I had extreme side effects from high doses of prednisone and ended up in the emergency room on day 5 .... but, in any case the anxiety was the worse of those side effects, so I asked my GP for Xanax. It was the first time I ever took it. I basically used it like a sleeping pill and it took my anxiety & T to zero. I don't mean I just didn't care if the T was there ... it made it disappear. The down side is tolerance builds up in a couple of weeks, so for it to work the same, you'd have to take more. Plus, it isn't that easy to just quit (at least not for me). I never took more than 0.75 g/day, and now I'm tapering off and down to 0.25 g/day (small compared to what some people take). I should be off it in another week or so. I think if you were discipline, and only took it on occasion, you wouldn't have the downsides mentioned above.