T can be caused by many things. Medications, ear wax, stress induced, hearing damage and the list goes on. First thing is to have a MRI with contrast to rule out any bone structural problems , tumors , etc. and then check for TMJ to make sure your jaw is not out of its proper form. Taking alot of aspirin or pain killers too much caffiene, neck or back problems....Hopefully you will be able to illiminate some of these things and find the culprit. Hopefully it will leave on its own and if not in time your brain will habituate to the sound and tune it out so it fade into the background although its still their if you bring your attention to it. Im in my 11th month with fairly loud T but it really doesnt bother me anymore for the most part....I always keep soft relaxing music or nature sounds to relax or sleep with. I find that exercise and going back to the things that I enjoy and keeping busy helps the most. Good luck and hope you have success !!!!!!