If I use noise cancelling headphones, will they protect me from loud noises? I can't hear any outside noises with them on but does that mean they are protecting me?
If I use noise cancelling headphones, will they protect me from loud noises? I can't hear any outside noises with them on but does that mean they are protecting me?
Headphones should help protect against loud noise. I use then mostly when I'm on a 5 lane highway that goes in one direction with 5 more lanes going in the other direction. If I take them off while still on the highway my T will spike. If I take them off in a silent environment, then no spike.
Unless there's noises like sirens and fire crackers, I don't worry about sound exposure under 5 seconds. That's sort of like the dental drilling advice given of 5 seconds on and 10 seconds off. If I was to be in an environment with ongoing decibel sound of 80 for more, I will wear ear protection. I also have hyperacusis.
If I use noise cancelling headphones, will they protect me from loud noises? I can't hear any outside noises with them on but does that mean they are protecting me?
They generate waves that cancel out the original waves, so less noise reaches your inner ear. Having said that, they are not designed to protect you from noises like that of a gunshot. My best guess is that if you fire a gun while wearing them, you will get zero protection - they won't generate the wave to cancel out a sudden noise like that. They work best when the noise is low pitch and steady, like that in an airplane or inside of a car.
I would say that Peltor muffs achieve similar noise reduction to Bose 35 headphones. Peltor muffs are less expensive than Bose 35, but are also less comfortable (plus you will feel worse about wearing them in public, compared to wearing Bose 35).
If I use noise cancelling headphones, will they protect me from loud noises? I can't hear any outside noises with them on but does that mean they are protecting me?
Yes, but they have their limits. They can't cancel out everything. They'll do a pretty good job at cancelling out most "normal sound" but don't expect them to be perfect in handling acoustic trauma bursts (like a gunshot): they are not designed to protect you against that.