DMSO & Magnesium Oil for Tonic Tensor Tympani Syndrome (TTTS)


Hall of Fame
Apr 30, 2018
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Single 25 mg dose of (anticholinergic) drug Promethazine
I've used a combination of DMSO & Magnesium Oil for several years now, mostly applying it to any muscle or area of my body that was tender or painful. I believe using it around my ears when I started experiencing TTTS last year more than likely resulted in my experience with TTTS being relatively short lived. -- To explain:

DMSO has a number of remarkable healing qualities and characteristics, giving it some pretty amazing abilities to increase circulation and reduce inflammation (both almost vitally important for injured ears). It also has incredible ability to be a carrier for other substances, which works well for getting these substances deeper into the skin and the body.

I started using this combination on some lower back pain, and some neck pain as well. I got very good results from doing that, and also noticed a very curious thing. I would have some left over on my hands, and would rub the remnants over my eyelids (I'd read DMSO was good for the eyes, but didn't want to put it directly into my eyes).

Totally unexpectedly, my chronic eye twitching of several years duration went away after about 2-3 days. So when I started experiencing symptoms of TTTS, I figured putting some around my ears might calm down those involuntary twitches as well. And it did. Not as quickly as the eye twitches, but I don't think the TTTS persisted for more than a few weeks (was about a year ago). I've not had any fluttering or painful twitching since then.


DMSO needs to be diluted before using. Most call for a dilution of 2 parts DMSO to 1 part purified water, though you can dilute to whatever strength you desire. After mixing the two, the dilution mixture will actually create some kind of chemical reaction, and will warm up for a few minutes.

Magnesium Oil is made by filling any glass container half full with Magnesium Flakes. Then fill to the top with purified water. Most of it will dissolve in a short while, but may take 24 hours to completely dissolve. The resulting mixture is called Magnesium Oil, because it has an oily texture (even though it really isn't an oil).

I put both mixtures in dropper bottles, and mix a dropperful of each in my hands before applying.

Things to be aware of:

1) Both of these substances have the potential to irritate the skin, making it feel kind of prickly. If that happens, you can put some kind of soothing oil over the skin, like coconut oil. But a simpler solution would be to just dilute it more, so that the irritation doesn't set in.

2) DMSO opens up the skin pores, and is great for acting as a carrier for other substances. If those other substances are good--like Magnesium Oil, or other essential oils, etc.--then that's a very nice characteristic to take advantage of. However, care needs to be taken (for about 20 minutes or so), not to expose that skin to detrimental substances, such as chlorine in water, toxic cleaners, or toxic anything else.

3) The Magnesium Oil from the flakes is technically Magnesium Chloride. Some say this is the best kind of magnesium for your body. Others have said that if a person is deficient in magnesium, applying Magnesium Chloride transdermally is the fastest way to restore that deficiency. -- This can be ideal if a person is dealing with tinnitus, and wants to get the calming effects of magnesium started as quickly as possible.

4) The Magnesium Chloride is easily and readily converted to Hydrochloric Acid. So if you have weak digestion, putting small amounts of this in your food--or even applying it transdermally on your stomach--just might improve your digestion.

5) Though many people have not heard of DMSO, and many others know only a little about it, it's actually an incredibly versatile natural substance (comes from trees), and has an unusually high safety profile. It's often used as the first line of defense against run-away inflammation in case of closed head injury. It can bring pressure in the head down dramatically in under five minutes, and has been credited with saving many people's lives.

6) DMSO is often used as a natural solvent for people who suffer a stroke. Though it's remarkably effective, very expensive patented pharmaceutical solvents have for the most part replaced them in hospital settings. -- It's also been reported to be able to dissolve cataracts.

There are many other things that could be shared about this remarkable substance. I won't elaborate any more now, as this post is about how there's a good chance it could help many with TTTS. BTW, it appears to have the potential for improving tinnitus as well. -- Dimethyl sulfoxide [DMSO] therapy in subjective tinnitus of unknown origin.

P.S. Even if you never use DMSO + Magnesium Oil for TTTS, I think it's a good idea for this combination to be in every medicine cabinet. It really is remarkable what it can do for all kinds of aches. pains and swelling, and can dramatically accelerate healing from all types of injures (including broken bones). -- It's even been reported to heal nerves and restore limb movement in some cases of paralysis.
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Thanks for the detailed rundown - I saw this and am considering trying what you tried.

Any details on how exactly (and how often) to apply these two things to the ear?
Any details on how exactly (and how often) to apply these two things to the ear?

Hi @sr913 -- As I mentioned above, I put both mixtures in different dropper bottles, and mix a dropperful of each in my hands before applying (from daily to every other day). I then apply it to my neck, and all around my ears. I even put my fingertips in my ears to get a small amount at the entrance of my ears. -- I've not yet tried to put any kind of diluted drops in my ears, but I may in the future. In a sense, trying to somewhat replicate what was done in the study I linked above.

When I'm done, I rub the palms of my hands across my closed eyelids, as I like to get a small amount into my eyes. At the time I started experimenting with DMSO, I was having some pretty significant issues with my eyes. They would tire out very easily after only a few minutes on the computer, and I had bothersome chronic eye twitching as well. The eye twitching cleared up within a couple of days, and the eyestrain problems went away completely within a few days, and never returned (several years ago).

I also continue to get reliable relief for my lower back and neck stiffness and pain. You can probably easily see and appreciate why I love this DMSO combination so much, why I feel it's so safe, and why I think it holds potential for affecting some of the myriad factors that can cause tinnitus and other ear problems like TTTS.
So this is able to penetrate and reach the middle ear muscles? Or do you think it's circulating there through a different way?

I'm not even sure what I have, but I fear I have my MEM or TTTS in a permanent way (it's been two weeks and hasn't stopped). Could you perhaps explain what you felt/had?

I originally had, before it became non-stop, this vibration type sensation. Physical in the middle ear it felt like. When it twitches, I heard this low frequency type of bass like vroom, or rumble of a timpani drum. It would do it, then a slight pause, then do it again. Sometimes when it's very bad, like if I get upset or stick an earplug in the ear and take it out, it becomes one continuous vrooooom bass like echo sound until it calms down back the former sound I mentioned. This has also caused a slight soreness in the ear, and a tightness. And, I'll even saw my jaw around my earlobe has gotten sore too, making me think this spasm has been screwing with my jaw muscles potentially.

This issue was on and off, never lasting long, until it got worse 2 weeks ago and hasn't let up since. Sometimes if I rub the ear with my palm quickly it feels like it stops for 10 seconds, or a hot shower seems to reduce it and possibly eliminate it for a short time.
So this is able to penetrate and reach the middle ear muscles? Or do you think it's circulating there through a different way?

Hi @shasta0863 -- I couldn't really say for sure, but my best guess is that at least some amount will penetrate into these muscles. I think that would be the case if you took the DMSO orally as well, which some people do (as much as a tsp. / day.

Could you perhaps explain what you felt/had?

In the first few weeks/months, I had a fair amount of pain, and a fair amount of fluttering in my ears. I also had some relatively minor throat pain, which I feel is connected to the ear pain (they both seem to flair up at the same time).

I'll even say my jaw around my earlobe has gotten sore too, making me think this spasm has been screwing with my jaw muscles potentially.

I have various areas around my ear that get sore on and off, and I do a number of things to help with that. Besides doing the topical DMSO, I also do a fair amount of (probing) massage around my ears with my fingertips. -- I read one account of a man with tinnitus who stuck an eraser on the end of his sonicare toothbrush, and massaged deeply around his ears with that eraser, and ended up getting relief from his tinnitus.

I haven't done that, but in addition to doing the massage, I've also been doing a modality that is somewhat like massage, called Gua Sha (ancient Chinese healing method). It involves using a smooth device to "scrape" the skin fairly deeply into just about any area of the body that is tender, or sore, or tight. After my first session of self massage, my TMJ area felt much better, and it felt like my Eustacian tubes were functioning better as well.

I'm always on the lookout for doing things that might help my situation, such as working with the above modalities on my neck, upper back and shoulder areas. I've even begun doing some self acupuncture, which has helped in my TMJ, ear and neck areas.
Did you experience and problems with odor? I've heard stories of people using DMSO consistently and then smelling like garlic/rotten vegetables

Hi @CricketEars -- For some reason I missed your question. -- The odor is actually from the same substance that gives garlic its pungent smell. Fortunately, the newer prducts are ultra-purified, and leave very little of this substance behind, eliminating almost all of the odor. My wife has seldom commented on it, because it only appears if I use a lot. And it's not nearly as strong as the older, less purified stuff. However, I often put a drop or two of peppermint oil in my mouth if I'm going to be interacting with people, just to be on the safe side.
I didn't know that DMSO could be had without a prescription although I did notice that it was used on horses and thought maybe I could find some in a tack store. Thanks for the info. I heard DMSO was great for pain and also due to the sulfur content good for mercury toxicity. Chloride that you mention in the magnesium will bind to mercury too. I don't know how safe it is otherwise, but bound to magnesium might be okay. Magnesium is a bit difficult to attain in my diet.

I was thinking of getting epsom salt...
In a similar observation - I used to have twitching eyes before I lost most of my vision but doing odd detoxing around my eyes is bringing my eyesight back somewhat. At first it was only for a few hours. Some days it reverts but it coincides completely with the level my tinnitus is at. I started using fluoride toothpaste again and that also binds mercury - I used some on my skin - also turmeric sometimes- as a treatment for "bags" under my eyes. Both bind mercury - not as much as sulfur that you would find in DMSO and too my surprise happens through the saliva and skin over the sinuses....
I used to have twitching eyes before I lost most of my vision but doing odd detoxing around my eyes is bringing my eyesight back somewhat.

Hi @Laurie1961 -- I'm sorry to hear you've lost so much of your vision. I also find it interesting that your eyesight seems to correlate with your tinnitus. -- Much of your post (especially your comments on detoxification) makes me think you'd appreciate the following post I made (below). Best! -- BTW, what kind of "odd" detoxing around your eyes did you do?

Sodium Thiosulfate — "May" Help w/ Hearing Loss and/or Tinnitus
What do you think about this possibility?

Hi @CPH -- Thanks for posting that link. I didn't read the whole thing, but was impressed by the long list of things they know that DMSO is good for. Regarding the ototoxicity to hair cells, I would think it all depends on the solution strength. Which is why it would be great if they did more studies to try to discern what that would be. This particular study-- Dimethyl sulfoxide [DMSO] therapy in subjective tinnitus of unknown origin--used DMSO in the ears to improve tinnitus, so it's already been safely used a small clinical study (albeit a small one). I just wish they'd research it more.
Hi @CPH -- Thanks for posting that link. I didn't read the whole thing, but was impressed by the long list of things they know that DMSO is good for. Regarding the ototoxicity to hair cells, I would think it all depends on the solution strength. Which is why it would be great if they did more studies to try to discern what that would be. This particular study-- Dimethyl sulfoxide [DMSO] therapy in subjective tinnitus of unknown origin--used DMSO in the ears to improve tinnitus, so it's already been safely used a small clinical study (albeit a small one). I just wish they'd research it more.
Ok great, thanks for that info. I do hear anecdotes of people using DMSO to heal the ear, but you can never be too careful, especially with something like tinnitus.

By the way, I see that you are treating for Lyme. I have just recently been "diagnosed" with late stage Lyme and probably Bart. I have spent my day trying to find the "best" antibiotic, just stumbled upon ototoxicity... what a shame. Complicates matters even more. Ceftin looks like one of the only safe ones. But then again, I may just have to try the others and see. It's only a small chance, although chances increase if you have tinnitus already it seems. Have you had any success with herbs?
Have you had any success with herbs?

@CPH -- Quite honestly, I really don't know the state of my Lyme at this time. I was diagnosed over ten years ago, and because of my very fragile health at the time, I decided I couldn't take a chance on taking antibiotics (especially the way too high probability of developing C. Diff).

I've done a number of herbs and other therapies over the years, and have improved things for myself. I've used various other therapies as well, particularly those that address structural issues (including opening up nasal passageways and unlocking my cranials with a therapy called nasal specific).

I don't want to come across as trying to dissuade you from using antibiotics for your chronic Lyme, as even many "alternative" Lyme literate physicians feel they're necessary (in addition to many other natural therapies).

But I've also read (dramatic) accounts of people with disabling Lyme recovering from using just mHBOT--I have my own home unit, and have been using it daily for the past few months. I also read an account recently of a man who got rid of his Lyme by using hydrogen peroxide inhalation therapy (after years of trying so many things).

There's so many different therapies to consider when treating Lyme, including homeopathy and Rife frequencies. I wish you the best as you move forward on your own treatment plan. You may want to make sure you're getting enough iodine, as an iodine deficiency was a critical element for one man with Lyme. -- I'd be interested in what you end up choosing for yourself. -- All the Best!
Thank you for that link @Lane. DMSO has from time to time sounded like what I needed...The Sodium Thiosulfate article is very interesting. Sulphur springs have long been used to sooth arthritis so anything with sulphur (within reason) might help. Sulphur binds to mercury but also is disinfecting and healing. That Sulphur might be the reason that mustard poultices are so effective since the seeds are a source. I'm glad that your article mentioned using food grade....chemicals for industrial use can be the source of all kinds of horrible things.
@Lane this has actually worked extremely well for me and my TTTS and trigeminal neuralgia. I use a lot more magnesium oil with only a few drops of DMSO and then rub it all around my face, neck, and ears, I also take vitamin B complex and L-tyrosine. I don't let anything inside the ear canal I'm a little afraid after reading the above study on DMSO's effects on hair cells but all in all over the past couple weeks it's chopped the face pain, hyperacusis, spasms and ETD in at least half.

Thanks for the discovery. It'ss helped a ton.
@weab00 you should try this.
@frpp I'm interested in this, too! How great that you've gotten so much relief.

When you say that you've had a reduction in Hyperacusis, do you have pain in your ears that has been reduced even though you didn't put any of the stuff in your ears? I don't really have TTTS, but I do have horrible ear pain and I will slather this stuff all over my head if it helps.
@Lane this has actually worked extremely well for me and my TTTS and trigeminal neuralgia. I use a lot more magnesium oil with only a few drops of DMSO and then rub it all around my face, neck, and ears, I also take vitamin B complex and L-tyrosine. I don't let anything inside the ear canal I'm a little afraid after reading the above study on DMSO's effects on hair cells but all in all over the past couple weeks it's chopped the face pain, hyperacusis, spasms and ETD in at least half.

Thanks for the discovery. It'ss helped a ton.
@weab00 you should try this.
Has anyone else with hyperacusis tried this with any success? I'm curious to give this a go.
Has anyone else with hyperacusis tried this with any success? I'm curious to give this a go.
Apologies all on not following up with this. I completely completely forgot about it until now. I continued this routine for 3 weeks after my post and saw no further improvement. I still continue to have TTTS and pain hyperacusis albeit not as bad and my loudness hyperacusis is gone. Things are sounding normal again, just a bit quieter, but I'd attribute that more to natural healing.
Apologies all on not following up with this. I completely completely forgot about it until now. I continued this routine for 3 weeks after my post and saw no further improvement. I still continue to have TTTS and pain hyperacusis albeit not as bad and my loudness hyperacusis is gone. Things are sounding normal again, just a bit quieter, but I'd attribute that more to natural healing.
How far are you post-trauma? And how far in did you start seeing improvements?
How far are you post-trauma? And how far in did you start seeing improvements?
My latest trauma was about 13 months ago. Improvements have been extremely slow, the most notable started about 5 months ago though it was only as of last month that my loudness hyperacusis stopped and my migraines from it reduced about 90%. I still have both constant and reactive spasms and trigeminal neuralgia from the TTTS and palatal myoclonus aspect but the pain has reduced and the majority of my balance has returned.
I've used a combination of DMSO & Magnesium Oil for several years now, mostly applying it to any muscle or area of my body that was tender or painful. I believe using it around my ears when I started experiencing TTTS last year more than likely resulted in my experience with TTTS being relatively short lived. -- To explain:

DMSO has a number of remarkable healing qualities and characteristics, giving it some pretty amazing abilities to increase circulation and reduce inflammation (both almost vitally important for injured ears). It also has incredible ability to be a carrier for other substances, which works well for getting these substances deeper into the skin and the body.

I started using this combination on some lower back pain, and some neck pain as well. I got very good results from doing that, and also noticed a very curious thing. I would have some left over on my hands, and would rub the remnants over my eyelids (I'd read DMSO was good for the eyes, but didn't want to put it directly into my eyes).

Totally unexpectedly, my chronic eye twitching of several years duration went away after about 2-3 days. So when I started experiencing symptoms of TTTS, I figured putting some around my ears might calm down those involuntary twitches as well. And it did. Not as quickly as the eye twitches, but I don't think the TTTS persisted for more than a few weeks (was about a year ago). I've not had any fluttering or painful twitching since then.


DMSO needs to be diluted before using. Most call for a dilution of 2 parts DMSO to 1 part purified water, though you can dilute to whatever strength you desire. After mixing the two, the dilution mixture will actually create some kind of chemical reaction, and will warm up for a few minutes.

Magnesium Oil is made by filling any glass container half full with Magnesium Flakes. Then fill to the top with purified water. Most of it will dissolve in a short while, but may take 24 hours to completely dissolve. The resulting mixture is called Magnesium Oil, because it has an oily texture (even though it really isn't an oil).

I put both mixtures in dropper bottles, and mix a dropperful of each in my hands before applying.

Things to be aware of:

1) Both of these substances have the potential to irritate the skin, making it feel kind of prickly. If that happens, you can put some kind of soothing oil over the skin, like coconut oil. But a simpler solution would be to just dilute it more, so that the irritation doesn't set in.

2) DMSO opens up the skin pores, and is great for acting as a carrier for other substances. If those other substances are good--like Magnesium Oil, or other essential oils, etc.--then that's a very nice characteristic to take advantage of. However, care needs to be taken (for about 20 minutes or so), not to expose that skin to detrimental substances, such as chlorine in water, toxic cleaners, or toxic anything else.

3) The Magnesium Oil from the flakes is technically Magnesium Chloride. Some say this is the best kind of magnesium for your body. Others have said that if a person is deficient in magnesium, applying Magnesium Chloride transdermally is the fastest way to restore that deficiency. -- This can be ideal if a person is dealing with tinnitus, and wants to get the calming effects of magnesium started as quickly as possible.

4) The Magnesium Chloride is easily and readily converted to Hydrochloric Acid. So if you have weak digestion, putting small amounts of this in your food--or even applying it transdermally on your stomach--just might improve your digestion.

5) Though many people have not heard of DMSO, and many others know only a little about it, it's actually an incredibly versatile natural substance (comes from trees), and has an unusually high safety profile. It's often used as the first line of defense against run-away inflammation in case of closed head injury. It can bring pressure in the head down dramatically in under five minutes, and has been credited with saving many people's lives.

6) DMSO is often used as a natural solvent for people who suffer a stroke. Though it's remarkably effective, very expensive patented pharmaceutical solvents have for the most part replaced them in hospital settings. -- It's also been reported to be able to dissolve cataracts.

There are many other things that could be shared about this remarkable substance. I won't elaborate any more now, as this post is about how there's a good chance it could help many with TTTS. BTW, it appears to have the potential for improving tinnitus as well. -- Dimethyl sulfoxide [DMSO] therapy in subjective tinnitus of unknown origin.

P.S. Even if you never use DMSO + Magnesium Oil for TTTS, I think it's a good idea for this combination to be in every medicine cabinet. It really is remarkable what it can do for all kinds of aches. pains and swelling, and can dramatically accelerate healing from all types of injures (including broken bones). -- It's even been reported to heal nerves and restore limb movement in some cases of paralysis.
Bumping this as I have MEM. Do you still use this? Any adverse effects? Any reason to think applying this externally could damage hearing? Thanks.
Do you still use this? Any adverse effects? Any reason to think applying this externally could damage hearing? Thanks.
Hi @Clerkp -- I do still use it. I don't have any adverse effects, but some people notice some skin irritation and/or drying out of skin. Using a quality lotion can help, and/or using a lower DMSO concentration would also help. I rub my solution over the entire outer portion of my ears, and have never had any adverse reaction. I also notice that my energy is a bit better when I apply it on my body in the mornings. It' really a pretty benign substance.
Wonder why it was never used as a treatment.
Hi @Joey72 -- Low cost, effective substances like these are generally shunned in favor of more expensive drug therapies. Anybody trying to advance their use can have their careers put in jeopardy by their going outside the mainstream. Sad but true.
Hi @Clerkp -- I do still use it. I don't have any adverse effects, but some people notice some skin irritation and/or drying out of skin. Using a quality lotion can help, and/or using a lower DMSO concentration would also help. I rub my solution over the entire outer portion of my ears, and have never had any adverse reaction. I also notice that my energy is a bit better when I apply it on my body in the mornings. It' really a pretty benign substance.
Thank you. And no evidence of worsening tinnitus or hearing loss?

Would Magnesium oil spray on Amazon be the same? Or should I stick with the flakes?
Hi @Lane,

I have Magnesium oil and DMSO on the way, so I'm excited to try this.

Did it help your tinnitus at all? I find it odd that it would help the non-tinnitus TTTS symptoms (TTTS causes tinnitus) without helping the tinnitus.

So, just to clarify, the symptoms it helped were the fluttering ear drum upon certain sounds and the little clicks in the eardrum that sometimes happen for no reason?

Thanks, and I'll report back how it goes.

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