I don't think there is such thing in my country. What about laser work? I have found one office that does Waterlase laser technology.
where are you from? laser is okay for some fillings ( doesn't work for all ) but in the end the dentist has to drill the filling down and that can't be done without a regular drill so laser doesn't really help avoiding the usual drilling.I don't think there is such thing in my country. What about laser work? I have found one office that does Waterlase laser technology.
where are you from? laser is okay for some fillings ( doesn't work for all ) but in the end the dentist has to drill the filling down and that can't be done without a regular drill so laser doesn't really help avoiding the usual drilling.
but I had some fillings done with Tinnitus and it never had an effect on me. Keep in mind that it only takes a few minutes of drilling most of the time. You should try noise canceling headphones they help me a lot.
the sound is carried on by the nerves anyway due to the bonestructure so does it actually help?
I'm in a similar situation myself. I need a couple of wisdom teeth pulled. I'm worried that the procedure will make my tinnitus worse.
I recently got a lower tooth pulled out (in the right jaw and in the right ear it is louder as well). Actually is wasnt pulled out, but they cut the area on the tooth open and then pulled it. They used some sort of local anaesthetic and I took amoxicyllin for a week. I was swollen like a hamster for a week but nothing happened to my T. If you become very swollen then theoretically it could get louder but that would only be temporary. Amoxicyllin and other antibiotics engind with -cyllin do not have an effect on T, some pain killers (ibumetin) do but its temporary unless you eat 100 pills a day. Some people have an allergic reaction to local anaesthetics (lidocaine, eg.) but these are quite rare cases. If you have had a doctor used some sort of local anaesthetic before and it didnt have an effect on your ears its not likely you wll have it now. Not pulling out teeth can create infections, which are way worse so speak to your doc and pull them out.
Yesterday i visit dentist and she dig a hole into my tooth. Roaring noise of drilling-machine trought bone conduction was awful loud. And yes, my T is worse now.I can not sleep either, but now it was even worse. I am tired and hope, worsening of my T is only temporary and return to condition before.
I hope it will go down. Maybe its your anxiety making it louder. Also, next time ask your dentist to drill for 5 sed and then stop for 10 - that will help your ears rest. If you have hyperacusis, wear eardefenders as seal suggested![]()
She know about my problem and she made pausesbut anyway... f***ing bone conduction, it can't be reduced. I feel, my ears are now more sensitive - hyperacusis is slightly worse. I took 40mg of prednisone yesterday (from my home resources). I have cottton in my ears always, if I am out. Only home are my ears empty. I wear earplugs always with me, i used them yesterday, but she has modern quiet machines and all of the sound i feel came trough bones.