Does Anyone Else Have Tinnitus in Head, Not Ears?


Mar 9, 2018
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
stress, benzo/clonozepam + clonidine, maybe infection
I hear my tinnitus in my mind only, not in ears. It sounds like releasing air from a tire, one sound is monotonic and the second comes in waves.

Does anyone else hear tinnitus only in the head?
Does that mean that my tinnitus is not related to ears?
Does anyone else hear tinnitus only in the head?
Does that mean that my tinnitus is not related to ears?
It might be T that is so quiet you stop hearing it in your ears, and perceive it as a hum in your head. Try wearing earplugs or muffs to see whether you will begin hearing it in your ears. If you do, it would be evidence in support of the hypothesis above.
It might be T that is so quiet you stop hearing it in your ears, and perceive it as a hum in your head. Try wearing earplugs or muffs to see whether you will begin hearing it in your ears. If you do, it would be evidence in support of the hypothesis above.
My T only sometimes quiet. When I plug my ears, I hearing it from my head.
Maybe at all my T related to blood vessel, but it not pulsate the same rate as heart.
Maybe it somatic symptom of schizophrenia, but I do not have speech or visual hallucinations and I do not believe in things that can not be explained in a logical way.
Maybe it somatic symptom of schizophrenia, but I do not have hallucinations and I do not believe in things that can not be explained in a logical way.
Many people on here have "head T." You don't need to worry about having schizophrenia - you have tinnitus.
@David077 ,
I had tinnitus in My head as well as ears.
I was told my head tinnitus could be missfiring signals and my doctor put me on Nortriptyline and a low dose that worked and it stopped.
Love glynis
@David077 ,
I had tinnitus in My head as well as ears.
I was told my head tinnitus could be missfiring signals and my doctor put me on Nortriptyline and a low dose that worked and it stopped.
Love glynis
Has the Nortriptyline eliminated the ear tinnitus as well?
I sometimes have this, but I think it is due to hyperacusis or at least hypersensitivity to certain sounds. Usually when I've had prolonged exposure to (even moderate) sounds, it feels like a tuning fork is resonating centrally in my head. It's a bit as if the sounds from earlier are still reverberating inside my head, like you would have coming home from an loud evening at a bar or something (which I don't do anymore ofc.). It is especially noticeable when I'm in absolute silence and is easily masked. Luckily, it goes as easily as it comes. Still trying to figure all of this out and trying to read a pattern, though...
@David077 ,
I had tinnitus in My head as well as ears.
I was told my head tinnitus could be missfiring signals and my doctor put me on Nortriptyline and a low dose that worked and it stopped.
Love glynis
Please tell the dose you took and how long you started feeling until it stopped?
Could you please explain otherwise "misfiring signals"? sorry my English is not enough good.
I can make my tinnitus quieter by humming a long note the same pitch as the hum in my head or even make it disappear for a few minutes. You must try it!

Hi @Brian Walklet,

Your experience sounds pretty amazing! Is this still working for you? Have you been able to get greater times of quiet as you continue to do this? My tinnitus is so high-pitched, it doesn't feel I can even approach its sound if I tried to hum to it. I'll experiment with this, as even a period of a few minutes of quiet sounds absolutely heavenly! -- Any update or more details on how you do this would be much appreciated. -- Thanks!​
I hear my tinnitus in my mind only, not in ears. It sounds like releasing air from a tire, one sound is monotonic and the second comes in waves.

Does anyone else hear tinnitus only in the head?
Does that mean that my tinnitus is not related to ears?

yeah mine is mainly in my head now. I half feel it and half hear it.

It the head T harder or the ears. I get it in my head few times, I find it more difficult. What about you?
I find it less bothersome in my head than in my ears, when it was in the ears it was very intrusive to me. I have had it really loud in my head though around the 3 week mark where it was so shrill it was painful at night. This still scares me to this day that my brain can do that.
@David077 ,
I had tinnitus in My head as well as ears.
I was told my head tinnitus could be missfiring signals and my doctor put me on Nortriptyline and a low dose that worked and it stopped.
Love glynis

I have high pitched T in my head as well. I find scratching/ massaging the back of my head offers brief relief.
When I block my ears I clearly notice the noise is coming from my head. I've also got a second sound coming from my right ear but is a lot less noticeable.
I hear my tinnitus in my mind only, not in ears. It sounds like releasing air from a tire, one sound is monotonic and the second comes in waves.

Does anyone else hear tinnitus only in the head?
Does that mean that my tinnitus is not related to ears?
not it doesn't my tinnitus was from acoustic trauma and I experienced it in my head.

However it is unknown if tinnitus in the head is a different subtype from tinnitus in the ears.
I have two sounds also, one in my right ear and the other sounds like it's coming from the top of my head. I have a low toned whoosh in my right ear, that's been 24/7 for 3 1/2 years. (This I could live with as I previously had it intermittently in my left year for 13 years. ) But now I also have what I describe as my "airplane" noise that radiates from the top of my head. This noise sounds like I'm sitting next to the jets of an airplane, and fluctuates in volume, but has been very loud for the past several months. It used to show up and last for about 6 weeks and then disappear, but it has now been constant since March 2017. It effects my hearing immensely. I can not understand voices if there are more than two, music sounds atrocious, my own voice sounds horrible, everything sounds far away , low tones are garbled and I feel like I'm in a noise concoon. It gets so loud I feel like people could see it radiating out of my head. Does anyone else hear a noise like that?
My tinnitus is centered in my head. From the start it's always been there. Five or six times a week the ringing in my head will stop and it will simultaneously move to one of my ears. It only stays in an ear for a few minutes then it moves back to the center of my head. I don't hear it both places at once. I don't know what that means.
Normally I have high pitched pulsating electrical noise all over my head. Sometimes it settles for a little while to my left side of my head just above my ear and pulsates a humming rhythmic electrical sound. There are a couple of different noises going on in there, I have to listen hard to separate them. I haven't had any silence in my head since the slap to my ear just over two years ago.
My tinnitus is centered in my head. From the start it's always been there. Five or six times a week the ringing in my head will stop and it will simultaneously move to one of my ears. It only stays in an ear for a few minutes then it moves back to the center of my head. I don't hear it both places at once. I don't know what that means.
Yup, the same for me.
I hear my tinnitus in my mind only, not in ears. It sounds like releasing air from a tire, one sound is monotonic and the second comes in waves.

Does anyone else hear tinnitus only in the head?
Does that mean that my tinnitus is not related to ears?

My tinnitus is all over my head and in both ears. It's basically everywhere and is multitonal with many other noises mixed in.
This may not be the right forum for this question, but it can't hurt. Does anybody have any data on location of tinnitus perception and causation? Is there any data on recovery chances varying on where it's perceived? This seems pretty deeply rooted in my brain. I don't think it's getting out of there easily.
My volume or perception increases throughout the day as well. In the mornings the volume is lower. It's definitely there, just quieter. Throughout the day as I'm exposed to even moderate sounds the volume increases. By the evening it's very loud. Overnight it quiets down again. I repeat this day after day.
I sometimes have this, but I think it is due to hyperacusis or at least hypersensitivity to certain sounds. Usually when I've had prolonged exposure to (even moderate) sounds, it feels like a tuning fork is resonating centrally in my head. It's a bit as if the sounds from earlier are still reverberating inside my head, like you would have coming home from an loud evening at a bar or something (which I don't do anymore ofc.). It is especially noticeable when I'm in absolute silence and is easily masked. Luckily, it goes as easily as it comes. Still trying to figure all of this out and trying to read a pattern, though...

I have the exact same thing. My tinnitus is very low when I am in total silence but when I am exposed to moderate sound it becomes much louder. So strange.

I wouldn't describe my tinnitus as coming from my brain though. I only hear it in my left ear.
I do! I do! and it's crazy to realize that my head is hissing all day along! For 2 years. How do i keep going?

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