Does Getting Angry Cause Your Tinnitus to Spike?


Feb 24, 2015
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Acoustic Trauma
Been a bad week...

Monday, completed 20+ hours of air travel (protected myself best I could).

Tuesday, accidentally hitting the panic button on my rental car while I was standing beside it.

Friday things seemed quieter.

And now this morning I'm spiking worse than ever... Only two events come into play, loud prop-plane (for banners) flying over my place. Even with my Peltor's on, the low frequencies seemed to be quite loud.

But what I am wondering is if my frustrating day yesterday caused today's spike. I am having a bit of a battle with a company and got really worked up yesterday on the phone... I don't yell, but I can feel myself getting really tensed up and my tone of voice changes.

As we know there is a connection between tinnitus and emotions... just wondering if anybody else has experienced this, getting worked up and getting a spike out of it?
I experience more tinnitus when stressed, frustrated or angry. I try to calm down myself all the time. But trying to relax with all the noises inside is a tough thing.
what I am wondering is if my frustrating day yesterday caused today's spike.
I haven't experienced that particular pattern (frustration preceding day causes spike current day), but I am beginning to notice that what I do the previous day affects my tinnitus on the current day. For instance, I'm beginning to notice that drinking coffee doesn't affect me day-of, but it does seem to cause a bad day the day after.
Stress, travel by car and or lack of sleep makes my tinnitus louder. Eliminating those issues makes it return to baseline.

Absolutely stress can make your ears ring more. Even people without tinnitus talk about "being so mad their ears would ring". If your ears are also irritated due to noise exposure then they might ring even louder than normal when you're stressed.
High stress, loud music, lack of sleep, ear infection, and energy drinks.

High stress releases a lot of cortisol, which is degenerative and restricts blood vessels.

"High levels of cortisol can cause our brain to shrink in size. High levels of cortisol cause a breakdown of the synaptic connections between neurons..."
Anger is also a symptom of tinnitus, so yet another negative feedback cycle.

It does for me, I think it's increased blood pressure for me.
Yes definitely if I get angry about something, my tinnitus feels louder.
I get some stress in my job as I trade online and have to deal with some very trying customers. But no - it does not seem to affect my tinnitus. If I could pinpoint something that affects my tinnitus - I would be much better off.
I get some stress in my job as I trade online and have to deal with some very trying customers. But no - it does not seem to affect my tinnitus. If I could pinpoint something that affects my tinnitus - I would be much better off.
I work in the tech field which can be stressful. I'm good at what I do and handle work stress okay. Most other stressors I handle not so good and they cause my tinnitus to spike.
anger spike.gif

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