Making humans cochlea mimicking a chickens cochlea to regenerate, could be breakthrough in medical science, which we can only dream..
Well yes. Scientists / Researchers are focusing their efforts to supporting cells inside the Cochlear. OHC (Outer Hair Cells) support the Inner hair cells needed for hearing.
And amazingly they've shown us Mammals can regenerate Hair cells, Read this publication (Feb 2014):
We've known this for some years but only recently we've seen more and more people using drug delivery methods or gene-therapy to get this done. The other question is how well formed the new cells will be and how long they last. But the biggest achievement would be to first regenerate them.
Is that a common symptom of T? When i clench my jaw, my T also gets worse?
I believe its a common symptom but doesn't effect everyone with T. I imagine it depends when the T originates from. Could be the Middle or Inner ear or even Ear wax.