C3 Lumps and How My Tinnitus Got Better

Sean Normoyle

Jul 14, 2011
Hi my name is Sean Normoyle and I have suffered with tinnitus for 8 years, 2 years ago I decided to do something about it, having realised if I turned my head far enough round the tone would change. With some investigation I believed it was muscular tinnitus, I then found Helen Westerby http://www.helenwesterbycox.com/ and together we worked on finding a cure. Today the ringing has stopped in my right ear for over a year and we are now about 4-6 weeks form me being completely clear.
My own condition was more serious than just tinnitus I had cranial pressure which was coursed by a car accident 20 years ago. The ringing stopped in my right ear within six weeks of the treatment starting, my own case is at the most extreme but I am having more and more clear days and now we want to offer this solution to other suffers.
The test
My Tinnitus was coursed by Muscle and tendon tissue getting trapped in the c3 neck disk, feel the back of your neck on the second disk down from your skull if there is a lump, then that is probley the course of your tinnitus!
Now this is brand new and not even on her website so far Helen has found 4 c3 lumps on tinnitus suffers in the last few weeks 2 of which hadn't mentioned that they had tinnitus! Helen is offering a diagnosis 20minute session on Saturday the 6th of August 2011 for £30.00 she will diagnose that you have a c3 issue and a recommendation for treatment. There are only 8 appointments so first come first serve you can contact Helen from her website http://www.helenwesterbycox.com/
Welcome Sean!

I removed the duplicate which you posted in Research News. I think one thread about this is sufficient without needlessly having exactly the same content in two different categories.

I feel very much like the title of this discussion is misleading. Not everyone, not by a long shot, will have success with what you've described, and there are so many of us whose tinnitus is noise induced or caused by some other accident (like mine from syringing). Thus it's not all about the cervical vertebra 3.

The original title of this discussion was "A real Tinnitus cure! Its all about c3". I'm going to change that to "C3 lumps and how my tinnitus got better".

Yup, and how you described your tinnitus, it's called somatosensory tinnitus, one can change the tone and sometimes even volume with neck/head movements. More here: http://www.yts.se/english/tinnitus.htm
Even I can do that and I'm 100% sure there's nothing wrong with my cervical vertebrae.
If one has somatosensory tinnitus (which itself is very common), it doesn't mean their tinnitus is originated from the problems you mentioned.

However, I'm not saying it wouldn't be worth exploring. You had a car accident experience before, that may very well explain the C3 problems, don't you think? But I'm not a doctor, am just thinking aloud.

Above all I'm very happy you found relief from your tinnitus, and even seem able to get rid of it. That's great news for you, I'm truly happy for you.

Sincerest apologies if the tone of my message came off harsh, but I just had to make absolutely clear that this is not a universal solution for a universal nuisance. But it's all good to inform others and even if one or two persons find relief, it's all for the better.
Hi Markku

Thanks for the feedback and I see your piont of view, I did try and clarify this "A Real tinnitus cure" as you pionted out there are many types of tinnitus and not "The Real tinnitus cure" I would also went on to ask people to perform the test you can't cure something that isn't there. Helen has cured other paitents using this process just not me yet. I hope clears up the mix up. regards Sean
Yup, there are just so many snake oil treatments and other stuff that try to empty the pockets of those unfortunate enough suffering from T. Well, that goes for many other ailments too, but unsurprisingly Tinnitus is close to me and others here.

That's why I exercise extreme caution when anything new suddenly pops up claiming for a cure (even if the claim made was only for a subset of tinnitus sufferers). I'm just saying that in my opinion things should be researched and tried out on a larger population before any claims for a cure are made.

But it nonetheless gives hope to many that you found your culprit and it's being treated effectively.

Have a nice weekend!
Hi Markku

Once again you make an excellent point and something we put a great deal of thought into, our position is this:- If we went into research and say cure 200 suffers as proof this would take a couple of years and cost in excess of a £1/2 million. This would end up being added to the cost per session that it would put it out of reach of most suffers and extending the suffering of those who could. I have really pushed Helen to do this as a sufferer an actual diagnosis brought great relieve, the c3 lump is only one of a number of symptoms others include jaw displacement and facial tension.

I have presented this diagnosis to one of the leading consultants at the ENT clinic in Kings Cross which I understand to be the leading NHS, ENT clinic in the UK and after some discussion he agreed with the diagnosis.

My profession is problem solving and has been for over 15 years this was just another problem, the medical industry has become to dependant on drugs to the almost exclusion of everything else. Drug companies fund most of the research and that is always drug based, This is not a rant at the drug companies just a realistic assessment of where we are, Helen and I are not the smartest people on the planet just brave enough to go in a different direction to the crowd. I think it's great that you manage this site so well and your caution seems to be well deserved but remember you could end up throwing the baby out with the bath water.

If you don't think it will work , don't do it
If you don't have a lump on your C3, don't do it
If you think its snake oil, don't do it

We are just 2 smart and honest people who want to help. Nothing more

Yup, but there are also ATA and Action on Hearing Loss etc that fund tinnitus research. Of course their funds are limited compared to big drug companies... and the latter wouldn't want to have a drug that you only need to take for a short period of time to permanently cure your tinnitus. Then again, many would be happy popping a pill or two a day for the rest of their lives to make their tinnitus go away, if the drug had minimal side effects.

What I meant by stating that in my opinion a cure shouldn't be claimed if there wasn't substantive evidence is that if only relatively few reported success on some form of therapy, it wouldn't be correct to go around announcing a cure.

Personally I think that it would be okay to say, for example, "if your tinnitus can be attributed to C3 problems, then this and this kind of therapy might benefit you greatly". Cure, however, is such a strong word and I think it shouldn't be used lightly. And we both agree on that there likely will never be one single-bullet cure for tinnitus, since it's not a disease itself, but a symptom. So many causes for tinnitus, that in the future there are likely several treatment options for tinnitus.

And I'm certainly not saying that everyone should dismiss every treatment option (even if the general success of them was low) just because it's not been researched extensively and deemed effective. I know I have tried dozens of treatments (be it supplements or neck exercises) even when there wasn't any substantial evidence of them helping the majority.

But yeah, I think I have nothing further.
Except that if you wouldn't mind answering a few questions regarding the treatment you've undergone. Your answers might help someone else who reads our site.

What does the treatment consist of? How long are the sessions and how many of them do you have to take? I guess your tinnitus starts getting better once the muscle and tendon tissue trapped is ameliorating, or? If it isn't too personal, how expensive is the treatment? If it helps, then I guess price isn't that important of a factor for many, but I'm still curious.


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