Hi my name is Bob and I was diagnosed in August with grade 5 (catastrophic) tinnitus. Today my T is back to a more tolerable grade 3 but soon, within days I expect, it will go back up to 5 and I will be laid out in bed pumping myself full of sleeping pills to try and sleep through it. My T actually started in August of 1994 when a grenade exploded too close. I lost all hearing for approximately 1/2 hour and when I did regain hearing I was left with a bad ringing in my ears for days. Eventually the ringing dropped off but was still noticeable in quiet places from then on. About 4 years ago the T started to get more noticeable and was attributed to all the workplace stress I was going through because of a workplace injury I suffered in 2003 which my employer was fighting, with the help of WCB no less, and I was diagnosed then with grade 2 tinnitus. Since that time, again mostly employer exacerbated, my T has worsened and this, in conjunction with the mechanical and chronic lower back pain I was suffering from, forced me to resign and take a disability pension from WCB even though I really did not want to stop working. I am now on a fixed income that's 85 percent of what I used to take home and I no longer have good medical coverage which, as you may have figured out, I need more now then ever. I also know that reducing stress and staying relaxed are two of the best things one can do to keep T at a manageable level but I find it so hard to do. I sure could use some advice on how to deal with this because I don't know how much longer I can take it......