Chit Chat and All That...

There are district nurses who come once a week to change and clean the PICC line in my arm. I must say, they are a very experienced and professional group of ladies. They thoroughly sterilize everything in their cases before entering the house, and every item they handle is wiped down with sterile pads. I have no worries about infection with these nurses—hats off to them!

To all my fellow tinnitus folks: have a great New Year, and stay positive and strong.

Elmer B. Fuddled
Second chemo session is done, but it turned into a very long day. My appointment was at 3 p.m., but I ended up waiting over an hour before being called in.

Once I was hooked up, I had two hours of the chemo drip. After that, they connected me to a pump that I'll wear for 42 hours. This pump is fascinating. I had to ask about how it works.

It contains a liquid designed to target cancer cells. For cancer cells to spread or multiply, their DNA must remain identical. The liquid in the pump interferes with the DNA in the cancer cells, killing them and preventing further spread.

It's incredible technology, and the advancements in cancer research are truly amazing. Support your local research efforts.

There is something strange going on that I need to be aware of, a sound in my ear. The side effects of chemo turned out to be true. Be aware that chemo can and will cause tinnitus. As if I needed more noise in my life. But it did not care, it is here, and now it is more intrusive than ever.

Three treatments to go. It is definitely wearing me down.
There is something strange going on that I need to be aware of, a sound in my ear. The side effects of chemo turned out to be true. Be aware that chemo can and will cause tinnitus. As if I needed more noise in my life. But it did not care, it is here, and now it is more intrusive than ever.

Three treatments to go. It is definitely wearing me down.
Good Lord, you need a break.
I hope you find some relief soon.
Stay strong, big brother.

I just got the news. I beat the fucker. One treatment to go and I am finished.

I went through hell, but I came out on top.

A month from now, I will have a CT scan, an MRI, a colonoscopy, and an endoscopy. If everything is clear, I am done, which I am sure it will be.

Today, I finished my final chemo treatment. The chemo nurses who hook you up asked if someone would be removing my PICC line. I told them the nurse who comes on Sunday is supposed to take it out.

I asked, "So, I'm done?"

"Yes, you're done," they said.

Taking the line out now tells me I've beaten the damn thing. If I hadn't, they wouldn't be removing it. I'm positive I won—I knew I would, with all the support from my family and friends.

Thank you all for your kindness and support.

I just got the news. I beat the fucker. One treatment to go and I am finished.

I went through hell, but I came out on top.

A month from now, I will have a CT scan, an MRI, a colonoscopy, and an endoscopy. If everything is clear, I am done, which I am sure it will be.

Today, I finished my final chemo treatment. The chemo nurses who hook you up asked if someone would be removing my PICC line. I told them the nurse who comes on Sunday is supposed to take it out.

I asked, "So, I'm done?"

"Yes, you're done," they said.

Taking the line out now tells me I've beaten the damn thing. If I hadn't, they wouldn't be removing it. I'm positive I won—I knew I would, with all the support from my family and friends.

Thank you all for your kindness and support.

ROCK 'N' FUCKIN' ROLL, E!!! I'm overjoyed for you. Nice timing too with Spring just around the corner. Much love to you and Mrs E.

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