Bobby can you elaborate on LLLT? I (am/was) an electronics engineer so would try this, whats the method, how does it work?...
Carbon monoxide is ototoxic, it damages the nerves through oxygen deprivation hypoxia...

I read a lot about this, although apparently it's not the hypoxia that causes so much damage, but the free radical production and lipid peroxidation when oxygen levels are restored that causes the damage, programmed cell death or something...
In my case it's unbelievable bad luck. I was depressed after some bad life events (partner screwing me over etc) occurring simultaneously so went to my doctor who prescribed antidepressants, I took just one after putting it off for 4 weeks because I was scared of the side effects, but was also taking St Johns wort at the same time and unknown to me this can cause a fatal reaction, i had a FIT and collapsed, it knocked me about and left some serious damage. I thought it was just a bad reaction to the first pill, nope...
When I complained to the doctor he thought I was making it up because I didn't know to tell him about St Johns wort, I was made out to be 'crazy' and then literally forced to take more ADs. Meanwhile I was actually also experiencing low level carbon monoxide poisoning exposure for about 3 months, I had severe headaches, eye problems like double vision, hearing fluctuating, dizziness, I went to my doctor multiple times but he said it was 'anxiety' also, I assumed it was drug side effects and would clear up. As problems got worse it really made my anxiety go out of control, losing vision and hearing freaked me out naturally I became seriously desperate, the doctor thought I was crazy and I was pretty much forced to take seroquel, mirtazapene and benzos all together, this only made things worse. So I was being CO poisoned, and also these drugs are known to cause CNS issues masking it or making it worse. Hypoxia and blood vessel constriction due to drugs isn't a good combo...the more I complained to the doctor, the crazier he thought I was...I eventually managed to break the loop but have permanent damage balance is better but eyesight, hearing and body is f**ked
I want to sue the doctor obviously for the misdiagnosis,but the CO is well gone (tho not sure from my body), and I cannot get proof of CO because it's in the past, cannot prove hearing damage because apparently my hearing is fine (upto 8k only counts of course), eyesight is obviously fine because I can still 'see' a chart (despite optic nerve damage), and balance is a 'neck issue' life is over...all thanks to one pill. I wouldn't have been fobbed off by the doctor and CO poisoning quickly identified and recovery possible if I hadn't taken the SSRI...such a mess, and now I'm left in hell with no recompensation or support...
The way in which the CO/drugs affected my hearing was simply reduced amplitude, more and more each day, then later on distortion at mid frequency and like midrange was gone, it remained quiet. Then a few weeks later there was a loud noise (rain on a plastic roof), and the whole lot went really really quiet so much I checked into a&e who told me it was mental health issues again, then hearing came back a little slowly unconsciously but never loud, loud sounds are no longer loud just like compressed. I didn't really have tinnitus or anything at that point just quiet hearing. Then I had 1 session of oxygen for 2 hours, and developed tinnitus and high frequency hearing loss, like it was the final straw for already weakened and damaged ears...I think it was oxygen toxicity, I.E. the damage to CNS they say is caused by oxidative stress ROS after the CO poisoning, so taking oxygen I'm sure just added to it

. I was scared that might happen, but also scared if I didn't do anything about the CO I would be more damaged...a catch 22, so only did 1 session to see how it went, that was enough to wipe my HF..the doctor wouldn't help me, the literature said oxygen therapy for SSHL so...I literally cannot forgive myself, id rather have full range damaged hearing than HF loss AND TINNITUS in addition...I can't forgive myself for taking the first AD because I never wanted that stuff in my body in the place, how it could of got so out of control to lose my eyesight, hearing etc. I can't even be SURE the CO was the cause, it could have been the drug interactions...
Meanwhile I have to leave my whole career and life behind, I reviewed speakers, designed hi quality audio, I built a Bible of electronic design techniques for the best sound quality, head hunted for my skills by a&h, novation, behringer, I live debilitated like a tramp just struggling...ppl really don't get what the issue is, I can still hear 'speech' I simply want to disappear and cease to exist, I am not living...
Reinier, with regard the EQing, I think I was trying to suggest deriving an 'acceptable' sound, where it doesn't nag or sound awful, the resolution/definition of course sadly is lost, I understand what you mean about healthy hearing being that sensitive, it's heartbreaking...I'm not sure how your hearing is, my issue is everything sounds TINNY I think due to recruitment, there's no air or atmosphere thus everything sounds dead and emotionless... I tried the EQ thing and it doesn't really make it sound good, but less irritating... I want to kill someone for this horrific loss, me?...
Let's pray for a cure in our lifetimes. I'm not going to hold my breath and not sure if I'll still be around when it happens...
Brain plasticity seems to be helping with balance issues (I cannot keep my eyes on a fixed point due to vestibular damage) tho this is getting better, I think CO targets the inner ear especially well, whence dizziness as a symptom... I might of recovered if I hadn't trashed my ears with oxygen therapy... I'm pretty sure this is a double edged sword.