Dr. Shemesh Israel Clinic — Scam or Genuine?

Discussion in 'Alternative Treatments and Research' started by Per, Jul 15, 2013.

    1. ScamAlert

      ScamAlert Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I visited Dr. Shemesh in Israel a few years ago. I spent approximately 15 thousand dollars and at the end of the two year “treatment”, my condition got worse. I agree with everything that has been said but wish to add the following:

      a) Dr. Shemesh lives in a fantasy world and sees everything as his own personal success. One night he asked me to stay longer at his office telling me that he would like to introduce me to another patient, Raquel, whom he “cured” after he fixed her Thyroid imbalances. Raquel had Thyroid problems and her primary care doctor initially refused to reveal laboratory test results to Dr. Shemesh. After obtaining consent from Raquel, the primary care doctor finally sent Dr. Shemesh the metabolic profile of Raquel. Dr. Shemesh immediately “found the culprit”, gave Raquel capsules “specifically composed for her pathology”, and “created a metabolic milieu, which spontaneously cured Raquel of her chronic Tinnitus in only a few weeks.”

      When Raquel finally arrived at the office Dr. Shemesh asked her to explain to me how she was “cured” of chronic Tinnitus. Raquel replied, “Dr. Shemesh, I have been telling you all this time that my Tinnitus is getting worse, not better. I am one of the 10% that even you cannot cure. No, I am not getting better, I am getting worse and nothing helps me. The best treatment is to ignore the ringing. The only one that can cure me is God.”

      Dr. Shemesh, however, was not embarrassed regarding Raquel’s reply. He said to me that he can introduce me to many others, who “indeed were cured.”

      b) Dr. Shemesh makes up many stories claiming he has cured suffering patients of their chronic tinnitus. His claims are simply lies - there is no truth to his tales. Before I went to Israel, I asked him on the telephone if the duration of my Tinnitus has a correlation with potential success of his therapy treatment. He answered that it has none. He further told me a story about an Israeli soldier who had severe Tinnitus for 28 years and was cured of the condition in a few weeks after Dr. Shemesh found very subtle imbalance in his metabolic profile. When several months later I asked him again about the same soldier, he stated he didn't know what I was talking about.

      c) I spoke with three other patients whom had made videos for Dr. Shemesh. Dr. Arie Yagoda and William Hunt visited Dr. Shemesh after having Tinnitus for 4 months and Tim Donahue after having Tinnitus for 6 months. As you can see, none of these three persons was a chronic Tinnitus sufferer. Other patients from the videos did not respond to my emails. Dr. Yagoda experienced cessation of Tinnitus 8 months after he first met Dr. Shemesh (after having Tinnitus for 12 months in total). What he experienced was most likely spontaneous remission that had nothing to do with Dr. Shemesh’s “therapy”. However, recently he got a recurrence and is now in the same situation as before he first visited Dr. Shemesh. His recurrence is, of course, not mentioned on the website. Mr. Hunt still has Tinnitus, which is now greatly decreased in volume. This typically happens in most people due to habituation, regardless if they are treated or not. Mr. Donahue lost his Tinnitus 26 days after visiting Dr. Shemesh; he drank a herbal supplement Dr. Shemesh recommended which he bought in Elat, Israel. Dr. Shemesh immediately recorded a video; however, Mr. Donahue’s Tinnitus soon came back and remained constant until 2008 when it got much louder. The therapy of Dr. Shemesh did not help and Tim, as we know today, committed suicide due to intractable loud Tinnitus in April of 2013. Dr. Shemesh knew already in May 2013 that Tim committed suicide, however, he kept playing the anecdotal video of Tim Donahue for another two years as the proof that he can “cure” tinnitus. He assumed it was safe to lie and to promote his treatment knowing that Tim was dead and could not speak out.

      When I talked to Tim Donahue, before his passing, his video served as the model patient and best marketing tool of Dr. Shemesh. Tim revealed that Dr. Shemesh refused to talk to him after realizing that his condition got worse. Dr. Shemesh became afraid that his big lie about “curing” tinnitus as shown in his anecdotal videos, could be revealed to his cash paying customers. The doctor ignored all of Tim’s pleas for help: he did not respond to his emails and did not return any phone calls. He wanted Tim Donahue to disappear so he could keep playing the promotional video “Tinnitus can be cured” to other Tinnitus sufferers who were desperate and had cash.

      d) Dr. Shemesh might be living in his own world of fantasy and lies, but he is shrewd and smart enough not to publish his so-called “secrets” about his “metabolic approach.” He knows perfectly well that a double blind study performed by independent researchers would prove beyond doubt that his “curative process” works no better than placebo. He also knows very well that he is stealing money from suffering people. Moreover, by promising a “cure” which is nonexistent, he is causing patients not to seek available management therapies for this debilitation condition. Instead, he promotes his false and unproven “cure” treatment so patients spend their money and time with a treatment that does not work. It never has worked for anyone!

      e) His metabolic approach makes no sense in medical terms and it is not supported by any clinical data.

      - There is no scientific proof that vitamins, herbs or minerals can reverse Tinnitus.

      - Regarding metabolic profiles, they are measured only in two selective laboratories (Haifa and Herzlya) with whom Dr. Shemesh seems to have a “special relationship”, likely kickbacks for referring them patients. Why metabolic profiles cannot be done in the EU or USA simply remains a mystery.

      - Patient’s metabolic profiles are measured only once, before “therapy” starts. There are no follow up measurements of metabolites to see if his “therapy” has any effect on metabolites. The initial expensive tests serve only to empty the pockets of his cash paying patients and to give the veneer of scientific approach.

      - If metabolites were all normal, such as in most cases, Dr. Shemesh would typically construct a story that makes no sense at all.

      When I asked Dr. Shemesh why aren't high-quality vitamins, minerals and selective herbs, purchased from a retail health-food store, just as good as his very expensive supplements, he answered that only he can mix the exact proper amounts of ingredients based on my blood tests due to his elaborate understanding of math. He told me that he took an extensive math course with Oxford University.

      What a load of crap and non-sense; everyone metabolizes supplements, medicines and foods quite differently. All of this is pure fiction at its best!

      f) Hadassah Hospital, a renowned medical facility in Israel, should let the medical community know why Dr. Shemesh no longer works with them. Was Dr. Shemesh terminated because he was lying to patients about his therapy protocols while employed there? Did anything else happen?

      In conclusion, I do not know a single chronic Tinnitus patient who was ever cured by Dr. Shemesh. Additionally, I do not know any person who is aware of anyone who was actually permanently cured by this doctor. The entire operation is a complete scam and the costs are extremely expensive. There is no real data to substantiate any of his claims. During his treatment, Dr. Shemesh talks ad nauseam about the “cure.” This initially makes his patients very happy (false hope), however the “cure” never-ever occurs which makes all of his patients emotionally desperate and potentially suicidal.
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    2. David077

      David077 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      stress, benzo/clonozepam + clonidine, maybe infection
      I would like to know how many patients in these forum were treated by Dr. Shemesh?

      Also I'm trying to figure out whether the video reviews are real?

      As I understand from this topic, there was several patients that were treated at the Dr. Shemesh and then committed suicide.

      Patients that are committed suicide:

      RE (what is full name?)
      From Hawaii.
      What was the reason for his suicide?

      Sarah Miller
      What was the reason for her suicide?
      (@Tel Aviv Tinnitus, could you please elaborate how did you know about her?)
      I can not find her video, can anyone give a link?

      Tim Donohue
      From US.

      He developed tinnitus in 1999 and visited Dr Shemesh 5 months later. Dr Shemesh recommended some sort of herbs. Only 24 days later, 6 months after Tim got sick, tinnitus disappeared. Tim was very happy and Dr Shemesh recorded a video.

      I spoke with three other patients whom had made videos for Dr. Shemesh. Dr. Arie Yagoda and William Hunt visited Dr. Shemesh after having Tinnitus for 4 months and Tim Donahue after having Tinnitus for 6 months. As you can see, none of these three persons was a chronic Tinnitus sufferer. Other patients from the videos did not respond to my emails. Dr. Yagoda experienced cessation of Tinnitus 8 months after he first met Dr. Shemesh (after having Tinnitus for 12 months in total). What he experienced was most likely spontaneous remission that had nothing to do with Dr. Shemesh’s “therapy”. However, recently he got a recurrence and is now in the same situation as before he first visited Dr. Shemesh. His recurrence is, of course, not mentioned on the website. Mr. Hunt still has Tinnitus, which is now greatly decreased in volume. This typically happens in most people due to habituation, regardless if they are treated or not. Mr. Donahue lost his Tinnitus 26 days after visiting Dr. Shemesh; he drank a herbal supplement Dr. Shemesh recommended which he bought in Elat, Israel. Dr. Shemesh immediately recorded a video; however, Mr. Donahue’s Tinnitus soon came back and remained constant until 2008 when it got much louder. The therapy of Dr. Shemesh did not help and Tim, as we know today, committed suicide due to intractable loud Tinnitus in April of 2013. Dr. Shemesh knew already in May 2013 that Tim committed suicide, however, he kept playing the anecdotal video of Tim Donahue for another two years as the proof that he can “cure” tinnitus. He assumed it was safe to lie and to promote his treatment knowing that Tim was dead and could not speak out.

      When I talked to Tim Donahue, before his passing, his video served as the model patient and best marketing tool of Dr. Shemesh. Tim revealed that Dr. Shemesh refused to talk to him after realizing that his condition got worse. Dr. Shemesh became afraid that his big lie about “curing” tinnitus as shown in his anecdotal videos, could be revealed to his cash paying customers. The doctor ignored all of Tim’s pleas for help: he did not respond to his emails and did not return any phone calls. He wanted Tim Donahue to disappear so he could keep playing the promotional video “Tinnitus can be cured” to other Tinnitus sufferers who were desperate and had cash.

      Tinnitus Cure - Recovery after 15 years of...

      Gaby Olthuis
      It is unclear whether she underwent treatment in at Dr. Shemesh, or she just visited him in Israel.
      "I have tinnitus and I want to die"
    3. ScamAlert

      ScamAlert Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Dear David:

      Three dead patients of Dr. Shemesh that are known to me are listed below:

      Ray Ennis, USA, got Tinnitus in 1990, visited Dr. Shemesh in 1999, suicide in 2009.
      Tim Donahue, USA, got Tinnitus in 1999, visited Dr. Shemesh in 1999, suicide in 2013.
      Gaby Olthuis, NL, got Tinnitus in 2001, visited Dr. Shemesh in 2012, euthanasia 2014.

      How many total patients committed suicide after being treated by Dr. Shemehs is known only to Dr. Shemesh.

      Patient from Hawaii was Ray Ennis. He committed a suicide with a shot to his head because his Tinnitus was getting worse.

      Gaby Olthuis spent 5 weeks in Israel in 2012 and decided for euthanasia two years later, when she realized that pills of Dr. Shemesh did not work.

      Sarah Miller is not a patient of Dr. Shemesh but a fake identity under which Dr. Shemesh plays videos of his so called “cured” patients. Sarah Miller is still running a video called “Tinnitus can be cured. Tinnitus cure – Recovery after 15 years of chronic tinnitus.”

      Tinnitus Cure - Recovery after 15 years of...

      Sarah (Dr. Shemesh in disguise) published a forged thank you letter that Tim never wrote. This fake letter was published on YouTube on Dec. 1, 2013, eight months after Tim committed suicide due to loud Tinnitus. Dr. Shemesh assumed it was safe to lie after he found out that Tim was already dead. Tim visited Dr. Shemesh after being sick 5 months and not 15 years. He improved only temporarily when Dr. Shemesh recorded a video and committed suicide due to loud Tinnitus in April of 2013. Dr. Shemesh continued playing the same video on his website for another two years and stopped only after an outcry from other patients who knew Tim. Dr. Shemesh in disguise (Sarah Miller), however, still plays a video of a dead man on YouTube. Tim and Mrs. Olthuis never tried sound therapy or electrical stimulation of brain (tRNS), because, to their detriment, they totally trusted Dr. Shemesh and were convinced that no one else could help them.

      How does Dr Shemesh's "treatment" work?

      Tinnitus is a very unstable condition with many extreme ups and downs. When patients are doing better Dr. Shemesh asks them to record a video; when Tinnitus gets worse videos are not removed. In short, Dr. Shemesh cherry picks videos that praise his false ability to “cure” Tinnitus.

      One of his patients Patricia O’Donovan recorded two videos praising “curative treatment” of Dr. Shemesh, one in English one in Spanish. However, on Facebook she recently revealed, “I am a case of 10 years of treatment, many years of lower tinnitus to the point it did not bother me at all. Also, periods of crisis where it flared up terribly. Right now I have a crisis.” It is obvious that she was not cured and neither was anyone else with chronic tinnitus (lasting 1 year or longer).

      (Patricia's fourth reply to Tinnitus Patient)
      Tinnitus (Acúfenos) - Tratamientos...

      Dr. Shemesh designed his web page with the sole intention to mislead people into believing that he’s got a “proven cure” for tinnitus. However, if you read his publications, you will realize that he did not write a single paper where his claimed “curative treatment” is explained or tested. In the past he lied stating that his “curative treatment” was a military secret, which he is not allowed to publish:

      Source: Tinnitus Today, September 1999, Vol 24, No 3; page 15, right column:

      When few months later Dr. Nagler contacted the Israeli Army, he received a written response, shown below, from Brigadier General Aryeh Eldad MD., the surgeon general of Israel Defense Forces Corpses Medical Corps:

      “The Israel Defense Forces Medical Corps has NOT classified any protocol of treatment or drug for tinnitus. Dr. Shemesh is allowed to publish all his suggestions for treatment of tinnitus.”


      In my opinion, Dr. Shemesh is a very charming conman, skilled in selling false hopes and a bunch of absolute lies. As far as I know, his current business is not doing very well because his lies and his con have been exposed on the internet. As of late, he’s been under investigation by Israel Ministry of Health, which unfortunately, still allows him to continue his medical mal-practice because the ingredients in his pills have shown to be “non-toxic.” Thus, he continues to prowl upon suffering people with chronic intractable tinnitus!

      I will end with the paragraph from Tinnitussurvivor post:

      “If you are still not convinced that Dr. Shemesh is nothing more than a very skilled con artist, then do the following. On his website Dr Shemesh brags about “the unique medical treatment that was formed following a series of clinical studies that began in 1981 at Hadassah Ein-Kerem University-Hospital and was later continued as a co-production with the Israeli Defense Forces”. In truth, the mere existence of such a project is very questionable because Dr Shemesh does not offer any evidence to substantiate such a claim.
      Therefore, ask Dr. Shemesh to email you the website links for the published reports of the above joint project. (Be careful, the nine articles you can read on his website are not about treatment!). Your request for information will be denied, Dr. Shemesh will stop communicating with you and you will know that everything he says is a Big Fat Lie.”
      • Informative Informative x 2
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    4. David077

      David077 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      stress, benzo/clonozepam + clonidine, maybe infection
      @ScamAlert thank you for so much information!

      I corresponded on Facebook with a relative of Tim Donahue and he replied:
      This story is different from the other you told, this leads to confusion..

      Why in your opinion Dr.Shemesh pills are fattening, can the reason be that he puts into psychiatric medicines with side effects of obesity (for example drug like Sulpiride that known as helpful for tinnitus, but also have side effect of obesity)?
      Last edited: May 12, 2018
    5. ScamAlert

      ScamAlert Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Dear David:

      I corresponded with Tim directly via his telephones (949)257-9733 and (949)369-1292.

      When Tim told Dr Shemesh that his Tinnitus relapsed even stronger than from the very beginning, Dr Shemesh stopped communicating with him. He wanted his poster boy, whom he successfully used for years as the best marketing tool, to disappear. Before I left for Israel Tim begged me to persuade Dr Shemesh not to ignore his calls and emails.

      Tim believed in Dr Shemesh and – to his detriment - did not search for any other help. He did not try sound therapy or electric stimulation of brain; he did not see psychologist. Tim genuinely believed that Dr Shemesh was the best option since he did not try anything else. At the end, blind trust in the conman cost him his life. Tim comitted suicide because he was desperate after he came to the conclusion that even “the best Tinnitus doctor on Earth” (Dr Shemesh) culd not help him. Unfortunatelly, for Tim, Dr Shemesh was the final authority.

      Dr. Shemehs is very experienced with people who suffer and need compassion. For the right ammount of cash he promisses desperate people everything they wish to hear. Initially, his most desperate patients become his most loyal allies. Michael Cohen and Ray Ennis even went as far that on 6-23-2000 they threatened Dr Nagler and everyone else who cast a doubt in their “messiah” with a lawsuit:

      “A leading attorney is being consulted to advise on the feasibility of a serious ongoing investigation, exploring the following possibility: Dr. Stephen Nagler and others may have been and are still running an illegal cartel, a cyberspace-based (WWW) Board, the Tinnitus Message Board”…

      As we know today, Ray Ennis committed suicide due to loud tinnitus in 2009, ten years after he was “cured” by Dr. Shemesh. Michael Cohen (mike.cohen18@yahoo.com ), on the other hand, wrote in 2015, fifteen years after being “cured” by Dr. Shemesh, the following:

      Dr. Shemesh is basically (to me) a doctor who does not divulge his very specific ways. He does have a following, but I have never heard of a cure, just hope…”

      I never said that pills of Dr. Shemesh made me fat, someone else here wrote that almonds were fattening. I do not know for sure what is in his pills, supposedly vitamins, minerals and herbs, all in very low ammounts. “Therapy” of Dr Shemesh reminds me of homeopathy, which was proved in all clinical studies not to be effective:

      I spent 2 years and 15 thousand dollars with Dr Shemesh to no avail, however, I did not kill myself as Tim, Ray, Gaby and probably many others did. I never in my life blindly trusted anyone, even not the very charming, sweet talking habitual liar Dr Shemesh. Instead, after failed attempts with his “curative therapy”, I decided for management protocol. When I was on pills of Dr Shemesh my condition was getting worse, most likely because I was instructed to focus on my Tinnitus and keep recording a graphical representation of it’s intensity for every single day. Since I focused – and not ignored – ringing, I became more aware and bothered by Tinnitus. I was caught in the vicious cycle as were Tim, Ray, Gaby and many others.

      After 2 years of failed attempts with “curative therapy” I visited an audiologist and started with Neuromonics. In a few months my Tinnitus gradually improved from making me suicidal most of the time to annoying me only on few occasions.

      I feel you are trying to find some irrational excuse to fly to Israel against all reasons. I was in your shoes years ago doing exactly the same. Rationally, I suspected Dr Shemesh was a conman, however, emotionally, I longed for the cure, and not for management.

      I recommend that you exaust all of the management options before you visit Dr Shemesh. Have you seen an audiologist who is trained with sound therapy (Neuromonics, Zen, Sound Cure)? Have you visited a neurologist who is experienced with tRNS? Have you met a psychologist who can teach you how to ignore very strong ringing and not be bothered by it?

      If you tried all of the above options with no success, if you have plenty of money and time, and if you are desperate - maybe you should see Dr. Shemesh. Dr. Shemesh is very persuasive, approachable and sweet if you show him the money. He will sell you hope and plenty of sweet talk and you’ll give him all the cash he desires. If you decide to go, we would appreciated feedback in about 2 to 3 years.

      At the very end, let me ask you something. There are more than 21 thousands clicks on this thread. I am sure that Dr Shemesh reads it quite often and is not happy with articles claiming he is a scammer and a thief. Tinnitus Talk is very bad for his business.

      Dr Shemesh could easily prove us wrong by publishing his “secrets” in medical journals. Clinics all over the world would test his theory to see if his treatment works or does not work, at no cost to Dr Shemesh.

      Why do you think Dr Shemesh keeps silent? Why does this man refuse to share his practices for treating intractable chronic tinnitus with medical community?
    6. David077

      David077 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      stress, benzo/clonozepam + clonidine, maybe infection
      Unfortunately, I was tested by audiologist and my result not suitable for masking because tinnitus level above 11db and multi tonal.

      I never heard about tRNS, although I have visited many neurologists, did you meet some good neurologist who is experienced with tRNS when you visited in Israel?

      My psychiatrist insisted that I don't need psychologist and just had to to take some drugs which actually worsened my tinnitus, so its too loud now that I think psychologist already will not help.

      Two possible reasons, he scammer or he just treats intuitively.
    7. Starthrower

      Starthrower Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      January 2002
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Dental Surgery
      Is this fraud still around? Geez. Back in 2002 this was a Big HUGE debate!! And it was scammer all the way.

      I didn't know he still existed defrauding tinnitus sufferers.
      • Agree Agree x 2
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    8. Contrast
      No Mood

      Contrast Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Clown World
      Tinnitus Since:
      late 2017
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      noise injury

      . :mad:

      @ScamAlert Thank you so much for exploiting this fraud to the masses.

      MPP has officially decided to give him the title Dr. Shitmesh to make up for the fact that he is a corrupt greedy pathologically lying scam artist selling desperate suffering people gummy vitamins as a false cure.
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    9. threefirefour
      Peeping tom

      threefirefour Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      140dB B R U H moment
      Oy vey the tinnitus sufferers know. Shut it down!
      • Helpful Helpful x 1
    10. ScamAlert

      ScamAlert Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Dear David:

      1 “Unfortunately, I was tested by audiologist and my result are not suitable for masking because tinnitus level above 11db and multi tonal.”

      Maybe you should see another audiologist. My tinnitus levels were 14 db in the right and 17 db in the left ear. Neuromonics was very helpful.

      2 “I never heard about tRNS, although I have visited many neurologists, did you meet some good neurologist who is experienced with tRNS when you visited in Israel?”

      tRNA (transcranial random noise stimulation) shows promise in treating of tinnitus. It has not been tested yet for hyperacusia, however, I personally know three patients who were permanently cured of hyperacusia, two after three days, third after few weeks. Tinnitus improved with tRNS also, but did not go away.

      As far as I know, German company Neuroconn is the only producer of tRNS machine “DC stimulator plus”: https://www.neurocaregroup.com/neuroconn-technology.html

      Contact Neuroconn directly (info@neuroconn.de; Phone: +49 3677 68 979 0, https://www.neurocaregroup.com/contact-us.html) and ask them if they have sold any medical devices close to where you live. If they have, contact the Institution with the device closest to your home area and ask them if they would treat you as described below:



      3. “My psychiatrist insisted that I don't need psychologist and just had to to take some drugs which actually worsened my tinnitus, so its too loud now that I think psychologist already will not help”.

      Dr. Nagler actually got help from a pshychologist who taught him how to ignore Tinnitus. Contact Dr. Nagler here and ask him:


      4. "Why do you think Dr Shemesh keeps silent? Why does this man refuse to share his practices for treating intractable chronic tinnitus with medical community?

      Two possible reasons, he scammer or he just treats intuitively”.

      Both of the above. He uses his intuition to develop trust with suffering patients who are in an emotional state of desperation. He shows empathy and promises patients “the cure” … of course only if patients agree to pay thousands in treatment costs.

      He does not want to publish his treatment theories because he knows that clinical studies will prove him wrong and damage his business. In short, Dr. Shemesh knows very well that his “treatment” works no better than placebo. Dr. Shemesh is also aware that he is stealing money from his vulnerable patients and wants to continue doing the same for as long as he possibly can.

      It took me a long time to realize that everything he told me was an absolute lie. Everything from A to Z is just smoke and mirrors. If you want more proofs, see below:

      LIE A: ISRAELI ARMY NOT ALLOWING HIM TO PUBLISH (Tinnitus Today, September 1999, Vol 24, No 3; page 15, right column):


      TRUTH A: (April 2000):


      LIE B: CURATIVE THERAPY (TRATAMIENTOS CURATIVOS), TESTIMONY BY DR. PATRICIA O’DONOVAN: (published by Sarah Miller, fake identity of Dr. Shemesh, December 2013):


      TRUTH B: Facebook post by Patricia herself, 2018:






      • Agree Agree x 2
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    11. Alex Prime

      Alex Prime Member

      Sofia, Bulgaria
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Heartbreaking to read about such scum as the so called doctor. In our country, there is a doctor who claims to cure 80% of his patients and in the rest to decrease loudness. He is actually an accomplished doctor, but only because he treats popular singer's throat. I don't trust people who make such claims.
      • Like Like x 2
    12. Contrast
      No Mood

      Contrast Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Clown World
      Tinnitus Since:
      late 2017
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      noise injury
      • Informative Informative x 2
    13. Henry1492

      Henry1492 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not sure
      Thank you for posts about self proclaimed tinnitus "Messiah" Dr Shemesh.

      I visited his "clinic" about 10 years ago. I stayed in Tel Aviv for six weeks and kept taking his pills for another two years.

      My tinnitus did not get better and when I stopped taking his very expensive vitamins, minerals and herbs, my tinnitus did not get worse. In short, thousands Euros and two years of sweet expectations were thrown away.

      While in Tel Aviv I met eight other patients in his "clinic". When I contacted them years later, no one got better.

      From my observation, Dr Shemesh would typically ask patients who feel temporary relief to make a video praising his "miracle". Most of his so called "cured" patients had tinnitus for a short time before visiting his "clinic" and got better spontaneously. Some of "cured" patients experienced recurrences and some committed suicide because therapy was not successful. In any case, the videos of the "cured" patients are still being played on Dr Shemesh's website as the "proof" of his abilities to "cure" the incurable disease.

      Take for example Tim Donahue who committed suicide due to intractable tinnitus seven years ago. His video titled "Tinnitus can be cured" is still being played by Dr Shemesh.

      Another "cured" patient Patricia O'Donovan, recently posted: "I left Dr Shemesh close to 2 years ago or 1 and a half years ago... He never cured my tinnitus, I still have it."


      Nevertheless, Patricia's video is still being advertised as a cure (Trataimentos curativos).

      As of today, Dr Shemesh published nothing about his treatment. In the past he lied that Israeli Army did not allow him to publish, because his "miracle" was a "military secret".

      Dr Shemesh is however, very nice and gives you plenty of promises and sweet talk. However, at the end, your tinnitus stays the same or gets worse. As far as I know, he cured no one.
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