Could Exercise Cause My Tinnitus to Be as Bad as It Is?

Depends on what caused your T

If it's noise then besides a noisy gym I don't see how exercise can make it any worse
Running and the shock waves generated might (very low chance), if you do it for very extended periods of time. I can no longer run, at all, because of this.
But it is extremely unlikely, as so many people with T run and find that the running helps their T. I'm just super sensitive to everything.
I work out with machines and free weights heavy one hour 15 minutes four times a week. I do 30 minutes cardio on the treadmill the other three days. Basically even though im older Im a gym rat and may have a slight increase in T after a workout which may last for an hour and sometimes not but T always returns to its baseline. Funny thing I hear my T watching TV, While driving in the car but never hear it while im working out. I believe exercise is helpful for T for you sleep much better and burn off alot of stress.
@Michael B
It all depends on how severe the tinnitus is because we are all different. People have contacted me that run on the treadmill and on hard ground and notice their tinnitus has increased over time eventually causing them to stop. I believe it could be due to hard impact on the ground, that travels up through the body to the head and auditory system and irritating the cochlear in the inner ear. I use an elliptical/cross trainer machine at home and haven't noticed any increase in my tinnitus. This could be due to my feet not making contact with the ground when using it.
Dosent make any real difference too my T the only issues I have at the gym is the music so I ask them too turn it down.
There is a theory that Tinnitus sufferers have too much Adrenalin in their body then you could perhaps make a case for it.................and swapping all your Physical training for Yoga and Chi Kung for say 6 months would be very interesting to see the outcome of that
Be careful to breath fully when lifting, you can create a lot of pressure in the ear if you don't. I quit doing pull ups and heavy dead lifts, I also lift way lighter these days, seems to be okay.
I'm a runner and the T increases during the run. But I enjoy being outdoors, it releases stress etc. So in a way I benefit more then "suffering: from the T.

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