Steve here, 58 male. My tinnitus started with the casual and gently "weeee" sonic noise at about in 1985. Hardly noticeable till you rest your head on the pillow for a good night's sleep.
Years later, at about 1998, I started getting an much louder oscillating crescendo of "weee" "wiii" and "quewww" noises against my good hearing.
In 2020, started to get "zooooo" and "zeeee" noises that are kind of amusing when hitting the pillow, but wait, we'll add Diplacusis at no extra charge. You speak and you can't here your voice, a reverb sound of your voice emits a odd squeak etc inside your ear. That goes away, yet the microwave beep noise is a weird squeak inside your head, here is where I judge that my hearing gets back to normal.
Ocular migraine originates from your sight center in your brain. Pause and wonder if the hearing section of the brain can suffer trauma and emit ghostly sonic noises to the receiver, "you".

Years later, at about 1998, I started getting an much louder oscillating crescendo of "weee" "wiii" and "quewww" noises against my good hearing.
In 2020, started to get "zooooo" and "zeeee" noises that are kind of amusing when hitting the pillow, but wait, we'll add Diplacusis at no extra charge. You speak and you can't here your voice, a reverb sound of your voice emits a odd squeak etc inside your ear. That goes away, yet the microwave beep noise is a weird squeak inside your head, here is where I judge that my hearing gets back to normal.
Ocular migraine originates from your sight center in your brain. Pause and wonder if the hearing section of the brain can suffer trauma and emit ghostly sonic noises to the receiver, "you".