posting. It's like an obsession on here. When it's pointed out that just because a person stops posting doesn't mean they're dead, it falls on deaf ears, and many continue to post that they still think they're dead.

I remember when someone turned their avatar black and people started saying RIP, stating "it's obvious he's dead". One person even faked her own death on here. I think there should be more of a support theme and structure, but I'm in the minority nowadays. I understand that people are suffering unbelievable torment, but I don't think it's ideal that sufferers advise other sufferers, because it amplifies everything exponentially. It's like going to the AA and being sponsored and surrounded by people who are still alcoholics. Of course all of this is just my opinion.
I have had T since 2002 when I was 28. In that time since then, I married a wonderful, kind and understanding man. I had our one and only dynamo son 9 years ago when I was 36. There were times when our boy was a preschooler and very shrill and noisy that I battled but I got through. One child was enough for me but I'm glad I didn't let my T dictate the important decision of being a mum. That is my story though and I understand how T can be so damn hard 24/7. Thinking of you CrystalB as you navigate through this season xxxx
Some members are fixated with suicide, unfortunately.

I had this chat with a shrink and as he explained its actually the minds way of calming itself down when faced with an insurmountable problem, in this case endless torture. The knowledge that there is a way out........And if someone believes someone else has done it. That makes the exit route more plausible and even more of a comfort. All very dark and odd, but that is where desperate minds get pushed.

Similarly 90% of people on here probably never posted anything on health forum ever before. But again the mind is desperate to seek out other people who will validate their suffering.
Some members are fixated with suicide, unfortunately. I've lost count how many times I've seen people say RIP when someone stops posting. It's like an obsession on here. When it's pointed out that just because a person stops posting doesn't mean they're dead, it falls on deaf ears, and many continue to post that they still think they're dead.

I remember when someone turned their avatar black and people started saying RIP, stating "it's obvious he's dead". One person even faked her own death on here. I think there should be more of a support theme and structure, but I'm in the minority nowadays. I understand that people are suffering unbelievable torment, but I don't think it's ideal that sufferers advise other sufferers, because it amplifies everything exponentially. It's like going to the AA and being sponsored and surrounded by people who are still alcoholics. Of course all of this is just my opinion.
I think people tend to be very morbid, then they get fixated on the morbidity and can't stop obsessing over it. My parents forced me to do a 4 year program in the Red Cross volunteering in drug rehab and the amount of people in the support groups who talk about suicide like it was just a casual picnic was very disturbing, i was 15 when i was there and the experience really confirmed my belief that positive thinking and optimism (and hanging around the right people) really overcomes those gloomy thoughts. Years later my experience in being surrounded by those people pretty much gave me the ability to tackle T. If they can clean themselves up after years of drug abuse and homelessness, i know i can over come this.
I have noticed you have a habit of frequently pointing out threads where someone references suicide or often speculating that someone has committed suicide. It's an interesting habit on a support forum.

Correctiom my friend...
I have a habit of pointing to reality, especially when someone challanges it via well meaning, but completelly naive and misguided way.
The reality is, that once the intrusiveness hits certain level, there is only one way out.

I'm sorry if this upsets you, but the reality of severe Tinnitus is rather ugly....unfortunatelly.
The reality is, that once the intrusiveness hits certain level, there is only one way out.

I'm sorry if this upsets you, but the reality of severe Tinnitus is rather ugly....unfortunatelly.

Everybody's reality is different. We can't prentent to assume anything when it comes to this condition. Having severe tinnitus can be hideously draining and can impact ones mental health quite drastically. However, many get through this after time and learn to adapt, essentially toning down the emotional reaction to it. With this said, I'd still rather see an effective treatment or a cure. I'd rather not see anyone suffer with this ever again, period (or fullstop as we say in Blighty).
Everybody's reality is different. We can't prentent to assume anything when it comes to this condition. Having severe tinnitus can be hideously draining and can impact ones mental health quite drastically. However, many get through this after time and learn to adapt, essentially toning down the emotional reaction to it. With this said, I'd still rather see an effective treatment or a cure. I'd rather not see anyone suffer with this ever again, period (or fullstop as we say in Blighty).

I like you and your positivity Ed, you know that. I just wish people realised that for some of us it's a sacrifice we don't want to live with.

I was reminded today of a 19 year old boy who was paralysed in a rugby game and didn't want to live like that so got euthanised. Just like that. No doctors or family telling him to 'live with it'. No suggestions of mindfulness or CBT or dietary changes or antidepressants, or benzos. He didn't want to live in a chair so that was that. Done.

While we have the scenario where we are full on shamed in to accepting screaming torturous noises in our heads for life. And if anyone dares to kill themselves it's basically hushed up and pushed under the carpet so that the status quo of assclown doctors who treat us like we have nothing more than a tickly cough, can continue.

Honestly makes me fucking angry.
I'm glad to hear that there are people who have gone for it when it comes to starting a family. I too am getting to that age where I am looking at starting a family soon.

I remember talking with my audiologist before, and she was confident that there are strategies to help get through that early "lots of crying and screaming " stage (using hearing protection, good communication with your partner etc...) ;). But as she said "kids are loud", and that you need to accept that you may get zinged at one point or another by a cry or a scream. But that's just the joys of being a parent I guess ;)

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