I am mid-twenties male and I have mild tinnitus..
the tinnitus doesn't bother me much anymore..
I started to take st john's wort last month (a natural anti depressant, recommended by "Neil bauman - Otototoxic drugs exposed")
3 weeks since the start of the drug, I started to feel feelings of restless.
It's like my body wants to run but my mind wants to stay right here. It's a feeling almost identical to anxiety, it's just global, without any reason. But the bad part is that I started to develop anxiety towards this feeling..
I am constantly shaking my legs, I feel like a dog who can't cool himself down. This is much worse than the mild tinnitus, I can't imagine living like this even a few more days ahead. I'm stuck at the bed all day long because the bed feels the most calm place I have and doing anything other than lying down triggers this feeling.
I've started now to taper off the st john's wort, but it will take a few more days to reach zero. But my psychologist is telling me it's the depression that does this feeling, that my depression had worsened, and not because of st john's wort drug.
I am constantly thinking about the future, I'm feeling like a mental train wreck, I'm almost imaginging myself putting myself into a mental hospitalization, Im sure this how drug addicts feel. It's the worst kind of feeling. and I'm scared that if I will use psychiatrist drugs which are benzos now (for an example, clonazepam) It will only get worse after a few times of usage.. not to mention the tinnitus will get worse as well.
I'm constantly imaginging the catastrophic timeline where I'm using psychiatric drugs and it makes a difference but in half a year stops working, and then they will have to make a surgery in my brain and to put some anti-anxiety electrode in there. or living my life as a complete mental trainwreck!
Is this like tinnitus, a feeling that never ends?!
I've been away from work for two days because of this..
does anyone have experience with this thing?
I can't imagine living this life like this. oh my god.
I am mid-twenties male and I have mild tinnitus..
the tinnitus doesn't bother me much anymore..
I started to take st john's wort last month (a natural anti depressant, recommended by "Neil bauman - Otototoxic drugs exposed")
3 weeks since the start of the drug, I started to feel feelings of restless.
It's like my body wants to run but my mind wants to stay right here. It's a feeling almost identical to anxiety, it's just global, without any reason. But the bad part is that I started to develop anxiety towards this feeling..
I am constantly shaking my legs, I feel like a dog who can't cool himself down. This is much worse than the mild tinnitus, I can't imagine living like this even a few more days ahead. I'm stuck at the bed all day long because the bed feels the most calm place I have and doing anything other than lying down triggers this feeling.
I've started now to taper off the st john's wort, but it will take a few more days to reach zero. But my psychologist is telling me it's the depression that does this feeling, that my depression had worsened, and not because of st john's wort drug.
I am constantly thinking about the future, I'm feeling like a mental train wreck, I'm almost imaginging myself putting myself into a mental hospitalization, Im sure this how drug addicts feel. It's the worst kind of feeling. and I'm scared that if I will use psychiatrist drugs which are benzos now (for an example, clonazepam) It will only get worse after a few times of usage.. not to mention the tinnitus will get worse as well.
I'm constantly imaginging the catastrophic timeline where I'm using psychiatric drugs and it makes a difference but in half a year stops working, and then they will have to make a surgery in my brain and to put some anti-anxiety electrode in there. or living my life as a complete mental trainwreck!
Is this like tinnitus, a feeling that never ends?!
I've been away from work for two days because of this..
does anyone have experience with this thing?
I can't imagine living this life like this. oh my god.