Drugs That Lower Tinnitus Volume

Discussion in 'Support' started by Danny Boy, Jan 27, 2015.

    1. April
      No Mood

      April Member

      Pacific Northwest U.S.
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      possible whiplash
      I tried it and it did lower T in one ear but the T that really gives me trouble wasn't affected by the drug at all. Even if it was all positive I wouldn't have continued because of the side effects. For me I had horrible dry mouth and I was still in a stupor when I woke up in the morning. It took hours for me to feel I could function. My doc wanted me to increase the dosage to see if I could get rid of the bad T but I flat out refused and stopped taking it altogether. It was the right decision for me because the side effects were so unbearable. It's been several years now and I still have T, HL, and H but I'm coping.

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