Do I Have the Worst Case of Tinnitus? It Changes Constantly. How Long Can I Take This?


Dec 2, 2015
Tinnitus Since
01/2002. Became worse 11/29/2015.
Cause of Tinnitus
How can you habituate when your tinnitus changes all the time? 3 years ago it was supposed to be at its worst so then why is it WORSE now?

I protected my ears. I've stayed home instead of going to loud places. I took melatonin to sleep and every time I am about to doze off it sounds like lightning.

This is torture. How long can I take of this? Time is not helping.
HI @hurtingdream

Most people can habituate to tinnitus but it needs to be done correctly. Sometimes this may require professional help with a Hearing Therapist or Audiologist who's trained in the treatment and management of tinnitus and hyperacusis.

The answer to your question: How can you habituate when it changes all the time, is in your post.
I protected my ears. I've stayed home instead of going to loud places

Staying away from normal everyday sounds and overusing ear protection are amongst the worst things that you can do. This will often result in making the ears and auditory system more sensitive to sound, and will ususally worsen tinnitus and hyperacusis . Please read my post below that you might find helpful. Click on the links and read the posts, paying particular attention to: Hyperacusis, As I see it.

All the best

The habituation process.

Habituation is frequently talked about in tinnitus forums and probably comes in at second place to the popular question: when will a cure be found? It seems some people have become quite taken with this word and believe it is the most important thing to strive for when dealing with this condition. Everyone wants to habituate as soon as possible and carry on living their life doing everything that they want to and putting tinnitus firmly behind them.

I can honestly say that I see nothing wrong with that, but wanting something in the speed that we would like it isn't always achievable, especially with something like tinnitus. A few people that have had tinnitus for a while, have contacted me to discuss just that. They have concerns about the length of time it's taking to habituate. Similarly, I have heard from those new to this condition that want the habitation process to start as quickly as possible. Both groups tell me they are doing all the right things but it seems patience is giving way to despondency and despair and some are starting to believe habituation might never happen for them.

It is of little comfort to these people when they hear family and friends say, tinnitus is just a minor irritant and something that can easily be ignored. Occasionally, it might be intrusive but this is never more than temporary and they are still able to carry on with their life unperturbed. I often sense the frustration a person is under when they are relaying this to me. Whether I'm talking to them on the telephone, private messenger or answering an email. It is then that I'm often asked: why is it that the habituation process doesn't seem to be happening for them?

Answering such a question isn't easy because there is no single answer that I can provide but I will say this. Tinnitus is a common condition that comes in many forms and intensities and no two people experience it the same. It can be very troublesome especially in the early stages of onset, but gradually this gives way and the condition settles down and in time many manage to cope with it when it's mild or moderate. Sometimes this may involve treatment via a hearing therapist or a person achieves this naturally without being referred to a clinic.

It should be noted that tinnitus can be a complex condition, depending on how loud and intrusive it is for the individual? So what I've just outlined won't apply to everyone. There are other factors that also come into play. A person's make-up or rather their outlook on life. Whether they are positive or negative thinking can help or delay the habitation process. In addition to this, stress and anxiety are often associated with tinnitus and a person might be taking medication such as an antidepressant to help cope with it. There are a myriad of scenarios that I could relay to you on how tinnitus can affect someone's quality of life, their well-being and the habituation process. For now I will say this:

When a person habituates to tinnitus it means they are able cope with it but this doesn't mean they will never hear it. Although some people habituate to a level where the tinnitus is rarely heard or stays at a very low level. Whether the tinnitus is silent for periods of time or remains low, mild, moderate or is occasionally intrusive, it doesn't really matter, because it all means the same thing. When habituation is reached a person will know, because whatever the level it will not bother you. However, like everything there are exceptions and tinnitus is no different. I believe there are some limitations to habituation. As I have previously said the condition comes in many forms and intensities. Some people have variable tinnitus that can fluctuate from silent, mild, moderate and severe. When it is loud and intrusive (severe) and this level is sustained for long periods it can become very debilitating and a person might have to take medication to cope with it, which is usually supplied by their doctor. This level of sustained intrusiveness shouldn't be confused with a tinnitus spike, which usually returns to baseline within a short period of time.

I want to say that I believe habituation is achievable for most people with time. In some instances a person might need the professional help of a Hearing Therapist or Audiologist, as there are a variety of treatment options available to help one in the habituation process. One should also try to be realistic. There are some people that will accept nothing less than a complete cure from their tinnitus and this is unfortunate, because they could waste a lot of time being miserable.

I have corresponded with people that have said, their tinnitus is very low and is only heard occasionally or in a quiet room, at night for instance. Yet these people are not satisfied because they want a complete cure and will deliberately seek out quiet surroundings to monitor their tinnitus, checking to see if it has increased or not. It's as if they have become obsessed with this condition and to the point where is starts to affect their relationship with those that are close to them, and I don't think this is healthy.

In summing up I want to say one last thing. Those that are having treatment with a Hearing Therapist, Audiologist, or finding that their tinnitus is becoming less intrusive and they are in the habituation process. Try not to read negative posts or associate with negative thinking people who are not in the same place that you are, as their beliefs can prevent your advancement, if you are not careful.

PS: further reading on habituation:
HI @hurtingdream

Most people can habituate to tinnitus but it needs to be done correctly. Sometimes this may require professional help with a Hearing Therapist or Audiologist who's trained in the treatment and management of tinnitus and hyperacusis.

The answer to your question: How can you habituate when it changes all the time, is in your post.

Staying away from sound and overusing ear protection is one of the worst things that you can do. It will often result I making the ears and auditory system more sensitive to sound and make tinnitus and hyperacusis worse. Please read my posts below that you might find helpful. Click on the links and read both posts, paying particular attention to: Hyperacusis, As I see it

All the best

The habituation process.

Habituation is frequently talked about in tinnitus forums and probably comes in at second place to the popular question: when will a cure be found? It seems some people have become quite taken with this word and believe it is the most important thing to strive for when dealing with this condition. Everyone wants to habituate as soon as possible and carry on living their life doing everything that they want to and putting tinnitus firmly behind them.

I can honestly say that I see nothing wrong with that, but wanting something in the speed that we would like it isn't always achievable, especially with something like tinnitus. A few people that have had tinnitus for a while, have contacted me to discuss just that. They have concerns about the length of time it's taking to habituate. Similarly, I have heard from those new to this condition that want the habitation process to start as quickly as possible. Both groups tell me they are doing all the right things but it seems patience is giving way to despondency and despair and some are starting to believe habituation might never happen for them.

It is of little comfort to these people when they hear family and friends say, tinnitus is just a minor irritant and something that can easily be ignored. Occasionally, it might be intrusive but this is never more than temporary and they are still able to carry on with their life unperturbed. I often sense the frustration a person is under when they are relaying this to me. Whether I'm talking to them on the telephone, private messenger or answering an email. It is then that I'm often asked: why is it that the habituation process doesn't seem to be happening for them?

Answering such a question isn't easy because there is no single answer that I can provide but I will say this. Tinnitus is a common condition that comes in many forms and intensities and no two people experience it the same. It can be very troublesome especially in the early stages of onset, but gradually this gives way and the condition settles down and in time many manage to cope with it when it's mild or moderate. Sometimes this may involve treatment via a hearing therapist or a person achieves this naturally without being referred to a clinic.

It should be noted that tinnitus can be a complex condition, depending on how loud and intrusive it is for the individual? So what I've just outlined won't apply to everyone. There are other factors that also come into play. A person's make-up or rather their outlook on life. Whether they are positive or negative thinking can help or delay the habitation process. In addition to this, stress and anxiety are often associated with tinnitus and a person might be taking medication such as an antidepressant to help cope with it. There are a myriad of scenarios that I could relay to you on how tinnitus can affect someone's quality of life, their well-being and the habituation process. For now I will say this:

When a person habituates to tinnitus it means they are able cope with it but this doesn't mean they will never hear it. Although some people habituate to a level where the tinnitus is rarely heard or stays at a very low level. Whether the tinnitus is silent for periods of time or remains low, mild, moderate or is occasionally intrusive, it doesn't really matter, because it all means the same thing. When habituation is reached a person will know, because whatever the level it will not bother you. However, like everything there are exceptions and tinnitus is no different. I believe there are some limitations to habituation. As I have previously said the condition comes in many forms and intensities. Some people have variable tinnitus that can fluctuate from silent, mild, moderate and severe. When it is loud and intrusive (severe) and this level is sustained for long periods it can become very debilitating and a person might have to take medication to cope with it, which is usually supplied by their doctor. This level of sustained intrusiveness shouldn't be confused with a tinnitus spike, which usually returns to baseline within a short period of time.

I want to say that I believe habituation is achievable for most people with time. In some instances a person might need the professional help of a Hearing Therapist or Audiologist, as there are a variety of treatment options available to help one in the habituation process. One should also try to be realistic. There are some people that will accept nothing less than a complete cure from their tinnitus and this is unfortunate, because they could waste a lot of time being miserable.

I have corresponded with people that have said, their tinnitus is very low and is only heard occasionally or in a quiet room, at night for instance. Yet these people are not satisfied because they want a complete cure and will deliberately seek out quiet surroundings to monitor their tinnitus, checking to see if it has increased or not. It's as if they have become obsessed with this condition and to the point where is starts to affect their relationship with those that are close to them, and I don't think this is healthy.

In summing up I want to say one last thing. Those that are having treatment with a Hearing Therapist, Audiologist, or finding that their tinnitus is becoming less intrusive and they are in the habituation process. Try not to read negative posts or associate with negative thinking people who are not in the same place that you are, as their beliefs can prevent your advancement, if you are not careful.

PS: further reading on habituation:
Do you think I damaged my ears because I protected them too much? Whenever I go out my tinnitus is is really bad. It's reactive.
Do you think I damaged my ears because I protected them too much? Whenever I go out my tinnitus is is really bad. It's reactive.

You have not damaged your ears. Keeping away from normal everyday sounds and overusing hearing protection has lowered the "loudness threshold" of your auditory system. Simply put, your ears have become more sensitive. However, this can be addressed (fixed)

Please read my post: The Habituation process above. Read my posts in the links, and Follow my advice in Hyperacusis, As I see it. You need to incorporate more sound in your environment to help desensitize your ears. It will take time so you have to be patient. Start using sound enrichment when at home and use a sound machine at night by your bedside. All the information is in my posts.

You have not damaged your ears. Keeping away from normal everyday sounds and overusing hearing protection has lowered the "loudness threshold" of your auditory system. Simply put, your ears have become more sensitive. However, this can be addressed (fixed)

Please read my post: The Habituation process above. Read my posts in the links, and Follow my advice in Hyperacusis, As I see it. You need to incorporate more sound in your environment to help desensitize your ears. It will take time so you have to be patient. Start using sound enrichment when at home and use a sound machine at night by your bedside. All the information is in my posts.

Thank you for the info.
I think I lost hearing in my left ear or it's very plugged up. The tinnitus and buzzing in my head are unbearable. I can't hear. I don't know what happened. I think that this is the end for me. If anyone has anything that could help please tell me. I can't live like this.
I don't know your history, you've had this for much longer than me, but when is the last time someone looked at your ears? Did the loss/plugging happen overnight?
I don't know your history, you've had this for much longer than me, but when is the last time someone looked at your ears? Did the loss/plugging happen overnight?
It's been 2 years since someone looked at my ears. Last week at night it happened again. Then 2 days ago it happened at night also. I've been eating healthy and lost 20 lbs. Maybe I don't need my thyroid medication anymore?
Hmm, could be, I am too much of a noob to even know what the correlation between thyroid and tinnitus is. You might want to get your ears looked at if it's been 2 years, in any case. It could just be significant wax buildup.
I mean, I'm a basic bitch noob (T for 2 months today), but it could be that simple. I was surprised I had as much wax as I did when I had mine cleaned out.
I mean, I'm a basic bitch noob (T for 2 months today), but it could be that simple. I was surprised I had as much wax as I did when I had mine cleaned out.
The messed up part is when I wake up it's not as bad. But I haven't fallen asleep yet so I am hoping it goes back to baseline.
It's been 2 years since someone looked at my ears. Last week at night it happened again. Then 2 days ago it happened at night also. I've been eating healthy and lost 20 lbs. Maybe I don't need my thyroid medication anymore?

Plugged ear feeling other than possible ear wax. Cholesterol may be high, low vitamin D or a viral infection all relating to your thyroid.
I would see an endocrinologist. You may be given paracetamol or meclizine.
Plugged ear feeling other than possible ear wax. Cholesterol may be high, low vitamin D or a viral infection all relating to your thyroid.
I would see an endocrinologist. You may be given paracetamol or meclizine.
I'm at the ER to see if I have a viral infection. I just wanna die.
You have not damaged your ears. Keeping away from normal everyday sounds and overusing hearing protection has lowered the "loudness threshold" of your auditory system. Simply put, your ears have become more sensitive. However, this can be addressed (fixed)

Please read my post: The Habituation process above. Read my posts in the links, and Follow my advice in Hyperacusis, As I see it. You need to incorporate more sound in your environment to help desensitize your ears. It will take time so you have to be patient. Start using sound enrichment when at home and use a sound machine at night by your bedside. All the information is in my posts.


I lost all my progress over a few years from a smoke detector going off. 6 months later I contemplate suicide daily. The right ear continues this new T state which takes little jabs at my ear/brain, very high pitch causing me to cringe and become almost unhinge. Every half second, a sharp EEEE, over and over. Normal noises just make it jump and compete with those noises. So any fan, outside background noise, music, just makes this thing react and wind up to compete.

Plugging the ear and wearing muffs doesn't solve it but makes it less intense to winding up as there's no sound source, at the expense of listening to it on full display with the other tinnitus I've had for years, but it's better than not being plugged. Any attempt to move on over the last 6 months and take normal noises has been met with MISERABLE results, not improvements. Just going to store and coming back had caused my T to be awful for days. It's so bad now from getting so angry and belligerent I've made my ear even worse just from sheer anger and erratic behavior. Now even plugging and earmuffs aren't giving some relief.

I believe some are so damaged and so bad off that normal noises and desensitizing will not help. How can one desensitize when noises are causing a reactive/winding up effect on one of your T tones that makes you want to just pull the trigger. It's impossible. I think a certain point the haircell, or neural transmitters or synapses, get so bad and broken that there's no way to come back.
I believe some are so damaged and so bad off that normal noises and desensitizing will not help. How can one desensitize when noises are causing a reactive/winding up effect on one of your T tones that makes you want to just pull the trigger. It's impossible. I think a certain point the haircell, or neural transmitters or synapses, get so bad and broken that there's no way to come back.

I do understand the discomfort that you are in as I have been there. Negative thinking will delay or prevent you from making progress so try not to be so negative thinking nothing will help you. Try and get a referral to see a Hearing Therapist or Audiologist, that specialises in the treating tinnitus and hyperacusis. In the majority of cases people will make improvement but convincing yourself that nothing will help you, is not the right approach if you want to get better.

I wish you well.

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