Can One 0.25 mg Pill of Xanax Cause a Tinnitus Spike?

Eric N

Podcast Patron
Jan 11, 2013
Tinnitus Since
10/2012, 03/2016, 05/2017, 05/2018
Cause of Tinnitus
noise + 3 major increases via (shouting / MRI/ flu+Tylenol)
Is it possible for one pill of 0.25 mg Xanax to cause a spike?

I take a Xanax extremely sparingly maybe once every month on average. I have many tinnitus tones but the spike is only in one of the tones which for some reason Xanax seems to consistently make worse, but this time it's awful. It usually wears off but it's been more than a week now.
Is it possible for one pill of 0.25 mg Xanax to cause a spike?

I take a Xanax extremely sparingly maybe once every month on average. I have many tinnitus tones but the spike is only in one of the tones which for some reason Xanax seems to consistently make worse, but this time it's awful. It usually wears off but it's been more than a week now.
Yes Eric N, it can.

You just said Xanax "consistently makes it worse".

Perhaps you can switch to another drug or have a long massage and sauna to ease the pain. I assume if you are taking it once a month, it is to have a fast escape from the pain you are experiencing. Stop the Xanax Eric, if it's only once a month... just let it go.

Hope your spike settles and if it does please let us know the good news.

Is it possible for one pill of 0.25 mg Xanax to cause a spike?

I take a Xanax extremely sparingly maybe once every month on average. I have many tinnitus tones but the spike is only in one of the tones which for some reason Xanax seems to consistently make worse, but this time it's awful. It usually wears off but it's been more than a week now.

I have no experience with Xanax in particular, but I have tried other types of benzos (lorazepam, oxazepam, gidazepam, clonazepam) and I noticed that out of all benzos, only gidazepam seems to spike my T while the rest tends to make it somewhat less intrusive for a few hours. The effect of medication can vary from person to person as you probably already know, and the same can be applied for its ability to induce a spike. So to answer your question, the spike could be caused by the Xanax. I do think, however, that considering the fact that it's a relatively low dose of Xanax and you use it sparingly, it is safe to say that it should subside sooner or later.

I'd advise you to ask for a prescription for a different type of benzo (if you intend to continue to use in the future), as a different type of benzo might not induce a spike :)
I'd say no, but I could be wrong. I got a few benzos and stayed on they in low doses for about 2 months. A few times I even took a half or a whole one on top of what I was prescribed, and drank on them and I was fine. I don't remember the pill size but they were small.

Have you tried curcumin? Turmeric?
Is it possible for one pill of 0.25 mg Xanax to cause a spike?

I take a Xanax extremely sparingly maybe once every month on average. I have many tinnitus tones but the spike is only in one of the tones which for some reason Xanax seems to consistently make worse, but this time it's awful. It usually wears off but it's been more than a week now.

Yes, avoid benzos like the plague unless it's a last resort.
Ironically I was taking it to try to calm down another spike caused by antifungal cream, also some folks here said Xanax was helping.

Apparently I'm real sensitive to meds.
I'd say no, but I could be wrong. I got a few benzos and stayed on they in low doses for about 2 months. A few times I even took a half or a whole one on top of what I was prescribed, and drank on them and I was fine. I don't remember the pill size but they were small.

Have you tried curcumin? Turmeric?
No I haven't yet, did you try them with any success? Beyond what could be considered placebo?
I might regret suggesting this, but here is my «two cents». Of course I'm not a Doc, have no medical background, or know you reason for taking Xanax.

But considering tinnitus (I am very sensitive to changes) and pain I use oxycodone.
I used the one that lasts for 6 hrs, and use it maybe once a month/every two month for pain I am unable to control with other substances.

Works like a charm for me. As I've said might regret this with all the opiate talk going on in the US these days. But used correctly I am convinced they are useful!
I think everyone's different. For me, benzos are a godsend and lower my tinnitus to almost silence. Clonazepam works best for me but Xanax, Valium, and others work too.

Only trouble is they only help me temporarily until resistance builds up. There there is a tapering off process if I stay on them too long.

But for occasional use, they work wonders for my tinnitus.
My tinnitus seems louder after taking that dose of Xanax but then again I'm lying down in bed at the time and my tinnitus is ALWAYS louder when I'm lying down. It's not louder the next day, however.

My problem is that lately I get what I call rebound anxiety when the Xanax wears off. Never used to happen until this year and I take it far less now than I used to. I don't understand it.
I am doing really bad, the spike has reached epic proportions, stay away from meds.
Some people here say meds are a godsend. Some people claim they cause spikes or don't work.

Tinnitus is hell.

A couple of people got mad because I said tinnitus and I mean intrusive or severe tinnitus - is worse than other health problems. I won't apologize and I know I am right.

Unless your tinnitus is only heard in a quiet room, it will bother you. The louder and more crazy it is - high pitched, multiple tones and what have you, it destroys your quality of life. It makes you want to die to stop the ringing or however you perceive the noises. I call them tones.

When meds don't universally help and may cause spikes, that is not a problem for other health conditions. Only tinnitus!
Hello everyone, my doctor recently prescribed me a small dosage of Xanax for flight anxiety. Just for the flight nothing else. I have never taken any kind of anxiety medication or anything like that, but i know for sure that a blood pressure medication spiked my tinnitus about a year ago and stayed this way. Will the Xanax increase my tinnitus? If yes, will it stay or lower to baseline after i stop? Any help, insights or thoughts will be much appreciated, as the trip date is closing in and im very concerned.
Hello everyone, my doctor recently prescribed me a small dosage of Xanax for flight anxiety. Just for the flight nothing else. I have never taken any kind of anxiety medication or anything like that, but i know for sure that a blood pressure medication spiked my tinnitus about a year ago and stayed this way. Will the Xanax increase my tinnitus? If yes, will it stay or lower to baseline after i stop? Any help, insights or thoughts will be much appreciated, as the trip date is closing in and im very concerned.

I don't think that anyone could give you a definitive answer. My experience: I only very, very occassionaly take 0,25-0,5 mg Frontin (this is the brand name of Xanax in my country) for sleep. Doesn't help much with sleeping, but it quietens down my tinnitus for some hours, but then it's back to baseline. Never caused a spike (yet).

Tinnitus seems to be able to spike from no apparent reasons. It could spike from the flight anxiety too, so you have to decide what risk you are willing to take.
My mom took Tranxene once which is from the class of drugs (benzodiazepines) that Xanax is related to and it gave her temporary tinnitus. She stopped taking it and the tinnitus went away shortly thereafter.
I don't think that anyone could give you a definitive answer. My experience: I only very, very occassionaly take 0,25-0,5 mg Frontin (this is the brand name of Xanax in my country) for sleep. Doesn't help much with sleeping, but it quietens down my tinnitus for some hours, but then it's back to baseline. Never caused a spike (yet).

Tinnitus seems to be able to spike from no apparent reasons. It could spike from the flight anxiety too, so you have to decide what risk you are willing to take.

Yes, exactly, flight anxiety was my last major spike. I went from a 5/10 to 7/10 in just one flight. I'll take half of 0.5mg that my doctor prescribed to test it first. If all goes well i'll pop a whole pill before the flight to be safe and to avoid the extreme flight anxiety.

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