Does Anybody Experience Alternating and Ambivalent Tinnitus Tones That Come and Go?


Nov 19, 2016
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
MP3, Stress, TMJ
Am I going nuts analyzing tinnitus tones for no reason?

I have 2 major tinnitus tones, one is about 8000 Hz and other is 1340 Hz. But I can hear maybe a dozen others, some of which come and some go.

The tones show up from minutes to hours, then they disappear, sometimes don't show up again for days or weeks, and then they are back.

This question is specifically about alternating and ambivalent tinnitus tones.

Does anybody else experience this?
I have about a dozen tinnitus tones as well, 3-4 of them are permanent and the rest seem to come and go. They're not all the same type of tone or same volume, some are faint hisses and some are like gentle crickets. But if I try to hear and analyze every single one of them, it quickly gets overwhelming.
I am 3 1/2 months into this now - on probably half a dozen occasions now my ears have 'dropped out' to complete deafness during which I have a much louder, more high pitched tinnitus tone - this usually goes away within seconds - 20-30 or so. You would think this is scary but it actually gives me some form of hope when this happens - I'm hoping it's my body's own way of recalibrating/searching for homeostasis.

Jeez... what a circus this is...
I have about a dozen tinnitus tones as well, 3-4 of them are permanent and the rest seem to come and go. They're not all the same type of tone or same volume, some are faint hisses and some are like gentle crickets. But if I try to hear and analyze every single one of them, it quickly gets overwhelming.
Yeah, I'll stop analyzing them soon also, it's comforting to know I'm not alone, I also got this from loud music, and lately from extreme stress, all the new tones from stress, I have a feeling they might go away when stress stops...
I am 3 1/2 months into this now - on probably half a dozen occasions now my ears have 'dropped out' to complete deafness during which I have a much louder, more high pitched tinnitus tone - this usually goes away within seconds - 20-30 or so. You would think this is scary but it actually gives me some form of hope when this happens - I'm hoping it's my body's own way of recalibrating/searching for homeostasis.

Jeez... what a circus this is...
I think what you are referring to is fleeting tinnitus:—-what-are-the-implications.38853/
I have many tones and they come and go, increase and decrease. For me it's still there, but I am learning how to take its power away so that it does not bother me which is now most parts of most days. It essentially no longer bothers me and most of the time I don't think about it any more.

It's OK for it to bother you, it's OK for you to have emotions about it. It's OK to start off doing research and trying to understand what is going on, however... In order to get relief you are going to need to move past this, accept it, acknowledge that your brain is making it up and it can't hurt you, stop monitoring, labeling, and hyperfocusing on it. I am an engineer by training, a musician and build speakers so it's my natural behavior to go where you are, frequencies and all but this is keeping you from getting better as it did me for a while in the beginning.

There are a number of techniques that can help you. They all address chronic pain and/or tinnitus which have a nearly identical model of hyperfocus and the fear/pain cycle or the notion of repressed emotions causing the pain or keeping you from letting it go. Examples are somatic tracking, mindfulness, CBT, back to silence, TMS healing, EMDR, ...

The essence is to understand and acknowledge that this cannot hurt you and your brain is making it up. That you have the power to reduce or eliminate its impact on your life by stopping the hyperfocus, the fear, the what ifs and catastrophic thoughts. Then move to curiosity, exploring your emotions about it and believing that this will lose its power and stop affecting you.

I also find it helpful to avoid triggers like foods and stress, get proper sleep and keep everything running smoothly and in top shape.

All the best brother, you can get better.


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