yeah; whatever the case is, the statement above that "Tinnitus tend to get worse" is not correct.
Tend to is not it does, in some cases it tens to, we are all different, but as understood here i did not see many people who wrote every few years their tinnitus became weaker and weaker and vanished.
Tinnitus it terrible thing, severe decease. You noticed from Vikings documents from Switzerland that doctor wrote he has to undergo entire psychological treatment of tinnitus psychological trauma after surgery.
And from my personal experience in my be very unlucky guy but my got severely worse in last 10 days... One just wake up with it and it goes worse and worse, this is 3rd time.
So wherether you had medicine that demaged your hearing, taking benzos demage nerves more and you lose hearing and your tinnitus has chance to become worse, or you get suddenly ill and have to use stronger pain killers same thing happen, and it is stupid to explain, sudden bang.
Lets hear from those who have tinnitus ca 8 years or 4, what do they think, did their got worse. Dr Negler is lucky guy, maybe becouse his age hearing got weaker and he got worse and t became worse... maybe it will stop... but i did not see that he expect it to stop. from his expirience he seen people who get it worse sudenly and remain 2 week it stay so, for some it is not like that. we are individual all.
What i wanted to say that as time passes there is lover chance tinnitus will vanish. (like from onset 1 mont, 3 6 one 1 year every time is lower chance by statistic). Also by statistic only tinnitus does not lover tone by time but opposite, but we do become more resistant and that is strongest motivator, that we get used on it and we stop paying attention, we make peace with it.
I think i should not have wrote this. I just based all this on statistic. I just pray Autifony come out and say that they are effective, or they find something else, some medicine that by have side effect that it kills tinnitus, or some implant.
it is inhumane when you go to hospital and they say to you that it is just sound you will not die from it and then send you to psychiatry.
and I often ask God what did I do, and i suppose many of you too, why did we deserve this, tinnitus is hell on earth. I know there are neurological pain and they are also hell on earth.
And how much did medicine advanced in understanding brain? it looks life they are fixing a computer chipboard with big screwdriver and hammer, that did advance immensely but brain remains still a mystery? or maybe i am totally wrong....
anyway i wish that tomorrow there is sudden information that there is some treatment for common people that helps a lot...