I've been to the Canadian Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Centere
I did the 4 hour first day session which included 1 hour of audiology and 3 hours of counceling.
I can tell you that my experience there was exactly as
@Martin69 's experience in the German tinnitus clinic - almost word for word.
I would say with 100% certainty, that reading the Jastreboff Neurophysiological Model book of tinnitus, will give you a huge amount of education as opposed to what you'd get from the trt session.
Actually my trt experience was worse than Martin's German clinic.
My clinician simply told me she'd get me the sound generators and I would just set my own volume as I see fit - as long as its below the tinnitus level.
I was interested in her success rates and the only examples she could give me was of some patients with mild tinnitus as compared to some of the tinnitus we have here on this board.
One guy was able to use imagery to pretend his tinnitus was a hot radiator heater hissing away softly at night, allowing him to get his sleep back.
When I asked if she had any patients with tinnitus that sounded like a swarm of bees, she said she has 1 patient who is still suffering after 2 years.
At least she was honest with me.