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Dental Work (Including Drilling) & Tinnitus — Questions and Experiences

I'd also like to mention that I've had a couple of cavities filled after acquiring tinnitus, on two different occasions.

Never experienced a negative effect on tinnitus.
Had extensive work done on upper teeth. Protected my ears bit oh my goodness the noise in my skull was freaking me out!!!
Can someone explain?
Thanks everyone ..,
Was in a panic thinking my T was going to match that level of noise. Whew ..I will never never do that again.
@Leah I had a similar experience last Friday when i had drilling on upper teeth, going in i thought I must use plugs or earmuffs, while wearing the plugs the high speed drill was loud, but when the dentist moved onto the low speed drill the noise inside my skull was absolutely ridiculous, so much so I lost all fear taking them out and I must say it was a lot better not wearing any ear protection! Blocking the ear canals with plugs creates the occlusion effect, the vibration noises of the skull get trapped and the noise is greatly amplified, very uncomfortable.

There was a few times as well when I wasn't wearing any plugs I thought my T was making a high pitched EEE noise but after awhile I realised it was the drill or the suction thingy. :) Got to go back next week to have the last filling done, I'm not looking forward to it but at least the last procedure I never had any problems with T, should reduce any fears a little bit.
Hey everyone,

I am an idiot and I have 2 cavities that need to be taken care of. I have read through this entire thread but still not entirely sure how to proceed. Can anyone tell me:

1) Ear plugs vs ear muffs vs noise cancelling headphones -- which did you use and why? I am thinking of ear muffs as the plugs have an occlusion effect people say but I also have no experience with noise cancelling headphones. All i know is that they can maybe make T worse?

2) How long was the drilling? Did 5s on, 10s off work? Any spike after?

3) Did you take any NAC before? I have an unopened bottle sitting next to me but I don't know what dosage to take or how to do it properly. From what I gather I should take 1800mg the day before, then taper it down to a normal daily dose after the appointment? No clue if that's supposed to be taken at once though or any possible side effects such as stomach upset...

Thanks so much everyone. It seems most people here haven't had trouble with the dentist but that doesn't mean the fear isn't real. I believe my T to be drug induced and I'm guessing that's a good thing when it comes to the dentist, right?

Ty for the support. If my T spikes again like it did this last summer ugh... I would just want to kill myself >< So yeah trying to do anything I can to prevent myself from getting to that point again.
Hey guys, I hate back to back postings but I wanted to give a little more information for anyone else searching this thread with our problem.

I went to another dentist who does air abrasion and laser work. They said I had 11!!! cavities and wanted to charge me $4k to fix it. They used a Diagnodent machine to diagnose and I'm not entirely sure I trust it. They told me that because my cavities are in between my teeth it is very unlikely that they won't have to use a drill. This is greatly disappointing to me but I think everyone looking at having their teeth taken care of should check out air abrasion.

I'm planning on going back to my original dentist. The lady I had my first appointment with was awesome and was very caring with my request of on/off time. This last guy... not so much. Now that I know there will be drilling done no matter what I think it best to go with the person who seems the most professional and empathetic. I have it booked for January 8th. It was the first time she was open though I could see another dentist in the office. I wonder if this is too late as it'd be about 1 month after I noticed the pain... yay yet another worry.

So yeah... people... please look into air abrasion! It's great for smaller cavities and for us people with hearing problems.

Also, can anyone clue me in on proper dosage for NAC before I go to the appointment? I've seen 1,800 mg thrown around here but my bottle says 1 a day at 600mg. Do I take 3 pills at once? Every few hours? Continue the same dosage aftewards? No clue ... I bought it and never used it.
I think you can take it all at once..

I hope someone will answer your previus post since I have the same questions.

This has been discussed so many times before. Please if you can summarize your experience? Can dentist drill damage hearing cells more and increase T? What was the procedure for you and how did you cope and with what outcome? My tooth broke and there is half of it left and a big filling, about 20 years old. Since my T started and I've learnt that dentist drilling can worsen T i dread dentists and haven't seen one in three years.

I also have hyperacusis so I can't even imagine to deal with this, specially when sound is transmitted through the bones also and the drill is so near the ears... So, please advise.. I think I'll have to go soon and I am terrified.

The more I read about NAC the more it sounds like taking 3 doses of 600mg a day is the way to go. I don't think you're supposed to take it all at once but again I'd also like to hear from someone who has used the product.

My dental appointment is on January 8th but I'm not so sure it can wait that long. I don't have much pain but I noticed a bitter taste in my mouth and asked Reddit to look at my x-ray's. Responses were that I should go immediately as it looks like I probably need a root canal.

I was planning on going on holiday this leave too for this week and returning in a week for the appointment. It's 11-12 days away now and I don't know if I should wait that long. The anxiety from the tinnitus / dentist is now being compounded by these other opinions and thinking maybe I'm making the wrong choice. Still no idea what to do :/
I took NAC, most I took at once wes 1200 mg and I was fine. It seams to me that you should get this done before holidays or you may ruin your vacation wtih pain and thinking about this.. I have my appointment at monday, not sure if i will go cause I am scared. My theet broke so I think it could last after NY but.. maybe I should get over this in this year and start the new one one fear les..
@iAzra yeah I think you and I both need to get it taken care of ASAP.

I'm more worried about my tooth becoming infected as it is starting to taste bitter now.

In my mind I could put it off until after vacation because I didn't want to deal with a tinnitus spike or any changes during it. Plus, the dentist didnt' have anything until January so maybe I will see if I can get a different one.

Also, does NAC upset your stomach? I have a sensitive system and am kinda worried about it. I think I will take it with food though you're not supposed to?

It really sucks as I promised my g/f I'd visit her for New Years and if I don't I fear she will break up with me ...
I think NAC is very easy on stomach and it is actually good for you liver, if you're planning to drink alcohol, it helps detox.. I really hope someone who has T and/or H will answer your questions soon...
I have done one really bad root canal and 5 fillings since my T onset 9 months ago, i had H issues when i did the first fillings only 2 months after my T onset. It wasn´t as loud as i thought it would be and no lasting changes in T after all the work.
Hello All,

Just a quick question regarding seeing the dentist!

I have H and T and have to have a cavity fixed in a couple of days and was just looking for some advice on protecting etc....

I have heard that wearing ear muffs is better then ear plugs because with ear plugs you may hear the drill more (through the bone etc..). I have a pair of older Bose over ears headphones (not noise cancelling). Would those do the trick?, or do you think investing in a pair of Bose Noise Cancelling headphones would be better?

Thanks all!

Ps: So far everythings going great with the audio part of TRT :) . Hope to have an update sometime later in the year :)
Hello everyone, I just wanted to stop back in with my results.

I had one filling done last Thursday January 15th and it went seamlessly. The lidocaine even with adrenaline caused no problems and the drill really wasn't that loud. The high speed one was actually far more of a nuisance than the low.

The doctor was kind and let me take breaks whenever needed so we took it slow and got it done. I wore over-the-ear giant muffs and took 1200mg of NAC before and have not experienced any rise in tinnitus since then.

Next week I have to do one really bad one on left side and this is causing me more worry as that ear is the one with hearing loss and the high pitched tinnitus. At least the first visit was encouraging.

So yeah I guess the moral is - don't be scared! Take breaks, find a dentist who can empathize, and get it done!

I will update again after we see how left side goes.
I had both my upper and lower teeth extracted two years ago, without any complications (I had impeccable hearing before and after the procedure). Last month I received two implants on my lower jaw, and from that point on I've had a buzzing sound - it sort of sounds like a bee trapped in my ear - in my right ear, and now this high-pitched, scratchy fire alarm sound in my head. I didn't wear any protection in/over my ears because I didn't think it would damage my ears. I remember the drilling reverberating throughout my skull and it was excruciatingly painful even with the local anesthetic. I'm happy I had my teeth extracted, because they were in a wretched state, but I regret getting these implants. I can't hear my own voice in my head anymore. :(
Four days ago I went to the dentist for a redo on a root canal during the root canal he used lidocaine to numb my tooth after I got home I took to advil my T spikes so bad for four days it just came down .I'm not sure if it was the drilling or was it the use of auto toxic drugs how do you know the difference there's a list that says that lidocaine and add Ville can spike T so does anybody know I have to go back on Monday to have the tooth completed . I was considering having the rest of the work done with no Novacaine what do you think?
And been fine after?

Have to have a root canal, one of my worst nightmares but also worried about my at. Especially as no doubt I'll need to take an anti biotic :(

When people mention anti biotics making t worse, is only tempoary or permanent?

Just to add to all the good experiences here. I had a large filling done yesterday and had no problems whatsoever. My dentist was incredibly understanding as well. I'm not even sure any of the precautions taken were necessary but it certainly helped me relax.

Drilling time is typically 3-5 minutes depending on cavity size. Further drilling/polishing then at the end which lasts about 2-4 minutes.

My dentist agreed not to drill in one continuous action, but drilled consistantly in <5 second bursts. Occasionally there was no choice but to drill faster or for longer but all I had to do was put up my hand and she would stop for a minute or so. She also changed speeds and drills if certain sounds were too discomforting for me. Very patient altogether.

So on the whole don't be afraid of getting anything done, discuss the procedure and your concerns with the Dentist beforehand, if you sense that they are not taking you seriously or simply couldn't care then it's time to get a new dentist.
I just broke another tooth. It is third one in two years. Haven't been to dentist since T started. I dread the dentist drilling and my doctor also said that I should not go unless I really needed to.

Last two teeth that broke was minor and usable still, but this one is a back one and it is left with a big hole... I am so so sad, scared and.. I just can't face to go to dentist.

I also have hyperacusis .. I am desperate.. I don't want to damage my hearing more with dentist work and to make my T&H worse :cry:
I just broke another tooth. It is third one in two years. Haven't been to dentist since T started. I dread the dentist drilling and my doctor also said that I should not go unless I really needed to.

Last two teeth that broke was minor and usable still, but this one is a back one and it is left with a big hole... I am so so sad, scared and.. I just can't face to go to dentist.

I also have hyperacusis .. I am desperate.. I don't want to damage my hearing more with dentist work and to make my T&H worse :cry:

@iAzra Sorry you're having these problems with your teeth, it is a nightmare because dentists is the last place those with tinnitus want to be, but please remember the vast majority who have dental work don't have any issues at all! I understand you looking through dental threads trying to get some reassurance then you read threads like mine saying how my T spiked 4 days after the dental work but in my case I now don't think the drilling had anything to do with my T playing up days after but rather sinus/congestion issues like I say, just wanted to give you a heads up on the one negative dental story (mine) on the dental thread resolved, I just blamed the drilling when really there was no connection, my T spike was due to sinus issues which resolved a few weeks later! :)
I just broke another tooth. It is third one in two years. Haven't been to dentist since T started. I dread the dentist drilling and my doctor also said that I should not go unless I really needed to.

Last two teeth that broke was minor and usable still, but this one is a back one and it is left with a big hole... I am so so sad, scared and.. I just can't face to go to dentist.

I also have hyperacusis .. I am desperate.. I don't want to damage my hearing more with dentist work and to make my T&H worse :cry:

You may well of read this already on the thread I started, but just wanted to tell you I had an extraction today and if you really cannot handle the drilling, and the tooth that is broken is a back tooth then maybe extraction is a viable option.

I feel for you, know how scary it all is....I was having a panic today bu all went fine and extraction was painless and no noise.

Let us know how it goes x
So I went to the dentist. Decided to go ahead with polishing and the ringing in 1 ear was noticeably louder when I came out. It still is after 2 days... Bummer. (n)
What about dental X rays? Are they damaging to the hearing cells? Did you do it?
Hi ! Have you proceeded with your teeth ? I need to go to the dentist too now and I'm double freaked cause first I need to find a perfect one, cause so far I went to the same , for over 20 years but I can't anymore..have to find a new one and it seems to me it's very difficult to find one. Morover I have so much work to do I'm just overwhelmed by all this. I just sit and cry of helplessness, it's just too much at once ! I believe the T wouldn't spike normally. But then again I have had so much bad luck in life already that I'm afraid it will do sth bad to me. One part of the bad luck is that my teeth are very prone to decay and very closely stuck one next to another so each time there's a calvity it's two teeth to treat, cause I'm just not able to clean the surface in between them. And for the first time it concerns teeth which are visible when I smile ( 4 and 5th) . I don't understand why anybody suggests ear plugs - it's not only that the noise in the head will seem louder , but it will be more damaging , as simple as that! I'd say no earplugs , absolutely. You add around 20db to your ears when you plug and there's an internal noise - for example if you yell. If you have to yell or hava a drill in your mouth - don't plug . Same with any other kind of ears covering. ( I don't see why noise cancelling headphones should be better - the effect is the same, the noise is more stuck in the skull ) . Before T I had plenty of drillings ( 30 ? Maybe more - very often in the same place over and over again cause the materials they use just wash off in time. ) Those of you who were afraid - can you update ? Did you go ? how did it go ?
so why is everyone afraid of the dentist? I have some outstanding stuff to do on the side of my mouth the t is on. I don't think my t was from hearing damage. If they have to drill a cavity will the T get worse from the noise or the cavity itself or even maybe worse from a root canal?

Just scared of making this worse

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