Well, Here's my story and yes it sounds bizarre to me as well.
I bought an old house in 2005 and started renovation , I had stayed there for about two weeks ,removing bag after bag of old *black* sawdust in the walls (used for insulation in the 1920's) when I woke up in the middle of the night , started walking to the bathroom and just fell down, passed out.
Woke up to the sounds of my wife calling an ambulance. I was taken to the hospital where they found nothing wrong with me. It was concluded by a nurse after a quick examination that I might in fact have had a panic attack , although I recall no panic. I remember asking the doctor if this could in any way be related to the fact that I was ripping apart an old house with lots of water damage. I knew nothing of mold at the time, just the only factor I could imagine.
In the coming weeks I would come to agree with their diagnosis and felt that indeed I was having anxiety and panic attacks so I started doing relaxations and meditation . This helped me a lot for some time.
Fast forward a few years and I am still working on this house,(It was three floors and a mess) building a music studio on the top floor, sanding and restoring the old floorboards ,replacing the roof.. etc .
All this time I never really feel "right"?
Keep in mind that at this time I am very successful in music, touring and having the time of my life.
I have a beatiful house downtown, perfect spot , my music studio up and running on the top floor, and I am super happy.
I do not feel depressed or anxious at all, I feel I need to say that as I had to hear that implied from doctors all the time.
2008 and I feel I have problems with sleeping , concentration and cognative issues and start seeing doctors, no diagnosis.
2009 and I am now feeling dizzy and lightheaded all the time and I practically have stopped eating, no diagnosis.
2010 and I remember getting this little twitch in my index finger when going to sleep, this started to go to my whole left hand , then the whole arm and finally it started causing convulsions and heavy twitching in my stomach muscles.
Finally I could hardly lay down as when I started to relax my body it started convulsing so much that I was losing breath.
Went to loads of doctors and was finally diagnosed with Essential Myoclonus or (We dont know what the f**k is wrong with you!) and given anti convulsion medicine or Rivotril. Better known as Benzo's.
At this point I was exhausted and would have taken anything to make it stop, despite being heavily against prescription drugs I gave in , also feeling pressured to do my best to resolve this.
At first it was godsend, I have possibly never been happier and more productive in my life.
The convulsions had reduced although they were far from gone, but I felt so happy to get an explanation for all this.
Then...the side effects , memory loss, my biggest problem. Literally going to the store , buy a bag of crap. Go home, put away the bag and a couple of hours later going to the store buying the same stuff. Everyday felt like I had been drunk when I went to sleep, could vaguely remember going to sleep.
Finally , I learned about mold from an friend that had a friend that has similar issues.
I turned my house upside down looking for mold indicators, not finding anything I called in a professional.
After he examined my house he told me that in the bathroom behind the shower I probably had mold.
Tearing away that wall one afternoon and yes indeed I had mold and LOTS of it.
The wall was literally completely black with mold from floor to ceiling, not spots, completely covered in black crap!
I moved out that same day.
A couple of weeks or maybe a month or so and my convulsion were completely gone and I felt that my cognative skills were improving, no more dizziness , weirdness, feelings of floating around , anxiety etc. etc....
Few months in and I had completely recovered from the convulsing.
Aftermath. I decided to stop this damned medication that I felt I had never really needed and I quit cold turkey.
Should not have done that as a couple of weeks later I could literally hear my hearing dropping down.
A few days later T begins.
Conclusion. I am afraid that mold can indeed cause a lot of nerve, brain related issues although I can never be sure.
Did the medication or mold give me T ? I guess I can never really be sure of that either.
In any event , I will take very good care of not exposing myself to mold again and I would advise everytone to be super vigilant about mold issues.
Sorry for the life story , have nothing better to do