- Oct 29, 2015
- 36
- Tinnitus Since
- 25/10/2015
- Cause of Tinnitus
- Unknown at the moment, prob hearing lost/stress.
I've been dealing with T for 3 months now, and all I can say is the despite the fact that I've done 3 hearing test and non of them has shown any sign of hearing loss, no vertigo or anything wierd, only a constant ringing on my left ear, I know that it's very possible that I have some "hidden" hearing loss (since all the tests were at 8k max), the question is, the only moment before T that I got exposed to loud noise was with a "sound grenade" playing airsoft 2 weeks before onset, the question is, Is it possible that T can appear, not right at the moment when you expose yourself to loud noise (I see a lot of people that got T right after a concert or some show), but later (weeks, mouths)? Or I'm just overthinking and it's simply the fact that maybe I have damaged my ear because of hearing loss due to other reason (like headphones). Just trying to figure out what might be the cause since I not happy with the idea of "idiopathic T".