Just wanted to share my terrific experience at the Duke Tinnitus Clinic in Durham, NC, today. Dr. Price has expertise and experience and - importantly - was unperturbed by my million questions. I would highly recommend the clinic.
Just wanted to share my terrific experience at the Duke Tinnitus Clinic in Durham, NC, today. Dr. Price has expertise and experience and - importantly - was unperturbed by my million questions. I would highly recommend the clinic.
Dr. Price did a thorough evaluation and gave me many options. Ultimately I decided not to do sound therapy, such as TRT or Neuromonics, and I am using pillow speakers with masking noise at night. (I also got a nice pair of musicians' ear plugs).
I live close to Durham and googled Dr. Price at Duke. It says he works in Reproductive Endocronology. Am I researching the correct Dr. Price? Love to make an appointment.