Good job TC!@Jazzer @annV @Bam @david c @JohnAdams @Ed209 @Starthrower
Just wanted to let you guys know that I tweeted the link to the last Tinnitus Talk Podcast with David Stockdale to Mr. Veer.
I have to say, it feels very good to now have resources such as podcasts and videos to use at times like this. Big thank you to @Markku, @Hazel, @Steve, @glynis, @Jack Straw, @Karen, @Samir and everyone who contributes their time, and/or talents to Tinnitus Talk!
@Jazzer, if you think sharing your story with Mr. Veer would help just google Vik Veer and you'll get his information and Twitter ID as well.
Spread awareness!
"If you think that sharing your story with Vik Veer would help ?"If you think sharing your story with Mr. Veer would help just google Vik Veer and you'll get his information and Twitter ID as well.
@JazzerI imagine this guy to be a perfectly pleasant chap and all that, why would I think otherwise?
But going on the evidence gleaned from his article, I see nothing there to appeal to me,"
or anything likely to secure any type of change in my own situation.
Well - when we did the video I really wanted it to be 100% honest to my experience.@Jazzer
I see your point, but I was thinking more in terms of changing Mr. Veer's thinking. But, I really feel strongly that your story is too good to be wasted on those who would not appreciate it. You put too much of your heart and soul into making that video and it's your life and story. Since we don't know Mr. Veer well enough to know what, if any, the impact would be on him, I am fully on board with your decision.
Best, TC
No I know nothing about him, but he is talking ignorant tripe, and I don't like to see his insulting comments standing up there uncontested.@Jazzer
Who is Mike Barker? I realize he's the one that left the rubbish comment but I'm sorry to say I don't recognize the name beyond that. Should I?
Plus if he's claiming these miraculous and complete recoveries using Julian Cowan Hill's methods, where is the evidence? If it was so effective people would be shouting from the roof tops and we'd all be lining up for treatment. Do you know anything about his methods?
I'm glad you brought this up. I accessed your story from here on Tinnitus Talk. It never occurred to me to head over to YouTube and post a review/comment. But I'd be happy to do it.
And I would encourage anyone else that hasn't posted a review of your story on YouTube to please do so. It's important that we all stand together.
Dear Tuxedo - Thank you so much for coming out and standing beside me on this.@Jazzer @Agrajag364 @annV @Bam @david c @Ed209 @Jack Straw @JohnAdams @Starthrower
If you can spare the time, could you please go to YouTube and leave a comment on Dave's Story?
I left a general comment and also one in reply to a Mr. Micheal Barker who seems to be a follower of Julian Cowan Hill and who found Dave's video to be a negative story.
I don't know a lot about Julian Cowan Hill's methods but did see he posted a video response to Prof Rauschecker's TED Talk a while back saying that Rauschecker should not say there's no cure for tinnitus. Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible to manipulate the world to suit one's narrow views. My impression is that his methods are some form of TRT leading to habituation.
Thanks much,
@Jazzer @Agrajag364 @annV @Bam @david c @Ed209 @Jack Straw @JohnAdams @Starthrower
If you can spare the time, could you please go to YouTube and leave a comment on Dave's Story?
I left a general comment and also one in reply to a Mr. Micheal Barker who seems to be a follower of Julian Cowan Hill and who found Dave's video to be a negative story.
I don't know a lot about Julian Cowan Hill's methods but did see he posted a video response to Prof Rauschecker's TED Talk a while back saying that Rauschecker should not say there's no cure for tinnitus. Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible to manipulate the world to suit one's narrow views. My impression is that his methods are some form of TRT leading to habituation.
Thanks much,
Julian Cowan Hill.....Sadly he's untouchable. If you criticise him you're angry and resentful and that's why you can't 'release' and let go of your tinnitus. And people buy his shit even though there are calm and very relaxed people who have had ringing ears for 40 years.Dear Tuxedo - Thank you so much for coming out and standing beside me on this.
As you know better than anybody, I struggled with being able to go ahead with it, but as I couldn't see any videos up there by sufferers who felt able to tell the truth, I was determined to do it.
In the event, I felt that we reached a balance between severity of this condition, and a way forward, using meditation and other psychological support.
For the past week I have felt quite alone up there, with criticism coming at me, and plenty of nonsensical claims regarding 'thousands of sufferers being cured by Julian Cowan Hill's methods.'
(Obviously fiction.)
I was most particularly criticised for my negativity.
I told the truth.
Telling the truth is never negative.
If we are ever to come up with a true cure for this thing we have to start with reality.
However, if any other members feel inclined to support me I will be very grateful.
Bless your heart Tuxedo,
Dave x
I have waded in to the debate my friend. Don't sweat it. Those of us with severe tinnitus understand. 'Chilling out' does not cure tinnitus.......And only a fuckwit would say it does.However, if any other members feel inclined to support me I will be very grateful.
Sure, could you link to it again?@Jazzer @Agrajag364 @annV @Bam @david c @Ed209 @Jack Straw @JohnAdams @Starthrower
If you can spare the time, could you please go to YouTube and leave a comment on Dave's Story?
I left a general comment and also one in reply to a Mr. Micheal Barker who seems to be a follower of Julian Cowan Hill and who found Dave's video to be a negative story.
I don't know a lot about Julian Cowan Hill's methods but did see he posted a video response to Prof Rauschecker's TED Talk a while back saying that Rauschecker should not say there's no cure for tinnitus. Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible to manipulate the world to suit one's narrow views. My impression is that his methods are some form of TRT leading to habituation.
Thanks much,
Can you link me to the video?@Jazzer @Agrajag364 @annV @Bam @david c @Ed209 @Jack Straw @JohnAdams @Starthrower
If you can spare the time, could you please go to YouTube and leave a comment on Dave's Story?
I left a general comment and also one in reply to a Mr. Micheal Barker who seems to be a follower of Julian Cowan Hill and who found Dave's video to be a negative story.
I don't know a lot about Julian Cowan Hill's methods but did see he posted a video response to Prof Rauschecker's TED Talk a while back saying that Rauschecker should not say there's no cure for tinnitus. Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible to manipulate the world to suit one's narrow views. My impression is that his methods are some form of TRT leading to habituation.
Thanks much,
Bam - You are never less than 'SPOT ON' my friend.Julian Cowan Hill.....Sadly he's untouchable. If you criticise him you're angry and resentful and that's why you can't 'release' and let go of your tinnitus. And people buy his shit even though there are calm and very relaxed people who have had ringing ears for 40 years.
None of his crap stacks up. And yet he's fucking cleverly created a victim shaming defence where your negativity is the reason for your tinnitus. And attacking or even refuting his claims only reinforces his mantra. He's a dangerous man for severe sufferers and only further isolates and disengages us from support. I would go so far as to say this man has contributed to multiple tinnitus suicides in respect of people feeling absolutely desperate that they cannot adhere to his preaching and 'let go' of their tinnitus.
Of course he would blame me for my negativity.......I of course would say fuck you Julian because I'm......well.....I'm Bam.
Bam is very gifted verbally so I hope he does but he has to look after himself too and make the right choice for him.We need a @Bam on YouTube to counter fuckers like Julian Cowan Hill.
It's a shame Bam is too insecure to show his face and make videos for social networks![]()
We need a @Bam on YouTube to counter fuckers like Julian Cowan Hill.
It's a shame Bam is too insecure to show his face and make videos for social networks![]()
Done!If you can spare the time, could you please go to YouTube and leave a comment on Dave's Story?
Although I was in the middle of cooking and kids running around and husband asking me for "wood glue" (really?) as usual) I managed to post a little something.
@TuxedoCat , I am your fan!
@Jazzer {{Big Hug}}}
Lots of love.(@glynis much love to you too!)
Although I was in the middle of cooking and kids running around and husband asking me for "wood glue" (really?) as usual) I managed to post a little something.
My husband has no clue where anything is in this house! GrrrrrThe kitchen is always the center of activity and it makes me laugh how husbands always assume their wives know where everything is. One time I asked my husband why he should think that way, his reply was "because you're the mom and are supposed to know that." Add a new line to the job description for a Mom!
You are very welcome.Thanks Once, we appreciate your support-
I mean, why would I know where HIS wood glue