Can you share the main points you made? I hope they respond to you.
Ok, here it is. It's not my best work, but hopefully it's legible enough to get the message across.
Title: Donate to research, donate for hope
Dear Sir/Madam,
First of all, I would like to express my gratitude for the hard work and donations that your organisation, the ATA, has spent on helping to improve the lives of those who greatly suffer from tinnitus. It has recently come to my attention that the ATA has received a generous sum, for which the organisation can decide on what causes it wish to spend on. It's for this reason that I would like to give advice from my perspective as a tinnitus sufferer.
In my experience as a tinnitus sufferer, I have felt that current treatments have not fulfilled the potential of addressing my tinnitus or the psychological & physical stress that it has caused in my life. I have received TRT and CBT, but it has not made my life any better. I had to quit my work, university and also had to cancel my rent. So you could see my life has turned upside down by this severe disorder. My life only rests on the hope that future treatments might help make my live more ''livable'', and there is certainly hope that there is something that not only helps me, but also for those who are in the same situation as I am.
There are several types of research that are well underway. Bi-modulation therapies, such as Susan Shore's current research at the university of Michigan, Kv 7.2/7.3 channel activity modulators, which is currently tested at the Pittsburgh University under guidance of Dr. Tzounopoulos and the highly anticipated hearing regeneration treatments by companies like Frequency Therapeutics are giving us all hope in a better future.
This aforementioned research has the potential to improve our lives. And to get there, it also needs the necessary funding in fulfilling that potential. It is for this reason that I hope that you would consider these types of research, so that tinnitus sufferers like me go on and enjoy our lives again. Please, give us hope. We are counting on you.
With kind regards,
Christiaan van R.
the Netherlands