Hi Tara,
I am 3 months in with some nasty T in my ear from the Valsalva Maneuver.
I hope I can ease your mind a bit.
Your brain wants to fixate on the new "threat". The ringing that was never there before is now here. We often miss all of the "new normals" that we adjust to every year we are alive and hardly realize because they are gradual. This ringing (no matter the cause) is here, right now.
Your mind is so incredible that it has the unfortunate power of using all of its strength to try and "think" the ringing away (causing itself and your body to be tense, a.k.a STRESS).
Exercise your mind (just like you would your body) instead to protect your ears from noises, heavy lifting, STRESS and ototoxic medications.
The body is automatic, you cannot tell your stomach to digest food, it does it on its own. Same with tinnitus. It is part of the automatic bodily functioning now (given there is no physical ailment that can be attented to by a doctor in order try and fix your Tinnitus).
You can only pacify your body by using your mind at the moment. The ringing is a paper tiger, not a REAL tiger. Stress invokes bodily responses that wreak havoc on our systems. If it does not make it worse permanently, it certainly makes your mind more aware of the T, therefore, keeping you in a jumbled panic every waking hour (my personal experience also).
You are trying to get your "normal" life back before T. This is like a dog chasing a hot dog hanging on a stick in front of him. Stop chasing an invisible "quick fix button" for what your body already has (Tinnitus). The amount of time for your ears to heal is very long (one of the longest times for anything in the body to heal).
CBT Therapy about Tinnitus on YouTube or Doctor videos on YouTube about Tinnitus are incredibly soothing for me. Rearch and destroy! I say. Use your time to research masking sounds, soothing meditations, the anatomy of the ear, etc. My Tinnitus is constant and high pitched. The volume reacts to any external sound. I spent the first two months trying to run away from my body. Update: it is not possible.
My mind that tells me 'I will not be able to live like this forever', is stuck in the future due to past events, all the while each and every moment in the NOW is being missed. You cannot wish it away. You can be proactive with your mind and stregthen its response to Tinnitus, that of which has a good chance of going down with TIME. Time has us in its grasp. We are hamsters on its wheel doing different tricks, all the while it keeps moving regardless.
My post is not meant to tell you to acclimate immediately, for I am nowhere near that stage myself. What I wont do, however, is sit idly by and let my mind keep me supressed in a constant worried panic. I worry every day about my Tinntius, but the amount of time that I worry is decreasing with every day.
I hope this helps you during your T. Whether it stays 6 months or for life, your body is still operating as it should otherwise. Research and excerise your body and mind; this is paramount to your reaction towards your T.
Please keep me updated. Please talk to me anytime.