Ear Blockage Cleaned — Now Tinnitus


Dec 20, 2013
Tinnitus Since
Hi. I am a 39 year old male that 1 week ago had a ear syringed due to a heavy wax blockage. Ever since then my ears whistle. I have tried pretty much everything and have yet to go back to my doctors. To be honest I am not 100% sides tinnitus because when I wear ear plugs the noise goes away. The tone is more noticable outside near busy traffic for example. When I put my finger in my ear the tone subsides. To my understanding tinnitus is noise in the ears and ear plugs should have no effect.

Hopefully some one has good advice or an idea what this could be

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Well I'm sure your story has got people stunned. Usually ear plugs make tinnitus more noticeable because they block external noise that masks the tinnitus tone. Yours is the opposite, and I'm not sure why.

For what it's worth, my own chronic tinnitus was triggered by having my ears syringed.

The fact that your tinnitus goes completely away is usually regarded as being a good sign of things to come though (even though in your case it's achieved peculiarly by using ear plugs!).

See your doctor. They can look into yours ears and see if there's any residual ear wax stuck to your eardrum, for example.

Sorry for not being of much help.
Thanks for you answer Markku, Just noticed your from Finland. Me too. I am a ex-pat living in Hyvinkää ;D.

I read that ear plugs generally are only used for protecting the ears further from damage and not masking the tinnitus. this is basically what you stated above. So it is quite odd.

I do have minor tinnitus in my right ear that is a very faint whistle even with ear plugs but even this goes away (settles) when I go to sleep. The left ear (That had bad wax blockage and I was deaf for 5 days) however is a little strange. I did noticed just after having my ears cleaned, if I whistled there was a verberation (echo) in my ear. This has subsided. But anything like loud noise or toilet flush/shower the whistle (tone) comes back.

I was thinking to try decongestants. (If I can get them from chemists with doctors note (As always in Finland)). Maybe it could be a virus or my ear drum is somehow deformed from the wax.

Thanks again. I will update the post in the near future if I figure out whats going on.
Hey, that's cool, my cousins live in Järvenpää, so nearby. :)

If I were you, I would try and not worry too much about it yet. If the doctor checks out your ears and they are visibly fine, it's possible the whistle will subside in time. It is rare for chronic tinnitus to result from earwax removal, even though I happened to be one of those unlucky ones.

Please come back to update us on your situation once you know more though. Otherwise we'll be left wondering what happened...

Merry Christmas!
Thought I would give an update.

Had a rough couple of days with it. Basically the right ear started to echo again and the left also gives a whining sound. Ear plugs still help and resting up. But I got a cold now so perhaps that's making it worse.

Ended up booking a ear doctor for the 30th, but had enough yesterday and booked an ear specialist in Helsinki M-ehilainen. After a quick 5 minute look and check I was charged 125 Euros and sent home. Wow even the private sector is broken. I kinda hopeing for meds or something to try and fix the problem...but nothing. Waste of my time and money.

Anyway I will book a hearing test for the end of the week if possible. And perhaps I just have to wait and see if the ears get better based on time.

@Markku Do you have any recommendations for ear doctors? I have had bad luck with them so far, I get no information or ideas. Kinda frustrating.

Thanks and merry Christmas.
peter, I believe you could try the Helsinki Ear Institute: http://www.tinnitus.fi/fi/Tinnitusklinikka/ETUSIVU/
It's a private clinic, so can be costly (like the Mehiläinen you went to), but they should have doctors that are specialized on tinnitus.

Jukka Ylikoski sees patients at the Helsinki Ear Institute and he should be topnotch.

Let me know how it goes,
Try not to stress about it too much. It will make it seem far worse than it needs to be. I'm not diminishing your problem at all here. I just don't want you to get into the anxiety driven cycle of tinnitus that we've all been victims of. Get off the net. Check it out with the doctor. Stop researching reasons and cures for your tinnitus. It's harder to do this than you think because it is natural to stress and worry about something unfamiliar. So I understand your concern, but if it can be solved there's no need to worry, and if it can't be solved, then worry is of no use!
Thought I would give an update.

Had a rough couple of days with it. Basically the right ear started to echo again and the left also gives a whining sound. Ear plugs still help and resting up. But I got a cold now so perhaps that's making it worse.

Ended up booking a ear doctor for the 30th, but had enough yesterday and booked an ear specialist in Helsinki M-ehilainen. After a quick 5 minute look and check I was charged 125 Euros and sent home. Wow even the private sector is broken. I kinda hopeing for meds or something to try and fix the problem...but nothing. Waste of my time and money.

Anyway I will book a hearing test for the end of the week if possible. And perhaps I just have to wait and see if the ears get better based on time.

@Markku Do you have any recommendations for ear doctors? I have had bad luck with them so far, I get no information or ideas. Kinda frustrating.

Thanks and merry Christmas.
@peter1974 I had just had a cold and it has made my tinnitus more noticeable so maybe that is why it is bothering you more right now.
Thanks for the input, much appreciated.

I think I have minor Tinnitus, but the major issue is the sensitivity to sound. I was in the supermarket few hours ago and my ears were ringing like crazy that I had to leave. Once home I rested up and the sounds diminished to quite low after 5-10 minutes. From my research I think it maybe Hyperacusis. How this started because of an ear syringing is anyone's guess.

I have a Audiogram on Monday and a ear doctor follow up after that. So I will keep you posted what happens.

Thanks again.

Happy new year....

Had my Audiogram on Monday and it went as I kind of expected (see attached). Have some minor hearing loss in both ears, but left one that was syringed certainly has some issues. But according to the audiologist is does not explain the noise I get when expose to external sound. I have to wait till Friday for a follow up meeting.

Keep having times of coping then trying to imagine having this for life and falling apart. Going back to work kind of helped, only issue was going cold turkey on caffeine for 3 days. Got quite a few tension headaches but now looks like they past. Not sure even if its helping cutting out caffeine. At least had some deeper sleeps, but the ear has been waking me up during the night. Think it might be my snoring. ;D

Has anyone had success with magnesium and calcium tablets? Seen quite few posts on the benefits of using them to tame Tinnitus.


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Maybe your Ears and brain are re adjusting to the new sound entering your ear after blockage. Your are probably hearing a wider spectrum now and maybe perceiving this as tinnitus. I`m not a doctor but maybe just gradually introduce sounds to your ears, maybe listen to soft music, sounds of nature at night?
Happy new year....

Had my Audiogram on Monday and it went as I kind of expected (see attached). Have some minor hearing loss in both ears, but left one that was syringed certainly has some issues. But according to the audiologist is does not explain the noise I get when expose to external sound. I have to wait till Friday for a follow up meeting.

Keep having times of coping then trying to imagine having this for life and falling apart. Going back to work kind of helped, only issue was going cold turkey on caffeine for 3 days. Got quite a few tension headaches but now looks like they past. Not sure even if its helping cutting out caffeine. At least had some deeper sleeps, but the ear has been waking me up during the night. Think it might be my snoring. ;D

Has anyone had success with magnesium and calcium tablets? Seen quite few posts on the benefits of using them to tame Tinnitus.

I'm sorry for your moderate hearing loss, did you have a sound trauma in the past?
Not sure about sound trauma, but of course I have listen to music since I was a teen to my almost 40's and perhaps a little too loud. I did not expect my ears to be "as new". I know that life will cause them wear and tear.

@nills. Of course this is a possibility. I have been trying to expose my ears to normal sounds and perhaps they have improved a little. But after 2 weeks I would have perhaps expected them to adjust already.
So 3 ENT's. 3 GPS. And 1 hearing test and they found my problem :dohanimation:. May be important to others as it seemed hard for them to spot the cause of my tinnitus/ringing/ear sensitivity. :eek:

Had a doctors this morning at 10AM and again he did the same old interview and the checking of my ears. He then started to pump my ears as always to check the ear drum moves and I noticed air leaking to my eye duct :oops:. I then mentioned this to him and he said it should not be like that. And I remembered when I had my ear syringed I felt the liquid in my eye.

So it seems I have a very small hole in my ear drum. Doctor could not see it but it seems to be so. :mad: Now I have to wait 3 weeks or more for it to heal and hopefully my hearing/tinnitus should subside.
If not I suppose they have to try and locate the hole and patch it somehow. :dohanimation:

I would recommend people that go for ear checks to ensure that air pumped into the ear does not leak to eyes and tear ducts. Surely doctors should ask this question. :dohanimation::dohanimation:
Just wanted a quick follow up on my previous post. Still suffering with the T. Turned into an annoying hiss now that very reactive to sounds. So I suppose its classed as "Reactive Tinnitus". Doctor was already trying to antihistamines and steroids on me. But I think its better to wait and see if the hole closes in my ear and if those noises go away.

But still wake on/off during the night. Anyone have any experiences with reactive tinnitus from a perforated eardrum?. I am surprised such a small hole can cause so much distress and annoyance.

thanks ;D
Hi, Time for an update for those interested in my case.

Been a long and at times frustrating 5 weeks. And not just about the on set of Tinnitus. I just find doctors and ENT (so called) specialists useless and do not diagnose the symptoms or take effort and time to try and find the route cause of my problems (And I am talking about Private healthcare in Finland, mainly the mehilainen health group). Totally useless. "Maybe it goes away" attitude and ignoring unusual symptoms that do not follow standard Tinnitus symptoms is a gross misconducted of their so called "duty of care".

Anyway, I went for another check on my ear on Wednesday last week and first doctor still could not confirm if the hole in my ear had repaired or not even I still have T and the echo in my hearing when I rub the left side of my ear/face.

He was very negative about taking any supplements also and said it was a waste of time. Great huh?.

I was then passed onto another ENT that did less than the one at Christmas and all I got was to try and forget about it and "maybe it goes away" attitude. I also noticed that both doctors that day contradicted each other on a few areas. Which simply does not fill me with confidence.

The fact that mehilainen caused this issue in the first place and now they shun the issues and seem lazy with helping me makes me kinda mad. But I already know filing a complaint will do jack.

Anyway its not over for me. I already discussed with my health insurance and they have said I can go to Tinnitus institution in Helsinki to try and figure out my problem.

How do others feel about the healthcare system? Is Finland so lame? Any comments Markku?

Hi, Thanks for the info.

How much B12 should I take. Seems 2.5ug is the RDA. Now I am taking B max strong twice a day which is 800% the RDA. ?!

My Tinnitus has gone down to a hiss and it has at least become less annoying during sleeping times. During the day it does depend on environment, it can spike up but its generally manageable these days.
Decided to make an update. Been almost 5 months since the onset of Tinnitus. Still have it. Some days good some days bad.

What I have noticed...

-Tinnitus is now a metal like hiss. Around 10Khz.
-Volume has decreased over time.
-Does spike for random reasons.
-Alcohol seems to help
-Caffeine has no affect
-Wake up with no noise generally
-Gets worse through the day due to it been reactive tinnitus
-Once I go to bed and all goes quite. My tinnitus goes away
-Food types may have an impact. hard to say.
-I can now hide my tinnitus with sounds over time. As though it saturates my auditory system and dampers it.
-Chewing helps alot.
-ACRN for 5 mins makes my tinnitus go away for upto an hour.

Still hopefull it goes away for ever some day....;D
(That had bad wax blockage and I was deaf for 5 days)
that prooves that the T problem - is rewiring neuro network after the period of lack of neurosignals
Hi @peter1974! Another Finn here from Helsinki region. My T started in December and I must say my symptoms have similarities with yours, even though I didn't have wax. ENTs did see a 'small red dot' in my T ear, which they thought could be a very small infection. I now wonder what if that is/was a small hole.

I've had similar experiences with ENTs and doctors as you have had. In my case I have been using Diacor. I now have a time booked to HYKS central hospital in a couple of weeks, but I'm not very optimistic about that coming visit either. The Helsinki Ear Clinic was the most helpful for me in the beginning.
I have had so much bad luck with doctors that I have given up for now. Its too draining for me to constantly try and find answers only to be told to live with it. Please let me know what happens..BTW I still have an odd echo in my ear when I rub it. Sometimes the echo comes into my speech...
Decided to make an update. Been almost 5 months since the onset of Tinnitus. Still have it. Some days good some days bad.

What I have noticed...

-Tinnitus is now a metal like hiss. Around 10Khz.
-Volume has decreased over time.
-Does spike for random reasons.
-Alcohol seems to help
-Caffeine has no affect
-Wake up with no noise generally
-Gets worse through the day due to it been reactive tinnitus
-Once I go to bed and all goes quite. My tinnitus goes away
-Food types may have an impact. hard to say.
-I can now hide my tinnitus with sounds over time. As though it saturates my auditory system and dampers it.
-Chewing helps alot.
-ACRN for 5 mins makes my tinnitus go away for upto an hour.

Still hopefull it goes away for ever some day....;D

I can't believe how similar our experience is! I have had tinnitus for over three years now and the pattern matches yours on most points you listed. What I find especially interesting is that our tinnitus goes away once we go to bed and only sets in upon waking, progressively getting worse as the day wears on.

I'll have to give ACRN a serious try. If indeed we have the same "type" of tinnitus, check out my thread on eliminating tinnitus with a shower:


This might work for you too.

Best, Golly
My tinnitus does indeed go away for a while with a shower or listening to white noise. Mine also changes when I chew something that puts pressure on my jaw. For example a chewy candy. Even chewing gum seems to elevate the problem for a while.
My tinnitus does indeed go away for a while with a shower or listening to white noise. Mine also changes when I chew something that puts pressure on my jaw. For example a chewy candy. Even chewing gum seems to elevate the problem for a while.
For me, it's crunchy things. Sometimes in the morning, when it seems as if things could go either way (tinnitus-wise), I munch on some chips. I could swear that this staves off the head noise! -G
^ chips as a T relief sound great! :) These chewing symptoms can be classified under somatic / somatosensory T, because mastification muscles (chewing) also interact with Dorsal Cochlear Nucleus part of the brain, which 'mixes' together all the information from the ear / cochlea, body nerves, muscles etc.
They do. I believe it's the trigeminal nerve. It also makes sense that our auditory system 'filters' some of the sounds we make everyday with our mouth and for example when eating.

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