Ear Infection Lead to Tinnitus!


Apr 8, 2016
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Ear infection
A little background, I'm 27 and got tinnitus when I was 25 while out duck hunting in my left ear (shotgun went off right by me head). I was pretty depressed and anxious for about 2 months and then I guess I just go use to it. On Monday (April 4th) I was driving home and felt a lot of pressure behind my right ear and when I tried to clear it out, I heard cracking noises in that ear. Went to the ENT the day after and I was informed that I had an ear infection and sinus infection (my 8 month old son just got over his sinus/ear infection 2 day earlier). Did the audiology test and my right ear dipped on the 4000 hz hearing. I'm on antibiotics for 2 weeks and my ear feels a lot better, no pressure, but the ringing is still there. I am just nervous that im going to go backwards where I was a few years ago, crying and feeling hopeless.
Anyone else have the same thing or can offer advice? Will this go away? :(
With ear infections it can take a while after medication for your ears to settle from inflamation so give it time.
When you finish your medication I would get your ears checked again to make sure the infection has actually cleared up .
Try stay calm as anxiety can increase your tinnitus also so try stay positive
....lots of love glynis
I'm on a 2 week antibiotic and have another appointment with the ENT May 9th. Im trying to be positive but its so hard at times. I keep thinking about when I first got it a few years ago and got over it, now with it in both ears, im exhausted and emotionally drained.
x2, Anxiety and stress can aggravate T or make it look worse. So try your very best to stay positive and calm. Try masking the T to help you not get so anxious. If you haven't yet, here are some good sites with masking sounds:
1) Mask at bed time so you can sleep better. Find whatever sounds/music that are soothing to you. You can use a sound machine or sound pillow for this, or a computer with speakers.

2) If you need masking on the go, try load an ipad with nature sounds or music using itune, or use smart phone. You can also order some nature sounds via 'itune' to play on your PC.

3) If you have computer and speakers, you can try these excellent masking sounds:

TT's audio player: https://www.tinnitustalk.com/audioplayer/

or download free sound generator 'aire freshener': http://www.peterhirschberg.com/mysoftware.html

or make your own rain sound: http://mynoise.net/NoiseMachines/rainNoiseGenerator.php

or search youtube with words like 'tinnitus masking sounds', 'white noise', 'rain sound' etc.
Im trying to be positive but this is tough, seems that my OCD cannot get my mind off of it. Do we know how long the ear infection takes to heal before the noise goes away? I dont have any pain in the ear and it seems that the tubes have opened up. Just wish it would get better :(. I know its only been about a week and I need to give it time, just super hard right now.
Ears are the last to get better with any infection or virus in your system.
Self help like steam inhalation will help but I'm afraid it's just a waiting game.
Playing sound therapy through the night can help and sounds on around you in the day .
I find the sense of smell a good distraction with lavender on my pillow to help me sleep and take my mind off the sound.....lots of love glynis
Im trying to be positive but this is tough, seems that my OCD cannot get my mind off of it. Do we know how long the ear infection takes to heal before the noise goes away? I dont have any pain in the ear and it seems that the tubes have opened up. Just wish it would get better :(. I know its only been about a week and I need to give it time, just super hard right now.

Since your T is so new and is related to acoustic trauma (loud noise exposure), then perhaps get some prednisone treatment from your doctor asap. This is often recommended by members for new T. Here is a discussion on such treatment alternative:

x3 for anxiety or stress increasing your T.

Dude , I feel for you and wholy understand not being able to take your mind off it. In my experience that isn't OCD bro , its anxiety. When you just cant stop your brain from sparking with thoughts about something. :(

All i can say is that with the right outlook , things will get better for you. You are not alone in this struggle either. So try and keep positive :)
Thanks Johnothewop, I know I have anxiety and when I had this problem a year and a half ago, I got put on Predisone I think for anxiety. Made me worse off to be honest. I'm not sure what anti-anxiety medication I need? Just hate that this ear infection caused this ya know?
Thanks Johnothewop, I know I have anxiety and when I had this problem a year and a half ago, I got put on Predisone I think for anxiety. Made me worse off to be honest. I'm not sure what anti-anxiety medication I need? Just hate that this ear infection caused this ya know?

Generally, doctors will prescribe benzo for anxiety, like Ativan, Klonopin, may be even Xanax, Valium etc. You may want to give the natural stuffs a try if you don't want the prescribed benzos which can be addictive.

Try natural alternatives such as Catnip, Valerian, Hops, Passion Flower, Lemon Balm, Chamomile, Lavender, Kava, Melatonin etc. You can google search each of them to know their use and see if you can take them as a supplement. Check out this site on using natural herbs for helping to sleep or to calm the nerves.

Thanks Johnothewop, I know I have anxiety and when I had this problem a year and a half ago, I got put on Predisone I think for anxiety. Made me worse off to be honest. I'm not sure what anti-anxiety medication I need? Just hate that this ear infection caused this ya know?

My Doctor prescribed me with Lorazepam( a brand of benzo ) to be taken when I was struggling to go to sleep or was having particularly bad bouts of anxiety but for me this wasn't the answer. Although it helped calm my thoughts and I used it in extreme circumstances, I didnt particularly like the nonchalant "I couldnt care less" feeling it gave me towards everything else in my daily life.

For me counselling sessions worked best. They got to the root of my anxiety, helped me vent frustrations that I didn't even realize were affecting me as well as giving me techniques and mechanisms to understanding the cycle of anxiety and overcome it using logical thought processes.

Everyone is different, as is what works for them. But personally I chose to explore this avenue before consigning myself to walking round like a zombie, high on "f**k it" pills lol. And I am glad I did.

This was 7 years ago and I have had control of my anxiety since. . . Right up until the point I got T, which has brought it back in some capacity, but not as badly as it was before(Which was so bad I couldnt go outside, see anyone etc).

I think my anxiety has returned somewhat because I find it hard to switch off my thoughts about my ear ringing. Which makes my T worse because it gets me stressed, which increases my anxiety which gets me more stressed, increases my T and so the cycle snowballs. Even when I notice that my ear "isn't" ringing it's enough for my brain to "search" for the noise and bring it back. Its a complete pain in the backside.

One thing I know for sure is that the relationship between the 2 is almost symbiotic. One feeding into the other and if you my friend can find ways to calm yourself, relieving your anxiety. Your T should calm itself too and you'll be a lot happier.

Regarding your ear infection. I also had this diagnosis and have been treated for them on several occasions, each time ending up confused because I thought that once clear, my T would go away. Which it unfortunately didn't.

I guess what I am trying to say here is, gear yourself up for the worst case scenario. To coping with your anxiety, calming yourself down and to having T. Then any improvements you get after this are a bonus, and if it doesnt improve after your ear infection is clear? You are already working with the tools you need to make yourself at ease with it.

Just keep the faith bro, nothing is insurmountable if you have the right outlook :)


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