My T goes up and down as I push my lower jaw forward, and also as I turn my head all the way to the left or right. Usually I can tell what kind of day it's going to be by how loud it is when I push my jaw out. If it's loud, I'm probably going to have a loud day. I also think that my T is strongly related to something in my neck. This morning I woke up at 4am and it was really quiet. I knew I should get out of bed right then and carry on with the day but I fell back asleep for a hour or two and when I woke up it was screaming. I'm a chronic gum chewer. Rarely do I not have gum in my mouth. I before my T went permanent, I'd had ringing on occasion that always went away, usually from a loud noise, but I don't have significant hearing loss. My T started one day when I got out of the shower and a big glob of wax came out of my ear. That was 3 years ago.