I could use some words of advice and prayers. I have been battling bad depression sincce November of last year when my Lexapro stopped working after 10 great years. I got T in Feb and had a hard time until a few weeks ago when I started to deal with it pretty well. my depression has stayed after trying 2 different medications. I have been on a new one now for a few months and have miserable days but seem to get better every night, but wake up to the depression again? I started a new job and I am struggling and my wife is not happy with our relationship at the moment. I spent all morning crying with begging her to ride out this rough patch with me, we have 3 great kids. I feel if I could only beat this depression (something I have had 30 years) that I would be okay. I am so lost and feel so alone, my T has gradually cranked up in my left side to add to my misery and anxiety.