Deafness Cure in 5 Years


Sep 4, 2014
Tinnitus Since
I saw this in the paper today so thought I would share it :)


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I saw this in the paper today so thought I would share it :)

Well, even if I don't think that it will realistically be in the next 5 years, it's still great news that the field of research about hearing dissorders is growing and finally getting on the map.

I'd be happy even if it's in 10-15 years. That's still within my expected lifetime. I just want to be able hear silence before I die. I accually can't remeber what it's like anymore. I just wish I could have appreciated back in the days when I was able to .

I try to remember, I dream of it, I fantisize about it. Just sitting in a quiet room and hearing nothing. Imagine walking into your own home, taking a deep breath, closing your eyes and hear absolutely nothing. Just pure, beautiful and peacful....SILENCE... :cry:
Reading a pdf in one the links providedby ATEOS, it will be 2030 when a cure is available, that is 15 years from now. Hope competition forces at least few of them come faster to the market.

BTW that article says 5 drugs to treat T, AM-101, OTO-311, Autifony, which is the other 2 for Tinnitus?
Reading a pdf in one the links providedby ATEOS, it will be 2030 when a cure is available, that is 15 years from now. Hope competition forces at least few of them come faster to the market.

BTW that article says 5 drugs to treat T, AM-101, OTO-311, Autifony, which is the other 2 for Tinnitus?

AM-102 is in the works, not in trials yet but will be within a few years. Then you have VNS therapy that is in trials now and looks promissing. So there is some work being done.
been hearing this for years , the timescale has dropped from 5 to 10 or 10-20 years to within 5 years. I have seen progress but there has been no success story so far, However there is a lot more going on, some of it high quality research some of it very suspect.

Instead of speculating where we are lets recognize that tinnitus and hearing loss research is woefully underfunded, thats the very first issue to fix, the next one is to ensure that the funding goes to genuinely good and promising research. These are the keys to getting to a solution quickly.

There are no signs that the job is near completion.
AM-102 is in the works, not in trials yet but will be within a few years. Then you have VNS therapy that is in trials now and looks promissing. So there is some work being done.
If you read the latest available pipeline update from Auris Medical...


... you will notice that it has been updated recently (vs. the one I copied to the AM-102 thread a few months back). The next key milestone for AM-102 is now Fall 2015, and a cautious guess would be that that is when a phase-I trial may begin. However, it is just that - a guess. But I base that on the fact that the timeline has been updated, and that AM-102 has already been in development for some 5 years (at least). Given that the average bench-to-bedside timeline is about 10 years, it would therefore make sense that we are approaching the possibilities of a phase-I trial already soon...
If you read the latest available pipeline update from Auris Medical...

View attachment 6026

... you will notice that it has been updated recently (vs. the one I copied to the AM-102 thread a few months back). The next key milestone for AM-102 is now Fall 2015, and a cautious guess would be that that is when a phase-I trial may begin. However, it is just that - a guess. But I base that on the fact that the timeline has been updated, and that AM-102 has already been in development for some 5 years (at least). Given that the average bench-to-bedside timeline is about 10 years, it would therefore make sense that we are approaching the possibilities of a phase-I trial already soon...

Oh, that's great. I didn't expect AM-102 to go to any kind of trial anytime soon. I also see that they have disclosed the name of AM-101. I haven't been visiting their website for a few weeks so I haven't seen this timeline. Good news! :)
I also see that they have disclosed the name of AM-101.
I believe the name of AM-101 has been disclosed for a while; possibly since the beginning of the development (i.e. it is a known compound, Esketamine). The compound of OTO-311 is also disclosed (even though it is still pre-clinical).
Silvio Sabo said:
I try to remember, I dream of it, I fantisize about it. Just sitting in a quiet room and hearing nothing. Imagine walking into your own home, taking a deep breath, closing your eyes and hear absolutely nothing. Just pure, beautiful and peacful....SILENCE... :cry:
@Silvio Sabo I can't tell you how many times that exact thought has crossed my mind it will truly bring me to my knees with tears of joy....God bless
I think it's still the same thing, if you read a new story of "cure for deafness", "cure for hearing loss","cure for tinnitus"....
First lines are written like the cure is here, like they actually can cure. And always at the end of the story there is
the sentence " there is much work to be done"... "there is a long way to go".... maybe in the next 10 years....
The term, 10 years is equal to open end....

Ok, but at least in the last 10 years we saw a lot of development in hearing research... Many labs, many pharmas are founded... 10 years ago, there has been a very few companies dedicated for hearing health products....
i.e. Sound Pharmaceuticals, American Biohealth Group.....
Today we find many many more (ATEOS posted a list once)...

Further, we have at least 1 hand full of companies doing clinical trials... and one company (Novartis/Genvec) doing
gene therapy, which isn't just a little playing with chemicals...
So this development over the last 10 years is absolutely great and encouraging, even we have to be realistic and be warned that most of them won't reach the market in it's form.

Soon, there should be some more news about molecular therapy approach of hair cell regeneration, which sounds
more promising than the ATOH1 trial... so next years will likely to be exciting....

maybe this company comes along with some good news soon

But yes, there won't be a cure tomorrow...
Here's one from 2005 that said 5-10 years for possible treatments for deafness....
Ah, the sound of logic to bring us back to reality... Indeed, these are merely words.

However, in that article they say 5-8 years to proceed from animals to humans. It is a much more vague approach than the ones we have today, human beings are already participating in trials. So, yes, we have had progress. Perhaps it has been slow, but as years go by it gets faster. Any time a new company joins the race, the chances multiply. There are many trials out there, compared to 10 years ago. And most, if not all, have had successful trials in mice. The drug release has a timetable, it is well known even by approximation. No such thing back then.

New breakthroughs are coming regarding the technology used to observe the inner ear and make diagnosis! Of course new ways to inject the drugs will be found as well. There are companies that base their work on that too.

You cannot also ignore the gene therapy that attempts to alter mammals into curing their ears. If successful and fine tuned, it will be extraordinary indeed. They do not only have a vision of that, they actually attempt to do it right now.
Saying they will cure deaf people, reverse hearing loss, and pinpointing some years from now based on actual facts and trials attempted is no little thing to be regarded as only a "vision".

I think we need a little more proof in humans, we all wait for that moment a deaf person will be able to hear something!
It is a race, races are good. Setting foot on the moon was the result of a 10 year race between 2 countries. Such a feet to such a short time. Humanity is also able to do wonders, not only self destruct... Technological advances may caused our problem, scientific research also holds the solution. All these scientific experiments are not without results. On the contrary. They give the green light. We just need to see the light in the end of the tunnel. Right now we can only smell it.
One of these days or the next few years we will say: There it is!!!
Ah, the sound of logic to bring us back to reality... Indeed, these are merely words.

However, in that article they say 5-8 years to proceed from animals to humans. It is a much more vague approach than the ones we have today, human beings are already participating in trials. So, yes, we have had progress. Perhaps it has been slow, but as years go by it gets faster. Any time a new company joins the race, the chances multiply. There are many trials out there, compared to 10 years ago. And most, if not all, have had successful trials in mice. The drug release has a timetable, it is well known even by approximation. No such thing back then.

New breakthroughs are coming regarding the technology used to observe the inner ear and make diagnosis! Of course new ways to inject the drugs will be found as well. There are companies that base their work on that too.

You cannot also ignore the gene therapy that attempts to alter mammals into curing their ears. If successful and fine tuned, it will be extraordinary indeed. They do not only have a vision of that, they actually attempt to do it right now.
Saying they will cure deaf people, reverse hearing loss, and pinpointing some years from now based on actual facts and trials attempted is no little thing to be regarded as only a "vision".

I think we need a little more proof in humans, we all wait for that moment a deaf person will be able to hear something!
It is a race, races are good. Setting foot on the moon was the result of a 10 year race between 2 countries. Such a feet to such a short time. Humanity is also able to do wonders, not only self destruct... Technological advances may caused our problem, scientific research also holds the solution. All these scientific experiments are not without results. On the contrary. They give the green light. We just need to see the light in the end of the tunnel. Right now we can only smell it.
One of these days or the next few years we will say: There it is!!!
Nice job, some positive optimism yet leery of human protocol. I feel stem cell will also step up to the plate.

From the above article:

The five drugs in the final stages of clinical development:

1. STS – being developed by Fennec Pharmaceuticals to protect against cisplatin-induced hearing loss

2. AuriPro – being developed by Otonomy for the treatment of otitis media

3. AM-101 – being developed by Auris Medical for the treatment of tinnitus

4. OTO-104 – being developed by Otonomy for the treatment of Ménière's disease

5. D-methionine – being developed by Southern Illinois University to protect against noise-induced hearing loss

Any info on these?
Deafness Cure is probably the wrong's a first step to get closer to inner ear problems, but no of these drugs is applicable in the inner ear..
The first link requires me to register and sign in to read the study. No
need for me to do that and forget another ID/pwd besides giving out some of my own info - even if it's just an IP addr.

1. We're in a drugged to death society in America. It's not something that's disputable. I know one of these links are outside of the US.
2. Hearing loss and tinnitus may be /not be (who knows) caused by many varied and different reasons.
-- I'm raising my hand and waving it - this is my category and I'm pretty darn unique. I really don't expect
any change in five years for me... If it exists for others, as usual, I draft Sir Danny Boy to try the new drugs.
3. While there have ostensibly been good things the pharmaceuticals have done in the last 15 years or longer, there are many bad things that have happened as a result. These bad things seem to lead people back to drugs.

Here's an excerpt from door ... I mean link #2:
Action on Hearing Loss Chief Executive Paul Breckell says: 'Remarkable progress has been made bringing us to a point where there are a number of promising new treatments for hearing loss and tinnitus being clinically tested. We're about to enter a new exciting era where people confronting hearing loss won't just be limited to hearing aids and cochlear implants – drug treatments are within touching distance.

'Currently 10 million people in the UK have a hearing loss, which will increase to 14.5 million by 2031. As we're experiencing now with dementia, hearing loss is a potential public health crisis, so we will continue to fund research into new treatments.'

* * *
It all makes sense and yes, isolating and not hearing I believe can easily bring on dementia. I'm living through it and have lived through it. When one doesn't understand what's really being said, it's confusing and creates its own side-effects of paranoia (not where I am but was there), lack of trust, and more. Since I was young and smart enough to realize I didn't know what was really being said, I bypassed much of my even earlier paranoia (that always included ... I heard my name, what are people saying about me). I'm no longer paranoid or I don't care what's being said :) .

* * * Continuing with the article (I bolded and/or italicized key phrases/words to me):
The charity said new drugs could help alleviate some types of tinnitus, reduce hearing loss associated with loud noise exposure, middle ear infections and counter specific anti-cancer drugs that cause hearing loss.

* * * *
Last: This seems pretty odd. I looked at the immediate code from what I could read from the first article and found this:

The keyword is "advertising." So, are they advertising and marketing this selective cure? Unless I missed it, the word "advertising" isn't shown anywhere in the portion of the article displayed.

I suppose the good news is I should be around in five years. I'll be following this and will likely still be on this forum watching the seeds of change.

My tendency is to read an article and look for missing information behind the scenes. I worked in IT, I wouldn't expect anything less from me. Source code that's available is critical in helping me come to a conclusion (if possible) about the article.
Ah, the sound of logic to bring us back to reality... Indeed, these are merely words.

However, in that article they say 5-8 years to proceed from animals to humans. It is a much more vague approach than the ones we have today, human beings are already participating in trials. So, yes, we have had progress. Perhaps it has been slow, but as years go by it gets faster. Any time a new company joins the race, the chances multiply. There are many trials out there, compared to 10 years ago. And most, if not all, have had successful trials in mice. The drug release has a timetable, it is well known even by approximation. No such thing back then.

New breakthroughs are coming regarding the technology used to observe the inner ear and make diagnosis! Of course new ways to inject the drugs will be found as well. There are companies that base their work on that too.

You cannot also ignore the gene therapy that attempts to alter mammals into curing their ears. If successful and fine tuned, it will be extraordinary indeed. They do not only have a vision of that, they actually attempt to do it right now.
Saying they will cure deaf people, reverse hearing loss, and pinpointing some years from now based on actual facts and trials attempted is no little thing to be regarded as only a "vision".

I think we need a little more proof in humans, we all wait for that moment a deaf person will be able to hear something!
It is a race, races are good. Setting foot on the moon was the result of a 10 year race between 2 countries. Such a feet to such a short time. Humanity is also able to do wonders, not only self destruct... Technological advances may caused our problem, scientific research also holds the solution. All these scientific experiments are not without results. On the contrary. They give the green light. We just need to see the light in the end of the tunnel. Right now we can only smell it.
One of these days or the next few years we will say: There it is!!!

I agree fully. When I got this thing 9 years ago there was nothing. No drugs in trials, no treatments, NOTHING! We had TRT and the good old "learn to live with it". Things are looking a lot brighter now. Just imagine where we might be in another 10 years.

I'll just finish off with a quote: "Most people overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in ten years" - Bill Gates.
There is a great deal going on in respect of treatments for tinnitus these days. More than there has ever has been before. It's looking very promising. I have no doubt that whichever company gets there first they will push it through the regulatory authorities quickly, as a treatment for T is an urgent unmet medical need. Also, I can assure you once an effective treatment is developed other pharmaceutical companies will jump in and develop newer / better versions. That is how they work. Big pharma will jump on the band wagon - the likes of GSK, Pfiser, Astra Zeneca, the tinnitus market is a very very big pie and the big boys will want their share of it ! Which ever company / companies develop an effective treatment will accrue millions very quickly - the race is on, we just have to be patient, it will happen.
There is a great deal going on in respect of treatments for tinnitus these days. More than there has ever has been before. It's looking very promising. I have no doubt that whichever company gets there first they will push it through the regulatory authorities quickly, as a treatment for T is an urgent unmet medical need. Also, I can assure you once an effective treatment is developed other pharmaceutical companies will jump in and develop newer / better versions. That is how they work. Big pharma will jump on the band wagon - the likes of GSK, Pfiser, Astra Zeneca, the tinnitus market is a very very big pie and the big boys will want their share of it ! Which ever company / companies develop an effective treatment will accrue millions very quickly - the race is on, we just have to be patient, it will happen.
Time will tell. I'm waiting to see that happen with the legalization of marijuana. Dr. Sanjay Gupta is a smart and real reporter who focuses on medical news. He's doing three segments of the millionaires being created in Colorado in the states. With reports like that, there must be hungry pharms. waiting to get in on the action. So, I understand the snowball effect.

My question will always be what is an effective treatment and what are all the possible side effects (I'm not immune or desensitized to those).

The main buggy thing about tinnitus is not knowing what causes it. There are so many variables. I suppose since gay marriage was happened (I didn't think it would), anything is possible in this very strange world.
The main buggy thing about tinnitus is not knowing what causes it.

The main cause of tinnitus is acoutic trauma.

The main roadblock to effective treatments is lack of govt funding ie they dont care about the human suffering or the economic impact of hearing disorders ( hundreds of billions of $).

The knock on effect of this is inadequate funding for research, and funding for inappropriate or poor research.

Result: Longer timescales for availability of patient therapies, or as is the case today no therapies.
The main cause of tinnitus is acoutic trauma.
I looked it up. Repeated loud sounds over a period of time - musicians and concert goers. Makes sense (thanks!).
Sounds like a good place to start for exploring a treatment.

I wanted a way to condense all this stuff being said on the forum as there are way too many causes for tinnitus, it overloads my brain. This does it for me.
I looked it up. Repeated loud sounds over a period of time - musicians and concert goers. Makes sense (thanks!).
Sounds like a good place to start for exploring a treatment.

I wanted a way to condense all this stuff being said on the forum as there are way too many causes for tinnitus, it overloads my brain. This does it for me.

It really does...I mean, I got mine from an ear infection...So how unfair is that?
It really does...I mean, I got mine from an ear infection...So how unfair is that?
Sir DB: What do you mean, "So how unfair is that?" Meaning - the dudes who have a hearing loss from constant exposure to sounds may (or may not) be treated first? If it makes you feel any better, I'll never be treated for this.
You're the knight in search for the holy grail with a great deal of youth and tenacity on your persistent side - honest. My guess is you'll find it without trials (and you do not want to be a guinea pig despite the fact I keep voting for you to be). Also, if you even consider a cochlear implant, I'll find you in England and swat ya!
Sir DB: What do you mean, "So how unfair is that?" Meaning - the dudes who have a hearing loss from constant exposure to sounds may (or may not) be treated first? If it makes you feel any better, I'll never be treated for this.
You're the knight in search for the holy grail with a great deal of youth and tenacity on your persistent side - honest. My guess is you'll find it without trials (and you do not want to be a guinea pig despite the fact I keep voting for you to be). Also, if you even consider a cochlear implant, I'll find you in England and swat ya!

Haha...My hearing is too good for a cochlear implant. I thank you kindly for your kind words, but I am trying, but it's really hard as doctors won't give me what I want.
Haha...My hearing is too good for a cochlear implant. I thank you kindly for your kind words, but I am trying, but it's really hard as doctors won't give me what I want.
I saw a really panicked person somewhere out here Thursday early morning hours. He mentioned something about getting an implant to squash his tinnitus. That scared the heck out of me.

Do me a favor and if you see someone in deep depths of tinnitus threatening an implant, straighten that person out. Hope and the desire to squash the roars is good to have but not out of ignorance. I'm not writing about you :) !

I know you're trying to get what you think will help you. My dad used to be even more persistent than you (I know that sounds incredible :) ) and he got what he wanted. His quest was a wee different than yours but the commonality is you're one heck of a go-getter and you are and he was incredibly optimistic (with a pinch of reality to know the difference).

G'nite, young knight.

Good article based on a paper published in 2011. means the work may have been carried out 2005 - 2009? This is too slow and demonstrates that the whole process needs to be streamlined and sped up.

As I have said before hearing research and hearing conditions are neglected in terms of govt support. That is the root cause of lack of progress.

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