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Doctor Suggests Tinnitus Food Allergy: Left Ear — Rice, Right Ear — Wheat


Nov 13, 2011
Tinnitus Since
Oct 2011
This was new to me. See what you think....Hey, it's worth a try I guess.

I eat rice and the T is on the left side. I am also am taking extracts with blueberry and strawberry in my salvestrol. I am not going to give that up! My T hasn't increased so I don't think I have an intolerance.


Food intolerances
Food intolerances and allergies cause diverse symptoms. Tinnitus might be one of them. Having a good food sensitivity test is wise to clearly determine the offenders to your personal metabolism.
Dr. Donald Lepore, a pioneer in nutritional healing, discovered that tinnitus in the left ear is usually caused by an intolerance to rice or some specific ingredients in the same nutritional group (which includes cinnamon, blueberries, grapes, strawberry, watermelon, wine, or pumpkin). He also discovered that this intolerance can be corrected with the mineral Manganese, vitamin B-6 and the amino acid Arginine. The herb Yucca is also good for these purposes, since it is an excellent source of Manganese.

By contrast, Dr. Lepore's research demonstrated that tinnitus in the right ear is usually caused by an intolerance to wheat. This includes of course wheat bread (or any bread or pancake that has wheat in it), pasta, and the wheat flour that is used for cooking. So people who experience tinnitus in the right ear would be wise to refrain from eating wheat products for a while, while they correct this intolerance with vitamin F (which can be found in olive oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil), the mineral Magnesium and the amino acid Histidine.

Sometimes these food intolerances are triggered by an external factor. For instance, extended sunburn at the beach can decrease the vitamin F in the body, which at that point becomes intolerant to wheat products. So in those cases it is wise to put some olive oil (or safflower, peanut or almond oil) on your skin, after you get sunburn. This is why, pursuant to Dr. Lepore's research, the so called "swimmer's ear" is not an infection from the water, but a wheat allergy caused by sunburn.

Here is another site that Dr. Lepore gives more in depth detail on food allergies and how they can be relieved... http://www.bodyandsoulreconnection.com/food-allergies-can-be-reversed/

There are questions and answers there regarding tinnitus. Here is the first one:

Hello, i read that tinnitus in the right ear may be due to a wheat allergy and a defficiency in vitamin f and magnesium and histidine…..
I have tinnitus in the right ear, so i would like to know if you already helped someone to cure his tinnitus and which program do you recommend ( which form of magnesium supplements, eating more proteins for examples and taking more safflower oil, does that can be a treatment ?? )

Lu Martinez
Dear Mehdi, yes I have helped a handful of clients with tinnitus (ringing) in their right ear. In all cases they were deficient in magnesium. I suggest 1000 mg of magnesium per day for 10 days and then drop down to 500 mg per day for another 4-6 weeks. Ringing should completely go away within 4-6 weeks. Also, I had a couple of clients with ringing in their left ear and that was due to deficient manganese. I use the yucca her which is high in manganese for this deficiency.
The magnesium that I have utilized is the kind you can find in any good health food store. The key are the amounts. With higher magnesium levels stools can get softer. Or if a person tended to have constipation issues they will notice that the magnesium shifts that condition for them.
Vitamin F (found in safflower oil and corn oil) are great in improving hayfever symptoms. Other deficiencies that can cause hay fever are omega-3 and omega-6. I have also found some clients low in B-6 and magnesium which also exhibit hayfever symptoms. Basically it can be a combination of these nutrients or one that is very deficient.
I hope this is helpful.
Hmmm! My tinnitus is in my right ear. I have mostly given up wheat products, although some sneak in there from time to time. Also, I take 1,000 mg. magnesium per day, and eat almonds every day. I think it may have helped some, as my tinnitus is better than it was. But I've still got a long way to go before it disappears. I'll keep working on it, and let you know if mine ever decreases significantly.
Hmmm! My tinnitus is in my right ear. I have mostly given up wheat products, although some sneak in there from time to time. Also, I take 1,000 mg. magnesium per day, and eat almonds every day. I think it may have helped some, as my tinnitus is better than it was. But I've still got a long way to go before it disappears. I'll keep working on it, and let you know if mine ever decreases significantly.
Okie dokie Karen! :)

So maybe you have a food intolerance?
Well, I never thought I did before. Anyway, I'll keep trying. Day two of the spirulina; maybe that will help some! This is my worst time of the day (tinnitus-wise) right now, and it is ringing and pulsating pretty steadily. It wasn't this bad earlier today. Still going to my chiropractic neurologist, still doing brain exercises, still hanging in there! Going out to take a walk now, to take my mind off the horrible ringing .
Eat lots of pineapple, take gingko biloba , zinc, and vitamin B complex, put 4 drops of hydrogen peroxide in each ear, one drop 4 times a day, rub castor oil around the ears many times a day. Hope it helps.
Thanks for the information. I agree with all of those things, except ---- had not heard of using hydrogen peroxide for tinnitus!
Welcome Karen and thank you. Do read up about Hydrogen Peroxide it has some amazing benefits. It's all kept under wraps by our Food and Drugs administration, for their own financial gains.
Thanks, Sherri. That makes sense to me; it sounds like it has really worked for you. I'm glad you joined us at Tinnitus Talk; welcome! Also glad you've shared this information.
Welcome Karen and thank you. Do read up about Hydrogen Peroxide it has some amazing benefits. It's all kept under wraps by our Food and Drugs administration, for their own financial gains.
I have read about benefits of HP. I haven't tried it. I am overwhelmed with my other stuff! haha
Thanks, Sherri. That makes sense to me; it sounds like it has really worked for you. I'm glad you joined us at Tinnitus Talk; welcome! Also glad you've shared this information.

Welcome Karen. Well after about three weeks the volume has gone down quite a bit, just very scared that it may return, God forbid ! Hoping and fingers crossed that it disappears completely ! I'll start taking almonds too, like you wrote. Wishing you health and healing, Karen, keep us updated and I'll do the same. Thank you xoxo
hi guy, good morning, i have ringing in my right ear and i feel my heartbeat and a flow of blood in my head or brain, did you feel it to, when you have ringing in ear, and it becomes higher last night because i eat pasta and breath i just only found this treatment right now and it makes me alive i wish to god it help to make this treatment very useful
I have been reading the book Grain Brain that suggested many of our ailments today are caused by wheat, carbs and sugar. Cutting down on fats is not good for our brains either. I tend to agree with the findings in this book by a renowned Neurologist David Perlmutter. I've been following this diet for the past few weeks with added supplements like Gingko Biloba, magnesium, Super B vitamins, and niacin. I've had several lower level T days and one silent moment a few days ago. Now whether it's because I just feel better on this diet, or it is helping my T it's too early to tell I think. But cumulatively it's all helping in my opinion. I have ringing mainly in my tight ear. I hear a faint chiming sound in my left ear when I lay down. There is a lot of information about how these foods cause inflammation in the body and how the low fat can also harm the brain. Anyway it's an interesting read. T is not mentioned here, but I'm going to keep on it for a while to look for more positive changes. It's not that difficult to follow unless you eat a lot of sweets or carbs (even healthy ones).
Wow! Some interesting stuff here. I do eat rice once or twice a week and my tinnitus is mainly in my left ear. I had mainly stopped eating bread a couple of months ago but not because of any intolerance I knew of - just in an attempt to lose weight. I have also started taking magnesium and Vitamin B-Complex everyday. I certainly will stop eating rice and see if it makes a difference. Had not heard of Hydrogen Peroxide drops for the ears. Do you get it in health food shops? Thanks for all the useful information.
Hey there. I had tinnitus (pulsating) that grew overtime. I had it for over a year, it got worse last fall to where my left ear would pulse NON STOP for two days every two minutes. Then would stop for 5 days only to come back. I went to a ear, nose, and throat dr desperate for answers. He unfortunately told me I have tinnitus and it's not curable. I left a crying mess. THEN A MIRACLE HAPPENED.I spoke with a nurse and she recommended I try going gluten free. She saved me so much stress!! I'm not lying, my tinnitus started to fade away and for four months now I no longer suffer from the pulsing tinnitus!!!!! I do get REALLY SOFT ringing (only when I move and it stops right when I stop) but it's not bothersome. Getting off gluten has been one of the hardest things but it is SO WORTH IT! (Gluten meaning NO wheat, RYE, or barley and STAY AWAY from cross contamination if at all possible.) Hope this helps cure someone else.
I'd like to know if anyone has any experiences they can share about going wheat free and what the results were over the long term. I am in the process of going without grains, since I had begun to notice a worsening of my symptoms after eating whole grains. I'm a few days into it and have noticed that the spikes that usually followed the wheat have gone away. I'd also be interested to know if anyone knows how long it takes to get gluten out of your system. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Any updates about these mentioned treatments?

And quick question: how many of you have cholesterol problems or allergies?

I got my T 3 years ago, i was working different shifts and not eating right.. my LDL cholesterol was very high.

I also have allergies too, so go figure haha
But i did get the ringing at the same time my cholesterol went up.
I am seriously thinking about going gluten free to see if this helps with my T. I have had it for about 5 1/2 years and doctors have told me there is nothing I can do except get a hearing aid. Thinking about GF diet and maybe the magnesium everyone is talking about. Can anyone give me their thoughts? Other than melbell - anyone else have positive results from diet?
I am seriously thinking about going gluten free to see if this helps with my T. I have had it for about 5 1/2 years and doctors have told me there is nothing I can do except get a hearing aid. Thinking about GF diet and maybe the magnesium everyone is talking about. Can anyone give me their thoughts? Other than melbell - anyone else have positive results from diet?
Never mind gluten.. Go wheat free.
I have tinnitus in the right ear. Finally got appointment on Monday to see ENT clinic but I'm not expecting any miracles after reading what the likely response will be - no cure and get on with it. However, I do have a few other problems and I believe all is related but because medics never look at the whole person, a solution is harder to come by. I am about to take a food intolerance test to tackle all other symptoms - acid reflux, post nasal drip, persistent cough - and to understand what food and drink is bad for me. Then we will see what happens......
Well I have the results of my food intolerance test and apparently yeast is the problem. Am feeling somewhat sceptical but I will cut it out and hope to see a miraculous cure. And by the way, ENT man said go away and if you still have T in 3 months he'll do an MRI....no surprises there then.

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