Been Reading for Months, Now I Say Hi!

The Frenchie

Oct 19, 2018
Quebec, Canada
Tinnitus Since
2013, worsened 2018
Cause of Tinnitus
Noise induced / Maybe ETD
Hello everyone,

My name is Anthony and I live in Quebec, Canada. I am 22
Five years ago while going on a trip to New-York (night ride), I fell asleep with my earphones. It was loud because the rumbling of the bus engine was loud too.
I am not even sure if it's due to to bus ride, because the ringing appeared some days later. Back then, it was a very low pitch (tiny ringing).

The years passed and I've been to many rock and EDM concerts, without earplugs. I guess I've always been lucky because my ears always''healed up''.

This summer (2018), I've seen lot of shows and this is where my tinnitus worsened.

While delivering pizzas with windows down, I could feel the sensation of the wind into my ears and it was kinda hurting. At night, tinnitus was worse. Once again, it all appeared many days after the concerts. Every loud noise was annoying my ears.
  • Now, I don't drive with the windows down and the music is always low.
  • I didn't go out to a club or even a loud restaurant since then.
  • I was kinda panicking for the first time because of my tinnitus.
  • For the first time, I upgraded my fan to have more sound to sleep at night.
I gotta admit that I've been smoking pot for years and cigarrets for more than a year now.

Anyway.. I went to the ENT (paid $300 to have a meeting ASAP) and the lady looked into my nose and said: '' Oh, there is a lot of stuff in there''. I have had allergies for all my life (dogs, cats, pollen, dust...).

She told me that maybe I had eustachian tube dysfunction and this is why I felt noise in my ears and maybe this is the reason why my tinnitus got worse. She prescribed me DYMISTA. I'm using this drug everyday, morning/night. It helped, I blow my nose less often and I THINK my tinnitus is less louder, I am not even sure.

But one thing is sure: when I smoke pot or hash, I literally feel things in my ear. My left ear has spasm (eardrum?). Obviously my tinnitus is louder when I smoke (pot), but before 2018, even when smoking, I didn't really feel things in my ears..

TODAY is an important day, I am going to stop smoking cigarettes because I don't wanna be deaf at 22. I have been smoking for a year now and this is too much. Way too much.

So, for the next weeks,
  1. I am going to see the doctor because I want him to check my blood to see my magnesium level and other stuff.
  2. Gotta go back to the ENT. Want her to look my nose cartilage to see if there's any problem (my nose is kinda big).
  3. I wanna know if I have ETD (eustachian tube dysfunction) because I've had allergies all my life, and now I feel things inside of ears when blowing my nose or smoking pot.
  4. Stopping cigarettes will obviously help my cause, and help my eustachian tubes.
  5. I'll use DYMISTA for a year and we'll see if it really helps the tinnitus, and not only the allergies.
  6. Forgot to say, I'm using CONCERTA (36) and I drink coffee, a lot.
  7. I am French, sorry for my English.

One day, they will find a cure. Stay strong guys life is worth living but DO protect your ears and do NOT start smoking cigarettes this is the worst you can do you your body and your ears. For now, I am fine. My tinnitus is mild and I only hear it at night, in class (a little bit) and in silent rooms.

Thanks a lot, thanks to this forum and you guys because I've been reading lots of articles and now I understand way better my situation and what can cause it.

I will keep you posted of my situation.
I forgot to say that I have a scoliosis.

I work as a Uber driver and I deliver pizzas. My posture is not always straight. Do you think this can aggravate tinnitus?

@The Frenchie

Welcome to the forum. It's nice to make your presence known to us at last.

My feeling is that your tinnitus was caused by exposure to loud noise/music, that has been coming on for some time, but only made itself known to you, after your coach trip when you fell asleep with your headphones on. If you want the tinnitus to improve, then I advise you to follow my advice and give yourself time and patience because recovering from "noise induced" tinnitus is something that cannot be rushed.

Never use any type of headphones again even at low volume and even after you have habituated. You can of course do this but you risk the tinnitus increasing and when this happens, it usually doesn't return to its previous level. The choice is yours.

I also advise you not to go too often to clubs or concerts, for now and the foreseeable future. This doesn't mean not to go to these places at all. You can as long as you're careful. Use "noise reducing" earplugs but still have to be mindful of loud noise/music. Wearing even the best earplugs doesn't mean your tinnitus will not spike and make the tinnitus worse. If external sound is loud enough, it will pass through your head and be transferred to your inner ear by bone conduction.

Please click on the links below and read my posts that I think will help you.
All the best

Hey, I have some questions.

1 - When I breath out, I sometimes can feel a "tic" in my left ear. Can it be the airflow pushing on my eardrum and makes it "pop"? Sometimes it's in my right ear.

2 - When smoking weed, my ears can become a little bit muffled, and the "tic" in my ears when breathing out happens more often. What causes this? The smoke in the eustachian tubes?

3- I have read that some people can worsen their tinnitus by moving their jaw. I can too. So??? What's different from the people that can't?

4 - The ear on the pillow side when I'm (trying to) sleeping is making weird noises when breathing out. Do you think the pillow can obstruct the air from getting out of the ear? Lol.

5 - why is tinnitus worse when we don't sleep much?

6 - Not eating well won't help tinnitus. But can it make T worse?

7 - Is concerta, ritalin... bad for tinnitus?

8 - been using DYMISTA for some weeks, and my noise is bleeding when I blow it. Not a lot, it doesn't really hurt, but I guess I should stop using it until it heals?

** december 4th, hearing test and ENT.

Thanks a lot.
I've read so much about tinnitus, but I've just discovered this (file attached).
June 2018, tinnitus got worse at the SAME time that my ears got more sensitive to the noise surrounding me and that I started hearing weird new sounds, like a 'click'. I had allergies and was smoking more.

Sometimes, I can feel the air flow in my eustachian tubes, haha. Maybe I'm just crazy, but what if I have eustachian tubes dysfunction and I have mucus on my cilia that affects my hearing? I had all of these symptoms below, but the 1st ENT prescribed me DYMISTA and now it is better. Only a little bit of pain when driving and I still hear some 'clicks'..rarely the day but usually when my ear is on the pillow = best place to hear it.

Sadly, my old friend is "sssssssssss"Till there.
Sometimes, when I smoke pot, I have some shitty peaks that appear out of the blue, them fuckers. They last about 10-20 seconds, decreasing in pitch.

This is so complex but I love learning new things about this shit that is Tinnitus and friends.

Gonna see the 2nd ENT+Audiologist on december 4th, I have a ton of questions.

Thanks and good night lol


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@The Frenchie Problems may have some input focus from the facial nerve VII.
Infection complicated by toxins.

Section: Functional Components in article. Within that small section click on blue highlights.

You may never find the exact reason of cause, if not associated to the above.
Ways to know is blood work for infection. Vitamin check - you may be depleting a vitamin too quickly.
Drink water to flush and hydrate. Antioxidants
Proper diet and slow down on the smoking.
Oral cavity exam.
If there is infection you don't want it traveling into facial or neck muscles.
Read the whole article, but go to section "Functional components" about half way down in article. Click on "general somatic afferent" then the other three blue highlights within "Functional components".
@The Frenchie The infection may be self made - which would be bacteria from blocked glands.
An ENT for hearing and general overview is something that I would do, but a highly specialized dental expert in facial and submandibular study probably will be needed. Doctor of oral pathology and/or a maxillofacial doctor.

Stay in touch.
@Greg Sacramento
He told me that I MUST grind my teeth because they are "worn" a bit. Plus, my mom used to tell me that I was teeth grinding when I was younger.

Didn't believe her.

Plus, when falling asleep at night, I sometimes notice that my jaw is stretched and I'm like, why would I do that?
Then I fall back asleep.

Yesterday night, I could hear and FEEL my heart beating in my ear.

But, when my ears were not on the pillow, I could not hear any beating. Or I was hearing one, but wasn't sure so I'm not gonna sit on this conclusion.

This is not the 1st time that I can hear my heart in my ear. The thing is that the only time I notice this, my head is on the pillow. Pulsatile tinnitus?

My dentist told me to try the chiropractor or a physiotherapist to unbend the muscles of my jaw/neck/back... I'll talk about all the possibilities to the ENT soon. I want to see every specialist out there that could give me more informations.
@The Frenchie
This is not the 1st time that I can hear my heart in my ear. The thing is that the only time I notice this, my head is on the pillow. Pulsatile tinnitus?

I also get this thumping heart - At this time for seven days.

Solution - iron tablets, small amount of water often throughout the day, the ENT will check for ear wax as a cause.

Cause - Most likely a persistent stapedial artery - which associates with the tympanic segment (part) of the facial nerve. Talk to the ENT about this.

Treatment would include masseter muscle, medial pterygoid and posterior digastric muscle. Discuss this with a physiotherapist, but other kinds of treatment may be needed.

Grinding teeth - would include some twisting of jaw while sleeping - I have done this too. I would get a thin upper mouth guard - not super hard made by a dentist.
@Greg Sacramento Lol. While writing this, I am in my bed with head on the pillow and can hear and feel that thumping..

Oh, just heard a "click" in my left ear too. ETD? December 4th, can't wait.

I must admit that I've not been that healthy for the past year.. Studying a lot, not sleeping much, being stressed, smoking weed every night for at least 4 years with some breaks that lasted weeks, sometimes months.

I have not smoked for 3 days now (cig + weed) and I am planning on starting back the gym and eat more.

Thanks a lot for your feedback I really appreciate it and it's gonna help me make a list of questions for the ENT.

I'm gonna write a list below for me and edit it to not forget stuff. I will investigate more on these things below:

- I have a small scoliosis
- taking 36mg concerta every morning
- I am hyperactive and nervous - not anxious.
- orthostatic hypotension
- I drink 1-3 coffees / day
- my posture is often bad, work in car
- Stapedial artery (?)
-vitamins check
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Yes, coffee can make you hear more the T. But is it BAD for it? When the caffeine drops, it returns to normal, right?

Why not sleeping much can increase T? Is it related with the blood or something?

If I have ETD and it returns to normal overtime and if I truly have a stapedial artery that causes the thumping, if all of these heal, do you think the tinnitus could calm down? It's not even that high pitched and I know I've damaged my cells with loud music, but when I signed up on this forum, it was really high pitched but at the same time, the symptoms of the possible ETD were worse.

I have a little hope, I wish I could go back to restaurants and " kinda-loud" bars (not clubs) one day. I'm only 22, after all.
(Not saying that people over 22 are not going out)
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Sleep is good. If you can sleep on one side for at least some of the time and raise the other hand (the other free hand) to your forehead, then this may help.

Stay hydrated by drinking water throughout the day. Just don't drink more than what is recommended for a male.

Try an iron tablet once a day for a few days to see it that helps.

You may have ETD, but it's more likely that sinuses/DYMISTA are more involved.

Orthostatic hypotension is mentioned in one of the articles that I gave you.

Posture control is important - something that I'm bad at doing.

Posture - neck - top of your c spine and jaw are playing tag with each other.

I think that you are moving your jaw from one side to the other while sleeping and this would be important to
work on. I do the same, so I have a flexible not to hard mouth guard that helps control jaw movement.

Scoliosis tells me that your neck is playing tag with your jaw. Enough to cause facial problems.

You are young - so yes improvements can be made as in lowering tinnitus.

Let me know how much hearing loss there is and what the slopes looks like.

Write back with any questions.

There lots of other stuff that can be tried, but lets wait until you see the ENT.
@lymebite made me found an article describing the ototoxicity of certain drugs. I've read that concerta (metilphenidate) is harmless to the ear.

"Central nervous system stimulants and drugs used for attention deficit disorders and hyperactivity "

• Atomoxetine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
• Metilphenidate hydrochloride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
• Modafinil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

3 means: Drugs vertigo-generating (there is no mention of

@Greg Sacramento I am working on my posture everyday. But when I sleep, it is impossible for me to sleep on my back (I hate it, I'm not comfortable).

For the hearing test, I saw the spam-posts of @Contrast everywhere on this forum saying that normal hearing tests don't go above 8 KHz. My hearing test is on November 29th so I'm gonna ask the audiologist if it's possible to test higher frequencies.

Thanks to all of you
I saw the spam-posts of @Contrast everywhere on this forum saying that normal hearing tests don't go above 8 KHz. My hearing test is on November 29th so I'm gonna ask the audiologist if it's possible to test higher frequencies.
spam works, remember also speech in background noise/music under 8k also can be compromised!
@Greg Sacramento

Okay, so I deliver pizzas as a student job. I have an app on my phone that tells me how much Db I am hearing.

Without music, it's around 60-70.
I am in my car 4 to 5 hours per day, 3 to 4 days a week.

Is it too much?
Is it app accurate?

5 days without smoking weed now. I smoke 1-3 cigarets per day. Only when working.

The only time I feel a little pain/, discomfort is when I work. Do you think this is due to the sound around me being too loud?


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Do you think this is due to the sound around me being too loud?

The earphone use while falling sleep on the bus may have activated weak sensory fibers in the middle ear as now you can feel the sensation of the wind and it hurts. This could bring in tympani muscles of the middle ear, but I don't think present noise of 60-70 decibels is a problem.

We need to know the results of your ear and hearing exam before a complete picture can be made. From all your comments in posts above that include multiple possible tinnitus associations, I think maybe what weakened or sensitized ear structures and sensory fibers is a persistent stapedial artery (PSA). PSA from the neck carotid artery crosses thru the middle ear. Pulsatile or thumping sounds for you is probably caused from this. The tensor levi palantine also needs to be considered. Jaw nerves from clenching also connect to sensory fibers and tympani muscles.

Grinding as a child mostly connects to an injured neck which will cause sinus problems. When the neck is injured during childhood the c spine is usually injured, mostly at C1 and C2. With this as a child, the PSA can get stressed.

X Ray of neck first and then MRA of neck and maybe then a CT depending on results of X Rays and MRA.
If these are the problems then fixes at your age should be easy if hearing loss is very minimal.

Your ENT appointment is in another 10 days.
Thanks a lot. I'll come back when I get the results.

This is weird. I've drank a lot of alcohol yesterday and when I woke up, I had so much pressure in my head (I know it's normal) and I think the thumping in my ears was worst, or maybe it's just me. Actually this is probably because of the alcohol, no big deal. I'm just writing every symptoms I feel :)

EDIT: Starting the gym tomorrow. I'm hyperactive and I need to "empty" my excess of energy. This is gonna help for my stress and global health. Looking forward to feel better.
@Michael Leigh
Forgot to thank you for your post and linked articles

2 days ago I've been for 20-30 mins in a loud bar. 80-85 db (phone app saying this, maybe not so accurate).
I had not done this in months.

Tinnitus was high when I was in bed, not soooo bad. When waking up it was normal. I know that alcohol can peak the T.

Had no earplugs and my ears didn't hurt at the bar. After 10 mins in, I went at the bathrooms to take a pause.
@Michael Leigh
Forgot to thank you for your post and linked articles

2 days ago I've been for 20-30 mins in a loud bar. 80-85 db (phone app saying this, maybe not so accurate).
I had not done this in months.

Tinnitus was high when I was in bed, not soooo bad. When waking up it was normal. I know that alcohol can peak the T.

Had no earplugs and my ears didn't hurt at the bar. After 10 mins in, I went at the bathrooms to take a pause.

You are welcome @The Frenchie and thank you for your kind words.

Please do yourself a huge favour and delete your decibel meter from your phone as you don't need it. Using a decibel meter will instil negative thinking and reinforce that you have a problem, which can become long lasting if you are not careful. Panic and fear can result and create other problems such as phonophobia and misophonia.

I understand tinnitus and hyperacusis can be sensitive to sound, so use "noise reducing" earplugs when necessary but try not to use them too often. Overuse of earplugs and earmuffs often cause more harm than good, because of the psychological element that is involved. 80-85 decibels is not particularly loud especially when in a large venue. However, someone with sound sensitivity (hyperacusis) might find this an irritation. Trust your ears and how you feel rather than using a decibel meter.

I suggest you work towards improving your tinnitus and hyperacusis by following my suggestions in my post: Hyperacusis, As I see it. Alternatively, seek professional help with a Hearing Therapsist or Audiologist if necessary. The answer is to treat these symptoms and not to keep them alive and making them become a long lasting problem, which causes stress, panic and fear.

All the best
Feeling so angry right now. I am never able to sleep since I've stopped smoking weed at night. Even if I don't touch my phone before bed, I keep thinking about everything and at this moment my tinnitus is particularly loud. I don't know if DYMISTA acts like a stimulant since this is "steroids" ??

While writing this, my left ear made "tic,tic,tic".. 3 times. :dunno:

Plus, I've slept for not more than 4 hours last night. So why AM I NOt ABLE to sleep.. I was tired all day and I've had a busy one...

Moreover, I've took TWO "relaxen" 2 hours ago. Does nothing. Fuck this shit. Is melatonin better?

Angry.. so angry. And my roommate is always making noises, slamming doors, smashing the floor while walking.

Help help help. What are the odds that I won't sleep more than 5 tonight... the thing is that I would need 8-9 hours of sleep. I always get 4-7.

@Greg Sacramento @Michael Leigh
Feeling so angry right now. I am never able to sleep since I've stopped smoking weed at night. Even if I don't touch my phone before bed, I keep thinking about everything and at this moment my tinnitus is particularly loud. I don't know if DYMISTA acts like a stimulant since this is "steroids" ??

While writing this, my left ear made "tic,tic,tic".. 3 times. :dunno:

Plus, I've slept for not more than 4 hours last night. So why AM I NOt ABLE to sleep.. I was tired all day and I've had a busy one...

Moreover, I've took TWO "relaxen" 2 hours ago. Does nothing. Fuck this shit. Is melatonin better?

Angry.. so angry. And my roommate is always making noises, slamming doors, smashing the floor while walking.

Help help help. What are the odds that I won't sleep more than 5 tonight... the thing is that I would need 8-9 hours of sleep. I always get 4-7.

@Greg Sacramento @Michael Leigh

I quit weed when I got tinnitus. There are very real real, legitimate withdrawal symptoms. Your sleep will be crap for a long time. It takes awhile for your brain to rewire itself after pumping crazy amounts of THC into it.

Sleep will come back in time. Your dopamine levels need to re balance themselves.
Help help help. What are the odds that I won't sleep more than 5 tonight... the thing is that I would need 8-9 hours of sleep. I always get 4-7.

@The Frenchie

If I were in your situation I would talk to my GP/family doctor and explain what's going on regarding my sleep and the way tinnitus/hyperacusis is affecting me. I think medication to relax you would help and reduce your stress. Drinking alcohol is fine but try to consume in moderation.

Best of luck
@IAmCalifornia @Michael Leigh
Thanks. Do you think cold can temporarily affect the hearing? I've just walked from school to my car for 15 mins and it's -6° Celcius outside. Had gloves, toque and a good coat.

Maybe it's just the speakers of my car that were frozen but the volume is always at "11" and I think it was muffled a bit, but when talking I could hear my voice perfectly.. weird.

Is it proven that stopping weed affect your sleep for a very long time? It has been a whole week already.
Looking forward to have time for the gym..

@IAmCalifornia @Michael Leigh
Thanks. Do you think cold can temporarily affect the hearing? I've just walked from school to my car for 15 mins and it's -6° Celcius outside. Had gloves, toque and a good coat.

Maybe it's just the speakers of my car that were frozen but the volume is always at "11" and I think it was muffled a bit, but when talking I could hear my voice perfectly.. weird.

Is it proven that stopping weed affect your sleep for a very long time? It has been a whole week already.
Looking forward to have time for the gym..

Yeah type in quit weed insomnia in google or go to uncommonforum

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