Hey guys thought I'd give you a bit of an update.
My anxiety levels haven't been great since my first post. I have to say that I probably spent too much time on this forum drilling the worst case scenarios in my head, and most importantly worrying about everything that could make my situation worse. I was crying every night and not focusing on my thesis, which I'm now very late with.
I've gone back to the GP yesterday who was really understanding and much more attentive than the first. She did confirm it was tinnitus, took me off work for 2 weeks and recommended me to an ENT. She also said that my good ear (left) had a lot of ear was build-up and prescribed olive oil ear drops. I'm seeing her again in 3 weeks time. She further diagnoses me with muskulosqueletal pains and told me I should listen to my body and take it slow for a while.
All that has also made me realise that while the tinnitus is there, it's really not as bad as I initially thought. Last night for example I slept with ear plugs in and wasnt bothered at all (probs thanks to zopliclone). I'm still constantly on edge and worried that everything will make it worse. And I do mean everything. Even using ear plugs.
So I guess my real question is what can I do to make sure I don't, as far as possible? Can I go outside and not wear protection? I live in a busy area right by the road, is it going to aggravate it ? I'm going to a massage therapist tomorrow, is it safe ? I've got so many questions.
Also, I'm noticing that plugging my ear manually make it worse sometimes after I release the pressure. Standing up seems to improve it somewhat, and depending how i sit it travels to my other ear.
I guess at this point any suggestion would be welcomed.
Thanks for all the advice. I might add that after this I'm probably going to take a break from this forum.