I feel you man, before tinnitus I was a silence freak, I always put my earphones in train without music just to muffle the sound, I always needed complete silence to sleep, and loved silence because it would give me peace. My room is dead silence and that's also why I used to love morning, because of the quiet.Funnily enough, my tinnitus started right after a blocked earwax-ear too. While I do believe mine to have actual physical causes, I wonder how much me reading about ear problems did to me - I had no clue it was earwax and thought I was legit going deaf lol.
I do still believe my neck muscles to play a big part in my tinnitus, but man, I wish I'd never freaked out over something as silly as a stupid earwax blockage causing muffled hearing. It's just that hearing loss and tinnitus have been a major fear of mine forever, so it terrified me.
I also always catch very easily sounds, for example a bulb light at the other side of the room would annoy me even if it was just the slightest of noise because I would hear it. Work with faint music from outside, I would instant focus on it, I guess because I am a musician, but anyway my brain always caught every sound like a wild animal.
I think this has play a big part in my tinnitus not going away (and coming altogether).
I am looking right now with EMDR, I strongly believe it could work, because believe it or not, I use to do it myself even before knowing about it and got rid of a tinnitus noise like that at the beginning. And then I read about it and I was like "man I am a genious"

I will also try psilocybin... stay tuned.