Hey people, I came across a fantastic website a few months ago. It's called 'www.coursera.org'. I wanted to share that with you because it's helped me a LOT! It's a website for free education. You can learn all those stuffs that you never could. What's amazing is that you also get a 'Statement of Accomplishment' if you successfully complete a course. I've taken up a few classes and I'm doing great in those. You guys should take a look at it! They have subjects on almost all topics and they are all provided for free by various reputed Universities. They are video lessons, all you need to do is download them, watch them anytime you're free and complete quizzes. They are quite easy. Try making use of it. Have fun!
P.S; I am NOT a part of their organization and trying to advertise here if anyone's wondering. I'm just thrilled by the subjects they are offering and wanted to share.
P.S; I am NOT a part of their organization and trying to advertise here if anyone's wondering. I'm just thrilled by the subjects they are offering and wanted to share.