One time, I got lucky and somehow I got upgraded to fly in the first class. I had always been curios about wines being described using some exotic terms. The description of the wines in the first class included those cool-sounding terms. I asked for a glass of some wine that had a description that I found to be intriguing. It tasted exactly like all other wines I had ever tasted - sour and nasty. I made the mistake of finishing my glass of wine, and then I made a second mistake of asking for a second glass of a different wine that had a completely different cool description. The wine in the second glass had the exact same taste - as sour and as nasty as the first one. I kept drinking it trying to see whether I would be able to taste what I was supposed to be tasting if one were to believe the description. Now I know that those descriptions are a joke.
The worst part is that soon after I finished the second glass, I felt like I had been poisoned. At that time, dinner was served in the first class. The food was incredible, but unfortunately I couldn't enjoy it - I was feeling a mixture of a feeling like the one you get when you have a high fever during a flu, and the nausea feeling you get when you are experiencing food poisoning. By the time I felt better, the flight was almost over. Drinking those two glasses of wine had completely ruined my experience of flying in the first class...