I personally think that this "natural level of tinnitus" combined with "it's just a harmless sound" is for sure the biggest reason why, to this day in 21st century, there is no cure or relief for tinnitus.
I know for sure that I never heard any noise from my ears, ever, there are also many others who will say the same. So telling us that everyone has tinnitus is the biggest BS based on some crap research or study done 50-60 years ago.
Can you imagine if cancer research was still based on belief that cancer is incurable and deadly???
To this day every single person who gets cancer would die!
But guess what? That's not the case!
Because billions ad billions of dollars are poured into cancer research, there are survivors, many of them.
Prevention is the key as well, telling us to watch for changes here and there, check your breasts, Pap smears..... leads to early detection.
Tinnitus on the other hand is completely ignored, no prevention, nobody tells young kids to look after their ears, no ear plugs given when trey attend mega loud events!
Imagine how many tinnitus cases could be prevented by raising awareness and teaching people about possible triggers.
I'm furious that influential people are doing nothing about it, furious that they are still telling us to get used to it, telling us it's just a neutral stimuli....
Yeah right!
Those people are to blame for no cure and tinnitus sufferers still being treated like 500 years ago!