The occlusion effect for me is off the charts, I can hear even my arm moving, my whole body moving, every step, really I can't even walk.Yo @Snake, sorry to hear this my friend.
I had to wear my ACS moulds with PRO20 filters for 12 hours last Saturday at a family event, and I had absolutely no problem with the minor occlusion effect they generated. In short, it was thanks to them I was able to enjoy the whole day (as opposed to just enduring it).
Though I suppose we're all going to perceive different levels of occlusion, due to our own varying degrees of hyperacusis.
Just two questions:
1) Have you worn them outside yet? If so, for how long?
2) How do you find the occlusion effect using them, in comparison to using foam earplugs?
In foam earplugs the occlusion is WAAAAAAAAAY lower, like day and night. For me in foam earplugs the problem is that I can't hear people, occlusion effect is acceptable there (well walking is still boomy but I don't hear my whole body moving...). Here it's astronomically higher.
Can't go with the the ACS moulds outside as I can't even walk.
Did they mess something with my molds or what? I just want something like foam earplugs but with less protection / isolation so I can still hear people, nothing more